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nutcracker, NYCB, December 11, 2003.

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Hi :

Many persons don't care too much for Yvonne Borree, but she was a fabulous Sugar Plum last night , and Nicholaj Hubbe was a great cavalier. I think the costumes are new becasue they really shone last evening. I've seen "Nutcracker" at least 49 times at major companies and local dance studio companies, but I would rate last's night's total performace as an A+. I do tend to look for the good in life and in art, and I am not enoough of a technician to know if anyne missed position. I sit in the fourth ring and it was only one-quarter filled. Miranda Weese is so great and Janie Taylor was one of the two lead flowers. I love Janie, and I think she should be a principal. Happy Channukah and Merry Christmas, balletomanes. Jim Mattimore :

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Hi, Jim -- Thanks for this. I'm going to move this into the New York City Ballet Forum, which is where posts about performances, other company new and issues go (I know you're new and it takes awhile to find one's way around!)

Did anyone else see this performance? Other Nutcrackers?

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I became intrigued with Borree because she reminded me of Kay Mazzo. No, she is not the most accomplished dancer but she is appealing in a variety of roles and when she is on she can be a pleasure to watch...I saw her in an especially good VIENNA WALTZES (Voices of Spring) and in SERENADE she is always a delight.

Janie Taylor is a principal in everything but name. Watching her "grow up" in the last couple of seasons has been a real treat.

In general I think there are three "levels" in any given ballet audience. First are other dancers, dance students, teachers and other dance professionals. They are likely to notice every tiny flaw and to see things from an insider perspective. Sometimes I think their comments can be overly negative and possibly motivated by jealousy. And I imagine it is easy to sit in the audience and say, "Oh, she should have done this or that...she missed this...her hand should have been here rather than there..." etc. while the dancer actually doing it is giving her all.

Then there are people like me who have been going a long time and who have taken a few ballet classes (and have forgotten everything except how difficult it is!) and can see if something is unsightly (a fudged turn, a "broken" wrist) but don't let such things preclude an overall enjoyment of the evening.

And then, the vast majority: they don't know anything about technique but just know that it's all so beautiful. If the girls are pretty and can turn and the boys have nice butts and can jump and the music is pleasant, then the evening for them is a big success.

And I suppose there is a fourth category: those who come to the ballet and fall asleep.

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I also attended the Dec. 11th performance. The standout for me was Weese's Dewdrop. Absolutely beautiful. Weese does not just have flawless technique, she dances with such attack and command, she is simply breathtaking. I was not as impressed with Borree. While her performance was good, she did not look strong and she seemed to be holding on to Hubbe for dear life in the pas de deux. It was as if you had to be worried about whether or not she would get through her variation and the pas de deux, you couldn't just sit back and enjoy her dancing. Janie Taylor was wonderful in Flowers, she just keeps getting more and more pleasant to watch. Glenn Keenan and Alina Dronova were standouts in Marzipan for their beautiful smiles and crisp legwork. Carrie Lee Riggins, however, I was expecting more from. She seemed to be struggling to get through the piece, and did not look strong at all. While she is beautiful to watch and has gorgeous legs and lines, something was missing in her performance last night. She simply didn't look strong enough to be dancing the lead, especially with four girls behind her who have very strong foot and legwork. All in all it was a very good performance for the first I have seen all season.

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TO NYCB fans: Remember a few years back when Carla Korbes and Ashley Bouder seemed to be favorites? What happened? I wrote a huge love/appreciation letter to Janie Taylor last year, and she graciously sent me a signed pair of pointe shoes.Where did Aesha Ash go? I see that Janie will be Dewdrop on Thursday, so I'll take my one and a half hour train ride from Long Island just to see her.

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