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Everything posted by Helene

  1. Giselle September 13 8pm September 14 3pm September 19 8pm September 26 8pm September 29 8pm October 1 8pm October 7 8pm October 13 8pm October 15 8pm October 18 1pm October 18 8pm October 22 8pm October 25 8pm The Old Stage Giselle By Nikolaj Hübbe and Sorella Englund Music: Adolph Adam http://www.kglteater.dk/Forestillinger/Bal...09/Giselle.aspx Tickets Online: http://www.billetnet.dk/html/artist.htmI?l...nd=dk_kglteater
  2. Giselle September 13 8pm September 14 3pm September 19 8pm September 26 8pm September 29 8pm October 1 8pm October 7 8pm October 13 8pm October 15 8pm October 18 1pm October 18 8pm October 22 8pm October 25 8pm The Old Stage Giselle By Nikolaj Hübbe and Sorella Englund Music: Adolph Adam http://www.kglteater.dk/Forestillinger/Bal...09/Giselle.aspx Tickets Online: http://www.billetnet.dk/html/artist.htmI?l...nd=dk_kglteater
  3. until
    Giselle September 13 8pm September 14 3pm September 19 8pm September 26 8pm September 29 8pm October 1 8pm October 7 8pm October 13 8pm October 15 8pm October 18 1pm October 18 8pm October 22 8pm October 25 8pm The Old Stage Giselle By Nikolaj Hübbe and Sorella Englund Music: Adolph Adam http://www.kglteater.dk/Forestillinger/Bal...09/Giselle.aspx Tickets Online: http://www.billetnet.dk/html/artist.htmI?l...nd=dk_kglteater
  4. until
    Silk and Knife September 2 8pm September 3 8pm September 6 8pm September 8 8pm September 16 8pm September 20 8pm September 27 8pm September 30 8pm October 3 8pm October 9 8pm October 10 8pm The Old Stage Petite Mort Sechs Tänze Bella Figura No Title # 1, 2, 3 Choreography: Jirí Kilián Music: Mozart, Vivaldi, Pergolesi, Tchaikovsky, Schubert, etc. http://www.kglteater.dk/Forestillinger/Bal..._and_knife.aspx Tickets Online: http://www.billetnet.dk/html/artist.htmI?l...nd=dk_kglteater
  5. Silk and Knife September 2 8pm September 3 8pm September 6 8pm September 8 8pm September 16 8pm September 20 8pm September 27 8pm September 30 8pm October 3 8pm October 9 8pm October 10 8pm The Old Stage Petite Mort Sechs Tänze Bella Figura No Title # 1, 2, 3 Choreography: Jirí Kilián Music: Mozart, Vivaldi, Pergolesi, Tchaikovsky, Schubert, etc. http://www.kglteater.dk/Forestillinger/Bal..._and_knife.aspx Tickets Online: http://www.billetnet.dk/html/artist.htmI?l...nd=dk_kglteater
  6. Silk and Knife September 2 8pm September 3 8pm September 6 8pm September 8 8pm September 16 8pm September 20 8pm September 27 8pm September 30 8pm October 3 8pm October 9 8pm October 10 8pm The Old Stage Petite Mort Sechs Tänze Bella Figura No Title # 1, 2, 3 Choreography: Jirí Kilián Music: Mozart, Vivaldi, Pergolesi, Tchaikovsky, Schubert, etc. http://www.kglteater.dk/Forestillinger/Bal..._and_knife.aspx Tickets Online: http://www.billetnet.dk/html/artist.htmI?l...nd=dk_kglteater
  7. Silk and Knife September 2 8pm September 3 8pm September 6 8pm September 8 8pm September 16 8pm September 20 8pm September 27 8pm September 30 8pm October 3 8pm October 9 8pm October 10 8pm The Old Stage Petite Mort Sechs Tänze Bella Figura No Title # 1, 2, 3 Choreography: Jirí Kilián Music: Mozart, Vivaldi, Pergolesi, Tchaikovsky, Schubert, etc. http://www.kglteater.dk/Forestillinger/Bal..._and_knife.aspx Tickets Online: http://www.billetnet.dk/html/artist.htmI?l...nd=dk_kglteater
  8. Silk and Knife September 2 8pm September 3 8pm September 6 8pm September 8 8pm September 16 8pm September 20 8pm September 27 8pm September 30 8pm October 3 8pm October 9 8pm October 10 8pm The Old Stage Petite Mort Sechs Tänze Bella Figura No Title # 1, 2, 3 Choreography: Jirí Kilián Music: Mozart, Vivaldi, Pergolesi, Tchaikovsky, Schubert, etc. http://www.kglteater.dk/Forestillinger/Bal..._and_knife.aspx Tickets Online: http://www.billetnet.dk/html/artist.htmI?l...nd=dk_kglteater
