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Everything posted by Calliope

  1. Actually, last year Vogue's "shape issue" featured a few plus size models, Carie Otis and Emme (I think that's her name) They took a lot of heat for it since the models are only a size 12.
  2. Thanks Alexandra Does anyone know if there is a selection process to who presents at Guggenheim? ABT seems to be there quite often.
  3. and "Beauty and the Beast" (Disney) throws off the whole "live" Gollum was "partly" played by a human, I'd give it to him
  4. "Heaven" was also delayed 3 times in it's release. They were hoping to piggyback on Blanchett's "rising" career after "Lord of the Rings". I guess doing "Elizabeth" "Bandits" "Pushing Tin" and "Talented Mr. Ripley" wasn't enough for her to be a "household name"
  5. I didn't take it personally, don't worry but the Oscars are the art of...marketing and ...well, it's the art of Harvey Weinstein
  6. I think acting is an art... Yes, some of these actors get paid $20million, but Baryshnikov isn't living too shabby either. And the broadcast alone pays for the goody bags, along with product spots, designer nods. Some may argue that $20mil is an outrageous paycheck, but it keeps many people employed.
  7. As one of the 30somethings, I'd rather see Balanchine and Robbins I got a pamphlet for NYCB and on the back there was a page about how the Chairman of the Board of NYCB has established an endowment to ensure Martins ballets. I practically cried. I've talked to one of the "chairwomen" at many of NYCB's social events, and she admitted she had no clue about the ballets, but she loved being able to sit down next to the "living" choreographers. I just wonder if in coming years, some other company will be the "authority" on Balanchine
  8. How long are Sylve and I think I missed him, Zelensky? Are their engagements done?
  9. Well thanks for the history lessons, sometimes I'm green and like to believe everything I read
  10. To be very politically correct, I've enjoyed seeing her know her limitations, but hope she retires soon, for fear she will leave a "bad" impression on people new to seeing her. Martins still choreographing new material on her probaby prolongs it. I'm guessing she's waiting to do the 100 celebration?? That would be a fitting tribute to both her and Mr. B.
  11. Apologies, it was Ari who had listed the NJ dates http://www.nj.com/entertainment/ledger/ind...57625324130.xml October 11th begins the engagement at NJPAC
  12. She is listed to be in NJ I think in October, I believe Dale posted a link.
  13. Boston Ballet is laying off dancers as well (corps) seems that corporate America's pink slips have trickled over into the artistic world
  14. I'd never read that Croce quote. I really is a generalization about anything that's gone through change. And I agree GWTW that the nationalism of the companies does play a part. Do they have legacies merely because we need them to? The companies that have these legacies, always seem to stray away from what made them the legacies to begin with. I guess that's what I don't understand.
  15. With all the recent press about NYCB's "trouble" with it's "legacy" Has there ever been a company that has had a legacy that hasn't lost it? And who has legacies?
  16. Thanks kfw for posting. After searching what seemed at least 20 newstands, I finally found it. I think Rafferty was a former dancer, right? She states she trained at SAB. The article seems to be in line with all the latest criticisms of the company, however, she doesn't really mention Martins, actually after scanning the article again, she never mentions him. Another point I thought was interesting in the piece was the "need for some Russian blood" in the school, as in the teachers, that were prevalent early on. As kfw said, the piece is a criticism of the technique and how it's not being corrected And how the company seems to look better in Robbins now than Balanchine because Robbins "relied less on classic technique". And lastly, praise ofr coprs dancer Alina Dronova.
  17. unfortunately I only saw Watts at the tail end of her career everyone always tells me "she was much better"
  18. yet, the men in jeans works in the ABT Harrison piece. Of course, I think it makes a fabulous Gap ad. I can't remember if Hermann Schmerman (sp?) or Red Angels, behind the china dogs have the footless tights? I just remember the lighting in those, which Wheeldon seems to be fond of playing with lighting. I cringed cargill at the Watts reference. That's all I remember of her.
  19. Details is like the Cosmopolitan for men. There's not much in the article to substantiate that ballet is macho, it's more an expose on these men needing to prove they're not gay. I don't think there's a ballet term in there, nor a mention of the current or upcoming season either.
  20. I went to the library to read the article, I was forking over $4 for such *^*%^ The men of the company, Orza and Seth even Askegard and Fayette, don't portray the company in very positive light. They even had a quote from Nicol Hilnka (on how you weren't supposed to date in the company) Given the age of Seth and Orza, it's basically guys boasting to other guys. There is a paragraph about how ballet is sport and quotes Lynn Swann on how dance can be found in every sport. The article basically offends anyone with any morales and half a brain and certainly does not view ballet as anything artistic. I fault the company for allowing the interviews to be done. What's next, Playboy with "former NYCB corps girls"?
  21. Ferri is dancing with ABT right now, there's a couple of reviews on the ABT threads.
  22. At NYCB I'd vote for Elizabeth Walker and Amanda Edge
  23. unfortunately, I think ballet is so "mass media" starved, they probably don't think twice about the exposure (no pun intended)
  24. There's a blurb in today's Woman's Wear Daily about the Bush's attending opening night. First Lady apparently went backstage during the first intermission and said hello to the dancers. But she missed Bocca/Ferri's "tragic death scene" because she left after the 2nd intermission. "The Bushes go to bed after 9 p.m., and it's already 10" said an ABT organizer.
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