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Everything posted by abatt

  1. The context of the refernce to Ruth Bader Ginsberg tangent has now been completely lost because the Misty thread was cut into a second thread. The reference related to using publicity. It originated from the following comment: "Doing publicity isn't "stirring the pot." It's doing publicity. .. Is Ruth Bader Ginsberg stirring the pot when she talks frankly about how she disagrees with the Roberts' court majority decisions?"
  2. American in Paris has won the Drama League Award http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/05/15/drama-league-names-an-american-in-paris-best-musical/?ref=arts
  3. I'm a little surprised that Hammoudi is not cast in any featured role at the Gala.
  4. Well at least Bolle wouldn't have any worries about lifting Maria Kochetkova. They would look a little silly together. Apart from their vast differences in size, he might look more like her dad than her love interest. But I guess if you have a dad that looks like Roberto, life can't be too bad...
  5. Maybe that's why Part has been denied an opportunity at Tatiana in Onegin. She's just not Russian enough
  6. Not happening. Kochetkova is now listed for the gala Giselle assignment, replacing Semionova. Abrera still listed in the the Myrta role for the gala. So when will they enlighten us about the remainder of Semionova's assignments this season?
  7. They will probably allow you to exchange your NYCB ticket if you can get to the box office at least 24 hours beforehand. For all the Stella fans out there, since ticket sales seem to play a role in how McKenzie decides casting, please spread the word to any ballet fans to purchase tickets to Stella's Giselle.
  8. We may make the Met website crash.
  9. So thrilled that Abrera is getting this chance. Knock em dead Stella. Wishing Semionova well, too.
  10. Thanks for the dates, California. They previousy announced that Mark Morris will create a new work for ABT's fall season. I would bet various ballets from last fall will return, including Sinfonietta and their version of Raymonda Variations. Also would bet that Pillar of Fire will be at the Koch. Given that it's Twyla's 50th anniversary in the biz, bet your wish about Push Comes to Shove will come true. Wonder if they will continue their tradition of no shows on Halloween. Since it falls on a Saturday this year, that would mean a loss of two shows. Also, Yom Kippur falls during these dates, which may result in a loss of some ticket sales.
  11. Anna Wintour of Vogue is determined to save the Tony nominees from fashion disasters on the Tony Red Carpet. Vogue is providing evening wear to some nominees, including Leanne Cope and possibly Christopher Wheeldon http://nypost.com/2015/05/14/tony-awards-enlist-anna-wintour-to-fix-its-fashion-disaster/
  12. Part is too sophisticated and glam to be Caroline. It's more of a waif part, I think. The designated waifs in the company are Vishneva, Seo and Kent. I would have liked to see Abrera in Part's role in a second cast.
  13. Here's a little fluff piece from the NY Times on Jenelle's beauty routine and the products she wears http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/14/fashion/a-promise-of-beauty-in-a-bottle.html?ref=fashion
  14. Well, it took some time, but the miscreant that went on the stabbing rampage in 2013, stabbing James Fayette, his son and others, has finally been sentenced. Sentence is 23 years. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/13/nyregion/man-sentenced-to-23-years-for-stabbing-five-in-riverside-park.html
  15. I suspect Pillar will be repeated by ABT at the Koch in the Fall. Teucher probably would have made her debut in the fall at the Koch, but she had to make her debut early due to Kent's absence. I also felt that the size of the Met stage for both Pillar and Lilac swallowed up the ballets.
  16. Did anyone see last night's show? How was Devon Teucher in Pillar?
  17. It was. Don't miss the Gorak, Lane, Abrera, Part cast of Les Sylphides. The across-the-plaza dash is a great idea.
  18. Ruth Bader Ginsberg reached the level of US Supreme Court Justice through her work, not through a media campaign. Leo DiCaprio is regarded as one of the finest actors of his generation, and has been acting since he was a teenager to acclaim. Neither one needed the media to buoy their careers. Their brilliance in their respective fields was already well established through their body of work. McKenzie wasn't giving Misty any particularly wonderful new roles that were better than or different from her fellow soloists until after the book publication and the barrage of interviews that followed. Don't forget, she's already 32 and has been with ABT a long time. Given the timing of Misty new ascendancy at ABT, it's not unreasonable to ask the question if there is a cause and effect relationship between the media blitz and her ascendancy. If she does get promoted, I hope she can bring in lots of new audience members who help ABT remain financially afloat well into the future. Keeping an open mind about her dancing and will be reading the professional critic reviews closely. The one thing you can always count on is that once someone does a role at ABT, they generally get cast in it again year after year after year. So if she does an awesome Juliet that I miss, there will numerous future opportunities to see it.
  19. abatt

    Misty Copeland

    Everyone here knows that there have been divided opinions about various dancers over the years, resulting in heated discussions. However, the controversy about Misty (now on pg 52 of this thread!) is stirred up again every time Misty does another interview. I was happy that this thread was quiet for about a week, but that quiet was once again broken when the 60 Minutes interview hit. By constantly stirring the pot through her media campaign, her own behavior is repeatedly stirring up the controversy. Yes, it is curious that McKenzie is suddenly casting her in everything from soup to nuts this season. If it moves tickets, that's probably the only thing they care about now at ABT. Given her busy public speaking agenda, it's a wonder she has time to perform. By the way, she was replaced in last night's T&V in a demi-soloist role. No announcement or slip of paper. I believe her replacement was Williams.
  20. Both ABT and NYCB scan the tickets.
  21. If Kent is injured, why do these cast changes in dribs and drabs. She did the same thing at the Kennedy Center with last second cancellations, where Murphy had to dance three days in a row to cover her assignments. Personally, I would dream of Ferri coming back to take the Desdemona role. Not going to happen, but I can hope. Attended today's matinee. What a difference a cast makes. This cast of Sylphides was sublime and ethereal, with a much more convincing mastery of the Romantic style than Monday's cast. The leads were Part, Gorak, Abrera and Lane. Abrera doesn't have Boylston's jumping ability, but she brought so many other details to the role that I didn't care. The second cast of Lilac was pretty good, but not nearly as convincing as the first cast. The weakest link was Shevshenko, who danced all the steps but lacked dramatic impetus. This is the best work I've seen from Tom Forrester, who was passionate and ardent. Didn't stay for Rodeo.
  22. They are not using guest artists for the mixed rep because I believe some of these works will/have been at the Koch during their fall season. They never hire guests for the Koch, so they focus on using the home team in these works. Yes, Vishneva would have been marvelous in Lilac.
  23. Tonight's performance was excellent. Sarah Lane and Herman Cornejo were sublime as the leads in T&V. Sarah's footwork was so clear and precise. Her arms were held in lovely, rounded positions. Herman effortlessly performed his difficult solo. Except for one mistake, his partnering was also very good. Lilac Garden was also wonderful. This role is an excellent fit for Hee Seo. The entire lead cast of Seo, Stearns, Zhurbin and Part was outstanding. Whereas Part completely overshadowed Devon T. during the Fall performances at the Koch, the addition of Hee Seo taking over Devon's role really served the ballet well and created a better balance of the characters. I have enough of Rodeo so I didn't stay for that ballet. Once again, the auditorium looked less than half full.
  24. No, I don't believe that's correct. The ABT press release of April 30 indicated that Kent would be Hagar, not Teuscher. http://www.abt.org/insideabt/news_display.asp?News_ID=513
  25. I don't know if Kent is injured. Kent is still listed for the Sat performance of Pillar, and also for an excerpt of Pillar at the Gala. Why is Semionova removed? Is she injured?
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