  9. Silk and Knife September 2 8pm September 3 8pm September 6 8pm September 8 8pm September 16 8pm September 20 8pm September 27 8pm September 30 8pm October 3 8pm October 9 8pm October 10 8pm The Old Stage Petite Mort Sechs Tänze Bella Figura No Title # 1, 2, 3 Choreography: Jirí Kilián Music: Mozart, Vivaldi, Pergolesi, Tchaikovsky, Schubert, etc. http://www.kglteater.dk/Forestillinger/Bal..._and_knife.aspx Tickets Online: http://www.billetnet.dk/html/artist.htmI?l...nd=dk_kglteater
  10. Silk and Knife September 2 8pm September 3 8pm September 6 8pm September 8 8pm September 16 8pm September 20 8pm September 27 8pm September 30 8pm October 3 8pm October 9 8pm October 10 8pm The Old Stage Petite Mort Sechs Tänze Bella Figura No Title # 1, 2, 3 Choreography: Jirí Kilián Music: Mozart, Vivaldi, Pergolesi, Tchaikovsky, Schubert, etc. http://www.kglteater.dk/Forestillinger/Bal..._and_knife.aspx Tickets Online: http://www.billetnet.dk/html/artist.htmI?l...nd=dk_kglteater
  11. Silk and Knife September 2 8pm September 3 8pm September 6 8pm September 8 8pm September 16 8pm September 20 8pm September 27 8pm September 30 8pm October 3 8pm October 9 8pm October 10 8pm The Old Stage Petite Mort Sechs Tänze Bella Figura No Title # 1, 2, 3 Choreography: Jirí Kilián Music: Mozart, Vivaldi, Pergolesi, Tchaikovsky, Schubert, etc. http://www.kglteater.dk/Forestillinger/Bal..._and_knife.aspx Tickets Online: http://www.billetnet.dk/html/artist.htmI?l...nd=dk_kglteater
  12. until
    Silk and Knife September 2 8pm September 3 8pm September 6 8pm September 8 8pm September 16 8pm September 20 8pm September 27 8pm September 30 8pm October 3 8pm October 9 8pm October 10 8pm The Old Stage Petite Mort Sechs Tänze Bella Figura No Title # 1, 2, 3 Choreography: Jirí Kilián Music: Mozart, Vivaldi, Pergolesi, Tchaikovsky, Schubert, etc. http://www.kglteater.dk/Forestillinger/Bal..._and_knife.aspx Tickets Online: http://www.billetnet.dk/html/artist.htmI?l...nd=dk_kglteater
  13. until
    Cinderella Friday April 24, 2009 8:00 PM Saturday April 25, 2009 2:00 PM Saturday April 25, 2009 8:00 PM Sunday April 26, 2009 2:00 PM Benedum Center Cinderella Choreography by: Septime Webre Music by: Sergei Prokofiev http://pbt.org/performances/cinderella.php Ticket Info http://pbt.org/tickets/
  14. until
    American Rhythms Thursday March 19, 2009 7:30 PM Friday March 20, 2009 8:00 PM Saturday March 21, 2009 8:00 PM Sunday March 22, 2009 2:00 PM Byham Theater ANYTHING GOES! Choreography by: Derek Deane Music by: Cole Porter STRAIGHT LIFE Choreography by: Matjash Mrozewski World Premiere Music: Charlie Thomas' Drifters and Pure Goldhttp://pbt.org/performances/american_rhythms.php Ticket Info http://pbt.org/tickets/
  15. until
    Romeo et Juliette Thursday Feb 12, 2009 7:30 PM Friday Feb 13, 2009 8:00 PM Saturday Feb 14, 2009 8:00 PM Sunday Feb 15, 2009 2:00 PM Benedum Center Romeo et Juliette Choreography by: Jean-Christophe Maillot Music by: Sergei Prokofiev http://pbt.org/performances/romeo.php Ticket Info http://pbt.org/tickets/
  16. until
    The Great Gatsby Friday Oct 31, 2008 8:00 PM Saturday Nov 1, 2008 8:00 PM Sunday Nov 2, 2008 2:00 PM Benedum Center The Great Gatsby Choreography by: John McFall Lauri Stallings Music: A montage of Jazz Age recordings from the 20s and 30s by Duke Ellington, George Gershwin, Irving Berlin, et al. http://www.pbt.org/performances/gatsby.php Ticket Info http://pbt.org/tickets/
  17. Mixed Bill Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 7:30 PM Hartwood Acres Octet Known by Heart ("Junk") Duet Choreography: Twyla Tharp Raymonda Variations Choreography after Marius Petipa Music: Alexander Glazunov http://pbt.org/touring/ Free admission
