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Everything posted by abatt

  1. I received an email from NYCB with the program info for the DeLuz farewell. The program is: Theme and Variations Concerto Barocco A Suite of Dances Todo Buenos Aires "Joaquin is scheduled to appear in Theme and Variations, A Suite of Dances, and Todo Buenos Aires."
  2. Ironically, NYCB will be doing both Fancy Free and Other Dances one week before the ABT fall season. I anticipate that DeLuz (a former ABT dancer) will be dancing one or both of those ballets during his Farewell on Oct 14. Every balletomane in NYCB will be at DeLuz's farewell. I would much rather see NYCB in these ballets than ABT. This is poor planning on ABT's part. The NYCB fall schedule has been out since April.
  3. The Osipova Hallberg performances at City Center are Apr 4-7. Added: I hadn't noticed this before, but Hallberg is not participating in ABT's fall season at the Koch. Off to more interesting gigs, once again. ABT is not a priority for him.
  4. I agree that Peck is now so well established he doesn't need to concern himself with the competition. However, next season he is choreographing 2 new works for NYCB, and this past season he choreographed 3 new works for NYCB. A lot of his prior works are being revived as part of the rep. I just find it interesting that under Martins, Lovette, Walker and Schumacher all got commissions. The new interim team seems less interested in developing/commissioning choreographers from within, and has predominantly gone outside the NYCB family for new works.
  5. The schedule is now on ABT's master calendar.
  6. Is the schedule available anywhere yet?
  7. So Symphonie Concertante is getting 5 ABT performances during ABT season, plus 2 at the Balanchine 75 celebration over at City Center. That's a whole lot of that ballet.
  8. Yes. Twice. There are some comments about her shows earlier in the thread. She has now completely dropped the fouettes from her performance and substitutes chaine turns. Saw my first and last Copeland SL last week. How was your trip?
  9. NYCB rarely performs individual Jewels ballets. My only memory of stand alone ballets from Jewels is at galas. For example, a few years ago they did the Rubies pdd at the Valentino gala. So disappointed that they axed Liebeslieder.
  10. Just noticed another change in the calendar. During the spring season 2019, Brandenburg is replaced by Diamonds. Too bad, because Brandenburg has not been performed in quite some time and I was looking forward to its return. I guess we cannot complain about seeing Diamonds instead. I'm now wondering how many additional calendar changes there are that we have not noticed.
  11. Anyone else notice that Whiteside is replacing Hammoudi in tomrrow night's SL (partnering Murphy)? It's on the ABT calendar.
  12. Kimin Kim may have been part of an artist exchange w. Mariinsky. I'm not sure. Isn't Hallberg doing something with Mariinsky in the near future?
  13. I would have enjoyed catching Cirio in Don Q, particularly now that I know he's leaving the company. However, I could not subject myself to seeing Copeland as Kitri. If by some miracle Copeland pulled out of Don Q next week, I would attend. By the way, once Copeland did pull out of her Harlequinades I bought tickets for those dates. Brandt and Simkin were magnificent in Harlequinade.
  14. I agree with this statement. It wasn't merely the absence of the fouettes that made this an extremely weak performance. Copeland tries to hit her positions on time with the music, but there is no grace, beauty or fluidity in her phrasing. Her movement style is stacatto - not what you would ever want in SL. Unfortunately, since Cornejo is Copeland's regular partner now in SL, I will probably not see Cornejo again in SL. Such a shame to pair the best classical male principal with the worst female principal.
  15. Bingo! This is ABT's solution to another video potentially leaking out demonstrating that Misty is not able to perform fouettes.
  16. I was there only for the acts after the intermission (acts III and IV). This was my first Copeland SL, and it will definitely be my last. I really went to see Cornejo, because I have my doubts about how many more years he has left. Copeland has given up even attempting any fouettes. She now enters stage left and simply does chaine turns for the duration of the music. As noted, she lost speed at the end. The audience didn't seem to know that the choreography was changed, or they didn't care.
  17. https://pagesix.com/2018/06/19/michael-jackson-musical-coming-to-broadway-in-2020/ Chris Wheeldon will direct and choreograph a new musical about Michael Jackson on Broadway. The show will debut on Broadway in 2020.
  18. Interesting how any time Hallberg or Copeland sneeze, there is a piece in the NY Times about it. Cirio's departure didn't get any mention.
  19. I haven't seen this production of Angels yet, but you are underestimating Nathan Lane as an actor. His calling card has been in musical comedy, but in recent years he has taken on more dramatic roles with success. The NY Times, in its review of Angels, said that Lane's Cohn was a "career high". .
  20. Watching the performance from the Band's Visit, I felt that Lenk could barely sing. I was surprised how well Lauren Abrose could sing. Have not yet seen MFL.
  21. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/11/books/review/henry-alford-and-then-we-danced.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Farts&action=click&contentCollection=arts&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=sectionfront Apparently Misty is now writing book reviews for the NYTimes.
  22. I have no specific information on why Misty is not appearing in Harlequinade. However, I can offer these facts about her Sat evening performance of Bayadere. She only completed 4 Italian fouettes in her big solo for Gamzatti, and filled out the rest of the music by doing something else. In that same solo, she only completed a few regular fouettes, and then filled in the rest of the music by doing something else. The audience cheered anyway: either they were completely unaware of the standard choreography or they knew but didn't care. I don't think Ratmansky takes kindly to alterations of his choreography, whereas it seems to be standard practice now to permit alterations of works of classical choreography at ABT. Petipa can't say no to these alterations. (Boylston and Cirio were excellent in Bayadere.)
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