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Everything posted by abatt

  1. If they split up Martins' job into two different positions, the annual salary for each position might not be attractive enough to certain candidates.
  2. Perry Silvey, the long time stage manager at NYCB, has posted a defense of Peter Martins in the comment section of the NY Times article announcing Peter's retirement.
  3. These developments are a setback for the soloists who were on track for a potential promotion like Phelan, Ball and maybe others. None of the interim directors are going to promote anyone. Moreover, it's unlikely a new person coming in as the permanent director will act quickly regarding any promotions.
  4. The dysfunction is most noteworthy in the trouble their daughter is in. Talicia's hearing in Maine is this week (assuming it has not been adjourned again.)
  5. Ability to raise funds is actually just as important as being able to teach. Possibly more important. Sara Mearns has posted a black blank page on her instagram account. Wheeldon was not mentioned as a candidate, which I find interesting. Maybe he prefers to just choreograph.
  6. I think Whelan has been teaching at Ballet Academy East, so she does have some experience in teaching and coaching. I think it would be marvelous if the Board appointed a woman to Peter's NYCB position.
  7. I respectfully disagree, Helene. When MCB came to New York critics and audiences alike were highly impressed with the rep and with the vitality of the dancers.
  8. Yes, the new DUI last week was the nail in the coffin. However, ultimately I thought this would end in his resignation even without the new DuI. If they are continuing the investigation and they end up concluding that he engaged in misconduct, does that impact his compensation/pension? I tend to doubt it. Is Darci continuing on at SAB? The article is silent about whether she will continue in her present jobs. Millepied as Martins successor? Please no, no, no. Whelan would be an incredible choice. I would also support Peck. But NO Millepied.
  9. Mearns announced on her social media that she will not dance Dewdrop again. This was her final season for that role. Back to DeLuz, he will probably retire either later this season or next season. But I'm sure he will get the full retirement gala, which he deserves.
  10. I don't interpret his words as meaning that he is leaving. He is merely retiring a particular role.
  11. I think many of the artists who were either being honored or were performing might have boycotted if Trump had attended.
  12. As previously mentioned Copeland and R. Fairchild were part of the de Lavallade tribute. In addition, Stella Abrera did a pdd with Broadway star Brandon Victor Dixon. Also, Alicia Graf Mack, Matthew Rushing and Linda Celeste Sims did part of the Wade in the Water segment from Ailey's Revelations.
  13. abatt

    Gomes and ABT

    Gorak used to be thought of as the next Hallberg. I don't think anyone in the above thread has mentioned him as someone who could fill in any of the TBA spots. He seems to be going nowhere at ABT.
  14. Review of some important Nuts debuts: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/26/arts/dance/nutcracker-debuts-new-york-city-ballet.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Farts&action=click&contentCollection=arts&region=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=6&pgtype=sectionfront
  15. abatt

    Gomes and ABT

    Thanks. I thought it was a current post.
  16. abatt

    Gomes and ABT

    Thrilled that Marcelo is communicating with his fans and that his other engagements are proceeding as scheduled. ADDED: Hopefully Bourne knows that Marcelo has a substantial following in New York, and that any production Bourne brings to NY featuring him will sell very well.
  17. abatt

    Gomes and ABT

    They will probably redistribute Gomes' roles among Stearns, Whiteside & possibly Lendorf. Maybe Hammoudi or Hoven will pick some work up. I doubt they will hire a guest artist to take over Marcelo's workload.
  18. abatt

    Gomes and ABT

    Does anyone know whether Marcelo is a US citizen. I'm wondering whether his resignation will impact his ability to continue to live in the US, if that's what he wants to do. Yes, ABT's male roster is now much too thin. McKenzie will either need to promote at least one of the male soloists to principal, or hire someone from another company who can step into principal roles.
  19. abatt

    Gomes and ABT

    Cahill is one of the top law firms in the country, and ABT likely has a continuing relationship with the firm over the years on many matters. That's how big organizations like ABT operate. I'm sure Cahill is on McKenzie's speed dial. ABT learned about this sometime on Saturday, and then confronted Marcelo shortly thereafter. Do we really think that Marcelo was able to arrange any kind of meaningful legal counseling, much less counseling equal to a behemoth like Cahill, in 36 or so hours - during the week before Christmas? Not a chance. (Didn't intend to quote Marta)
  20. abatt

    Gomes and ABT

    The Barth press release screams lawyer-speak. ABT was lawyered up the wazoo. Marcelo never had a chance.
  21. abatt

    Gomes and ABT

    The two situations should not be compared. It was entirely appropriate for NYCB to hire a law firm to investigate because the allegations against Martins come from alleged victims who are or were employees of NYCB. The claims are for wrongdoing by Martins during the course and in the scope of his employment as head of NYCB and SAB. That is not the case regarding the claim against Marcelo. One size reaction does not fit all. Also, ballet dancers abruptly resign from companies all the time. (See Cojocaru and Kobborg). There was no need for ABT to slather on the innuendo re Marcelo in the press release. All they had to do was announce his resignation and leave it at that. Instead, this release apparently passed through a committee of lawyers who didn't give a damn whether they destroyed Marcelo as a human being or a performer.
  22. I need to add to my worst list. Joffrey Ballet's Romeo and Juliet. What a ghastly production. After such a long absence from NYC, why would they bring that ballet for their Koch engagement.
  23. abatt

    Gomes and ABT

    Given the speed with which all this unfolded, it's possible that Marcelo did not consider the possibility that he would give the appearance of looking guilty by resigning. Moreover, he may not have thought to ask for a more vanilla press release from ABT regarding his departure in exchange for his resignation. It may have taken him by surprise that ABT decided to go the route of Character Assassination by Press Release.
  24. Agree with you, California, about the Vishneva Gomes Onegin. As good as it gets.
  25. Best Mariinsky Ballet's La Bayadere at the Kennedy Center, with stellar artists including Tereshkina, Kondaurova and Kim. Jewels 50th Anniversary Celebration at the Koch Theater - Stellar performances of Rubies and Diamonds. Less than thrilling performances of Emeralds, but 2 out of 3 ain't bad. Devon Teuscher in Swan Lake. Looking forward to seeing more and more of this ballerina. Sarah Lane as Giselle. The promotion finally happened for Sarah. What a heart wrenching performance. Tiler Peck, Megan Fairchild both debuting in Swan Lake. Also Zach Catazaro. Tiler Peck's debut in Sonnambula, Chase Finlay's debut as the Poet in that ballet in a different cast. The return of Maria Kowroski! The seemingly endless pool of stellar talent at NYCB. The return of David Hallberg. Worst Shimmering Asphalt by Pontus Lindberg- lots of superficiality and posing, but not much ballet dancing Troy Schumacher's The Wind Still Brings- hopefully the wind will sweep this one far far away from the Koch Theater ABT's Character Assassination by Press Release of Marcelo Gomes. And of course the departure of this beloved artist from ABT makes this the worst of the worst of 2017. The break up of the seemingly perfect partnership of Robert Fairchild and Tiler Peck. Thanks for the memories, especially in Who Cares. Their performances together in The Man I Love will probably never be equaled, much less surpassed. The departure of Robbie Fairchild from NYCB. Reichlin in Swan Lake- she's gotten worse since her role debut, rather than better. Most Controversial The Times Are Racing- some loved it; others (myself included) mostly disliked the choreography. The one section of the choreography which I will always remember is the exciting tap duet for Justin Peck and Robbie Fairchild, which is preserved on youtube. Least Surprising Peter Martins' conduct has finally landed him in hot water after so many decades. What will be the ultimate outcome? Retirement? Firing? Or return to his old job?
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