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Everything posted by abatt

  1. The Kirov is coming to NYC this summer, per the NY Times. http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/03/07/mariinsky-ballet-to-perform-at-lincoln-center-festival/
  2. I vote for Vishneva and Gomes in Romeo & Juliet at ABT.
  3. I guess they are varying prices based on your city. In New York City it was $25. It was a small theater, and every seat was sold. There was a line of people waiting for returns/cancellations.
  4. This seems like a weak lineup compared to prior years. I guess money is in short supply to pay for more European guest artists to appear.
  5. Here is a link to an interview w. Natalia Osipova. She and Ivan Vasiliev will be in a movie broadcast on Sun. Mar. 6 of Don Q live from the Bolshoi. http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/03/04/a-real-ballerina-hits-the-big-screen-a-conversation-with-natalia-osipova/?ref=arts It appears that the only theater in Manhattan showing this will be Big Cinemas Mahhattan, with a showing on Mar. 6 at 11 AM. However, the Big Cinemas website refers to a showing of Don Q. on Mar. 6 at 11 AM starring Vladimir Ponomarev, Anton Lukovkin, Igor Petrov, Olesia Novikova. Is this a mistake? Any info is appreciated.
  6. Ringer has been doing Gold and Silver for many years. I think they might need a second cast for this, and I would pick Somogyi for it. I think Hyltin has done the section with the polka, but she would be much better suited to the allegro section, Voices of Spring. Mearns has done Tales From the Vienna Woods, but I would love to see her do the final section of the ballet. Kowrowski is due for a shot at the final section. Since Whelan is apparently in rehearsal for the new Seven Deadly Sins ballet (see photo on NYCB homepage), which will be on the same program as Vienna Waltzes this spring, I'm not sure whether she would also be cast in Vienna Waltzes this time around. We'll see. To satisfy LuPone's schedule, they are doing all six performances of Seven Deadly Sins in a single week.
  7. I must be missing something - I've read that New York Times article twice now and don't see any reference to 2012 -it says "this fall." Are you referring to another article? Hi Kristen. An earlier version of the article on the Times website had the dates as Nove 8-13, 2012. The article was corrected this afternoon to remove the 2012 reference. A sentence explaining the correction states that the Times incorrectly reported the dates initially because ABT provided incorrect information. So, the bottom line is, our posts here on Ballet Talk about 2012 must have awakened someone at the ABT publicity office who goofed and gave the Times the wrong year. We will see them in 2011 at City Center. Yeah.
  8. I didn't even notice that the article was referring to dates in 2012. I just assumed it was for 2011. 2012 is way too far in the future to get excited.
  9. From the NY Times http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/03/02/american-ballet-theater-will-return-to-city-center/?ref=arts
  10. Film critic Manola Dargis is doing an article for the Sunday NY Times about her attendance at the Oscars. There are a series of photos posted on-line on the NY Times website under the heading "Scenes From the Governors Ball." The 5th photo is a great photo of former ABT dancer Jackie Reyes posing with Aaron Sorkin. The description of the photo reads "Aaron Sorkin and his guest..." Reyes looks lovely.
  11. I found that to be the case as well. Bouder is a marvel in many roles, but she needs some coaching as Odette. One example of failing to convey pathos occurred in the final act. There is a quiet moment when Odette sinks to the floor and then lowers her arm to the ground. Most ballerinas slowly lower the arm. Bouder decided to slam her hand on the stage floor so that it made a sound when her hand hit the stage floor. She may have been trying to convey Odette's frustration, but for me it robbed the scene of grandeur and pathos. It made Odette seem like a frustrated child.
  12. Now that the Winter Season is over, NYCB updated the photos on its home page to highlight things that are coming up in the Spring. There is a rehearsal photo for The Seven Deadly Sins (SDS) that features Wendy Whelan surrounded by several crouching men. I really liked Lynn Taylor Corbett's Chiascoro. I have high hopes for SDS.
  13. Did anyone else find Anne Hathaway grating on the nerves? She was trying too hard to be fun, happy and perky. Why did she have to scream "Whoo Hooo" every time a celebrity walked on stage to present an award? I'm sure it wasn't her idea, but there were far too many dress changes for her. Franco was more tolerable. Hauling out Kirk Douglas was a bad idea. He was barely comprehensible. I had no idea that was Jackie Reyes. I guess Sorkin is having a mid life crisis.
  14. The performance at the Rose Theater has tickets available at all price levels according to the website of Jazz at Lincoln Center, which runs/rents the Rose Theater. I just checked the website for Jazz at Lincoln Center, and ticket prices for the performance only on March 15 range from $73 to $133. Tickets for the performance can be purchased by the general public. It is only the gala dinner that costs $600. The socialites are performing at the Rose Theater. Apart from being an insult to Graham's legacy, this is tantamount to consumer fraud because the unsuspecting public believes they are buying tickets to see a dance performance by a professional dance company, when in fact they will be seeing the socialites "perform" Maple Leaf Rag. What's next? David Koch as Apollo? Oh, wait, the Balanchine Trust would never allow it.
  15. George Balanchine and various other choreographers had the benefit of very good legal advice. Their works cannot be performed in any public setting without the approval of a trust which oversees performance quality and standards of the copyrighted choreography. Apparently there is no such quality control over the performance of the Martha Graham works, since socialites with no dance experience or qualifications will be "performing." It is my understanding that the socialites will be performing in a public space - the Rose Theater at Jazz At Lincoln Center, where people have paid to see the performance. This is not being performed in someone's private living room or private estate. That's why this situation is so outrageous, in my opinion.