  18. Mixed Bill Friday, August 22, 2008 at 8:00 PM Cranberry Rotary Amphitheatre, located in the Cranberry Township Community Park Octet Known by Heart ("Junk") DuetChoreography: Twyla Tharp Raymonda VariationsChoreography after Marius Petipa Music: Alexander Glazunov http://pbt.org/touring/ Free admission
  19. When Ballet Talk on Tour was in Paris this spring, cygneblanc suggested Clement Restaurant, 17, Boulevard des Capucines 75002 Paris, http://www.chezclement.com/index.php?page=op_plan You can see the menu and reserve a table online. There are several Restaurant Clement in Paris; this one is a few blocks away from Palais Garnier. If you are standing on the steps of the opera house, with the building behind you, it's a few blocks straight ahead on the right-hand side. It's on or near a corner and very close to the L'Opera metro stop. We had a wonderful meal there.
  20. What I find remarkable about the clip is the way he starts out so slowly and accelerates from adagio in the blink of an eye.
  21. I think that Balanchine's "American-ness" is characterized in two ways: the America of movies, both Broadway and westerns and Fred Astaire, and the bustle and energy of New York City. Reading the Kirstein biography, Kirstein was constantly and fervently writing libretti about "American" subjects for Balanchine, and Balanchine was constantly putting him off, giving him vague encouragement or ignoring the suggestions. This went on for decades. On the whole Balanchine was less interested in narrative ballet, but in a ballet like "Stars and Stripes", he captured the essence of the American band music and the theater of parades with the bones of classical ballet. Or in "Western Symphony", with its loving parody of "Swan Lake" and all those American dancers with flouncy Western dresses doing the classics. The juxtaposition is so grand. The interesting question for me is what Balanchine would have commented on if he had stayed in Europe and what he would have shown us about Denmark or France.
  22. To further the analogy, dancing for ABT is the "big leagues", which for men pay: Minimum Starting Salaries: NHL: 450K NFL: 285K MLB: 390K NBA: 427K For the women? WNBA: 34,500 Very few of these athletes are living in NYC or San Francisco, either. Maybe not enough to retire on after four years, but certainly enough to live comfortably and a good start in owning a home. Not to mention the huge tax breaks and stadium/arena-renovation subsidies that major league sports teams get from cities, states, and counties -- sometimes even overriding the citizen's votes (but I'm not still bitter about the Mariners' last stadium, no...) -- that dwarf the amount of money that arts organizations receive from government. But back to the topic, I wish Matthew Murphy luck and happiness.
  23. Congratulations to all the recipients. and to Postlewaite, a beautiful dancer. Seattle is lucky in many, many ways.
  24. Oh, dear. I think they tried that a couple of times with various matinee-idol-looking tenors after the original. They did pick the cute ones, though, and three of the most lauded young(ish) tenors. I just don't see these three men being as shamelessly cheesy as Pavarotti, which I suspect was a lot of the appeal. Domingo looked wryly detached from the phenomenon, and Careras was happy to be alive and singing after his near-fatal bout with leukemia.
  25. Many thanks, Nanarina, for writing about your trip I had the same experience when visiting Palais Garnier -- I felt like I was wearing sunglasses, it was so dark!
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