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Everything posted by Helene

  1. If it's from scratch, Cerrito: Imler Grahn: Mearns Grisi: Tereshkina Taglioni: Delgado But if it's Dolin, I want to see Imler do the Grisi (2nd) variation. And I still think Ratmansky should either base it on 20th century ballerinas or, preferably, on the four dancers I've chosen. Then in 2115, someone else can come along and dancers can portray Imler, Mearns, Tereshkina, and Delgado
  2. Balance is not something of which I can accuse ABT schedulers.
  3. Since it would be a modern work, maybe: Nerina: Imler Adams: P. Delgado Plisetskaya or de Vulpian: Mearns Kolpakova: Tereshkina
  4. Oh, sad for the audience, but best wishes and good health and happiness to him
  5. Since it's Ratmansky and a modern-day version: Tereshkina P. Delgado Imler Mearns
  6. Michael Sean Breeder and Rebecca King interview Adriana Pierce for their "Conversations on Dance" podcast: http://tendusunderapalmtree.com/adriana-pierce-choreographer/ It's the actual voice of an actual woman choreographer. For a freaking change.
  7. It looked like Emma Love Suddarth after Lindsi Dec. Since the moms in the company are Ricard Orza, Foster, Dec, and Imler, I'm sure she'd be surprised to know she had a child and has come back .
  8. I've been thinking about a lot of things that were discussed by the panel on Wednesday night. When some of the panelists talked about how by being the only black or brown face as students and young corps members, they had no one to show them how to do their makeup, for example. I get the impression, and it might not be a fair one, that there's an insularity in ballet, in which if something isn't passed down, it's not important or relevant. If ballet was like the best figure skating, in which being behind means your students get passed by and lose, a teacher recognizing what he or she didn't know would be as important as what he or she did know, which is why in skating, and maybe competition dance?, you see the best coaches working with teams of experts and/or sending their kids to other coaches who have expertise in what they don't. That vigilance in looking for what the students need because it's outside the teachers' and peers' expertise and experience and finding people who do, until there are enough peers and teachers of color. And by enough peers, I mean enough peers for those who want to and can be mentors to do so, chosen by the same personal interests and simpatico that dancers who are in the majority take as a given. Edited to Add:. I don't mean to discount the teachers who do go to incredible lengths to help their students to make it, investing their (unpaid) time, paying for shoes, entry fees, costumes, travel, extra coaching, and everything else that goes into enabling their student, making introductions and using their Network to get outside coaching, and/or housing them. Anecdotally, this story is told more in smaller studios.
  9. In the "Beyond Ballet" discussion hosted at PNB this past Wednesday, the panelists spoke about how important it was to see someone who looked like them at the front of the classroom. Mitchell's death is a huge blow to the new school and to the community.
  10. PNB announced on Facebook that former PNB soloist and PNBS teacher Kabby Mitchell has died: I just met him earlier this year, and he spoke about some wonderful plans. RIP, Mr. Mitchell.
  11. King5 did a story on Sarah Ricard Orza and her dual role as mom and dancer: http://www.king5.com/news/local/moms-find-special-role-with-pacific-northwest-ballet/436687676 PNB might have four moms now, but six dancers have children: Seth Orza and Karel Cruz are dancing PNB dads.
  12. We've been spared births, as far as I know, since the audience has likely cleared the auditorium before labor is over, and there is no definitive code for break-ups: too many diverse behaviors, and too many behaviors that could mean multiple things.
  13. It is: in fact, it's one of the examples of Official News in our rules and policies, "Non-verbal behavior on stage that signifies a retirement or marriage proposal."
  14. Thanks @miliosr! The Instagram message from 15 hours ago is:
  15. There are at least 20 Diego Cruz's on Instagram. Would you please let us know his handle?
  16. Thank you for letting us know. She's a wonderful dancer, and I will be miss her. Best wishes to her in everything she does
  17. That's exactly what I felt about Lesley Rausch's performance of the Stepmother in the Maillot "Cendrillon" that PNB did earlier this year. It really drilled home even more how wrong the cheap shot that Maillot gives the Father at the end is, when the Father should be looking at himself in the mirror.
  18. Cuban dancers have joined a number of US companies and have danced a wide range of roles. Lots have been interested in staying in the US: I think the last mass-defection was seven, and at least a couple ended up at Ballet Arizona. They don't even have to defect always: if Alonso gave permission, they could leave and return to Cuba. If I were any AD, I'd be keeping track of their school graduates.
  19. Stacy Lowenberg took this great photo of Elle Macy and Dylan Wald:
  20. PNB posted to Facebook a link to a live stream of Margaret Mullin's video work with Nel Shelby Productions, but first, links to related Balancing Pointe podcasts: No Dominion Film, Margaret Mullin and Nel Shelby Nel Shelby, Dance Filmmaker, Videographer, Photographer "Coffee Talk" with Nel Shelby and Kimberly Falker :
  21. I'm surprised that their ranks weren't replenished all along. Not that a dancer like the glorious Feijoo can be replaced.
  22. [Admin beanie back on] For any comings and goings, any mentions must be accompanied by official news links or citations. I think I've removed all references that haven't, but if you find any I missed, please click the "Report" link on the post. [Admin beanie back off]
  23. Jonathan Porretta is participating in 2017 Men in Kilts, with proceeds going to Ronald McDonald House of Western Washington & Alaska. To vote for him, please follow the link from PNB's Facebook Page -- the voting ($10/vote) deadline is Friday, April 28 (tomorrow): Here's the link to all of the participants and the most current voting tally: http://meninkilts.rmhcseattle.org/index.php
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