  16. Finlay is certainly a future candidate for Apollo and many other major roles. He may even be learning the role as an understudy now. However, he is too young and not ready for a major role of that stature at this juncture.
  17. Here's a tidbit that made my stomach turn. How far the Graham Company has fallen: http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/24/dance-of-the-socialites
  18. I had the good fortune of seeing all of the casts at NYCB. I saw the Mearns/Angle cast all three times - twice in the fourth ring and once, thanks to my husband's splurge and effort in securing tickets, from the first row center of the first ring. (I saw former general manager of the Met Opera, Joe Volpe, that night. Marcelo Gomes was also in the first ring.) I'll join the chorus of all those who praised Mearns' performances as remarkable and exquisite. Her performance in this ballet should be on DVD. Jared Angle doesn't really do a thing for me in this ballet. I saw Bouder/Veyette once. Unfortunately, while I think Bouder is a great dancer in certain roles, I did not think she was a particularly memorable Swan Queen. Apart from the issue of a lack of vulnerability mentioned above, I felt like she rarely stretched her positions to create beautiful lines. Also, I felt there was way too much arm flapping. This was a pitfall that Sara Mearns wisely avoided. Normally, I would have expected Bouder to at least knock the Black Swan section out of the park. She was having a bit of an off night when I saw it (last Wednesday) and nearly lost her balance after coming out of some spins. Veyette's dancing tends to look very effortful. He has learned to achieve height in his jumps, but this seems to come at the expense of his line. I saw Reichlin/T. Angle last Thursday. Reichlin had some excellent, beautiful moments. Her elongated limbs suit this role perfectly. However, there were many moments where the performance looked like a work in progress. It didn't help that the tempo was so fast at times that she could barely perform all the steps and still keep up with the music. Tyler Angle was excellent. He was a romantic partner and handled his solos very well. Tess is too tall for him, but they worked well together. Hyltin and R. Fairchild gave a very good debut performance on Sunday afternoon. Hyltin had lovely stretched positions. She paid attention to details in the use of her arms, head and neck. She and Robby handled the technical demands of their roles very well. I would definitely be interested in seeing them again in the future when they develop more in their roles. On to some of the minor roles. I think it was noted earlier how brilliant T. Peck. DeLuz, M. Fairchild and A. Stafford were in the p.d.q. I was disappointed by the later casts. Christian T. seemed to have difficulty w. the demands of the role. Chase Finlay has a lot going for him, but he has difficulty cleanly landing his turns in the air. He also struggled with the difficult choreography. I saw Pereirra in the second cast of the p.d.q. There is no technical challenge that is too great for her. She is marvelous. I thought Megan LeCrone was out of her technical league in the pdq. S. Lowery was miscast. Petite allegro is not her forte. It's been a fun and exciting Winter Season. Kathryn Morgan and Adrian Daching Waring are missed. Now it's about time to get excited about our new casts for Apollo, Vienna Waltzes and other masterpieces returning in the Spring.
  19. Yes, the idea of watching 50 minutes of Martins' choreography is mind numbing, isn't it?
  20. Sir Paul's new work for NYCB will premiere at NYCB's fall gala on Sept 22. Peter Martins is choreographing the new work. More details here: http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/23/paul-mccartney-collaborates-with-city-ballet/?ref=arts
  21. Is Merrill Ashley teaching at ABT? I'm shocked. She is such an integral part of NYCB's history. In the current program of NYCB, Merrill Ashley is listed as "Guest Teacher." Did she fill Georgina Parkinson's position, or was Merrill Ashley teaching at ABT prior to Ms. Parkinson's death?
  22. The Met Opera announced the 2011-2012 season today. The new productions for next season are: Anna Bolena, Don Giovanni, Siegfried, Faust, The Enchanted Island (a pastiche of Baroque music), Götterdämmerung, and Manon. Manon and Anna Bolena will star Anna Netrebko. Enchanted Island will star David Daniels. The 2011-12 season of The Met: Live in HD will feature 11 transmissions as follows:October 15 - Anna Bolena, Don Giovanni (October 29), Siegfried (November 5), Satyagraha (November 19), Rodelinda (December 3), Faust (December 10), The Enchanted Island (January 21), Götterdämmerung (February 11), Ernani (February 25), Manon (April 7), and La Traviata (April 14). For more info, go to the Met Opera website.
  23. Hi Faux Pas. I didn't think Vishneva was the best from the standpoint of technique. However, her overall performance was the most moving and nuanced of the three casts I saw last week. Giselle is one of those ballets where acting ability is equal to or more important than stellar technique. I would agree that Vishneva's technique is now on the decline compared to a few years ago due to her age and prior injuries. I was surprised that the NY Times disliked Vishneva so much, whereas the reviewer for the Washington Post thought her performance was stellar. I happen to agree with the Washington Post on this one.
  24. I watched the BAFTA awards on BBC America last night. Portman won Best Actress for Black Swan. The director of that film accepted the award on her behalf, saying that due to her pregnancy she was unable to make the trip to London. The King's Speech swept the awards, winning Best Picture, Best British Picture, Best Actor for Colin Firth, Best Supporting Actor for Geoffrey Rush, and Best Supporting Actress for Helena Bonham Carter. The director of the Social Network won for Best Director.
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