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Everything posted by pherank

  1. Masha ice skating in Sun Valley, Idaho https://www.instagram.com/p/BYOydQ3HOUW/?taken-by=balletrusse
  2. I previously missed this short Q&A with SFB's Emma Rubinowitz about What It's Really Like to Be a Part of World Ballet Day LIVE http://www.dancemagazine.com/35720-2307038433.html I thought this was an interesting statement: "We vote on whether or not we want to do it, and there are some people who would really rather not. But a lot of people look forward to it, especially people who work at SFB who come from other countries…" I'd like to hear from the people who don't want to do the live streaming to find out their reasoning. I imagine it's just a personal thing about nervousness in front of the cameras, but is there something else? To me it is amazing that there are people who would let go of this p.r. and public education opportunity (I imagine they are not considering all of that).
  3. Solar eclipse during company class https://www.instagram.com/p/BYFdn_7hoW7/?taken-by=madisonkeesler Wear the protective glasses, people!
  4. Yes, It IS Possible to Build New Ballet Audiences in 2017 http://www.dancemagazine.com/yes-it-is-possible-to-build-new-ballet-audiences-in-2017-2476154769.html 'One way to do this is by replacing dance terms that mean nothing to the average person, like "mixed rep" or "triple bill," with words that are more universally understood, like "three one-act ballets."' -- Hmmm, if that's where the real problem lies, I have to think we're really bad off as a culture. But hey, whatever! "Ballet Austin films a professional trailer for each ballet and projects it in the theater lobby, so that their audience can preview coming attractions." — an excellent idea, and doesn't have to be that expensive to produce
  5. Ana Sophia Scheller on Her Surprising Switch From NYCB to San Francisco Ballet http://www.pointemagazine.com/ana-sophia-scheller-on-her-surprising-switch-from-nycb-to-san-francisc-2450410348.html
  6. I've lived in two places that showcase the change in approach to zoos: San Francisco and San Diego. The San Francisco zoo (which has improved over the years) was once of those "animals behind bars" places that, additionally, was often shrouded in cold fog, so it was not a great habitat for African and tropical animals. It just felt sad in the old days - a day at the zoo left me feeling depressed, not inspired. The San Diego Zoo, on the other hand, has always been at the forefront of zoo design and technological development. But the real improvement came with the creation of the sister-park, the San Diego Wild Animal Park (now called the Safari Park), where the animals are able to roam about on much larger tracks of land (though the environment is still very much under the control of humans, and not left to Mother Nature).
  7. Meanwhile, I was just reading about the film Polina, with Mariisnky dancer Anastasia Shevtsova - it would seem to be discussing artistic matters, and work options, that likely are not popular with a State-run art system. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/22/movies/polina-review.html
  8. The backlash against using trained circus animals relates to all the troubles the Sea World franchise has had with the Orca whales. So much bad publicity is causing even the "educational" approach (with minimal entertainment 'performances') to lose money. Which is actually a bad thing - a certain amount of in-person interaction with animals is important for humans (and maybe the more the better).
  9. A sad situation. Of course the performances of Nureyev will have to be postponed indefinitely given the 'unusual' circumstances. And if Nureyev is never performed, won't that be misuse of the State's funds too? Sort of a self-fulfilling prophesy. I sincerely hope Possokhov doesn't become a 'person of interest' to the State, as well.
  10. Much of the above Dance Magazine interview with Wonder Woman can be read online: http://www.dancemagazine.com/sofiane-sylve-2472967800.html I liked this statement, "Sylve, who hopes to become an artistic director herself, has found a satisfying outlet in teaching". I've said before that I would like to see her as an A.D. But what company will provide this opportunity? SFB has two men 'assisting' Tomasson - waiting in the wings, for the position. Se is going to need some management mentoring.
  11. Many people know that the Ringling Brothers Circus has now closed in the U.S., but Russia is trying to keep circus arts alive - These Graduates Throw Themselves, Not Caps, in the Air Scouts from Russia and beyond hunt for talent at the year-end Moscow Circus School shows. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/21/theater/these-graduates-throw-themselves-not-caps-in-the-air.html
  12. Here's the archived video from today, August 18, 2017 on YouTube: [programming starts at about 2:00 minutes in] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l_rmYPwD70 It was nice to see Lonnie Weeks, Lauren Strongin and Max Cauthorn all get some air time, since normally the focus is on the principals.
  13. Thanks for the update, Apollosmuse - I just removed that old video link from my post.
  14. Today at 5:30pm is the next showing of UNBOUND festival rehearsals: "The second broadcast of our Unbound LIVE series will feature choreographers Justin Peck, Myles Thatcher, and Christopher Wheeldon. The broadcast begins at 5:30 pm on our Facebook page and on our website." https://www.facebook.com/sfballet/
  15. Look who will be on the cover of the September 2017 Dance Magazine: "I don't do average"
  16. I've seen plenty of comments about how much people enjoy watching the classes, and users have been unhappy about SFB editing away much of the class time in the "highlights" video they eventually release on YouTube. Felips Diaz runs such a great class that it is understandable for ballet aficionados to want to watch the entire thing. Video of NBC in Paris would be especially interesting to me - I would love to see a "countdown to performance" as you mentioned.
  17. Thanks for the reminder, Volcanohunter - I had actually forgotten the details of it all. I'm not a fan of "Facebook Live!" but we go where we have to go. Sites like YouTube are, much like IKEA stores, a "vortex by design" - it's all about keeping the user in place longer, and longer, and longer...
  18. I finally noticed that SFB also mentions that there will be "behind-the-scenes footage via Facebook Live!" Just how that's going to work with the YouTube live stream, I don't know. Hopefully it is something that will remain posted to the SFB (presumably) Facebook page for a number of weeks. https://www.facebook.com/sfballet/videos/10155466123731293/ Sorry! I've just corrected the link!
  19. Thanks for the 'snapshots', Millosr. Did Nureyev ever make it back to SF to perform? I found this report from 1967: The great Haight ballet bust of 1967 http://www.sfchronicle.com/thetake/article/The-great-Haight-ballet-bust-of-1967-7230386.php
  20. I'm looking forward to the next live broadcast. I wonder if Alonzo King just didn't want the public observing his process, or if he felt like he needed to reschedule his rehearsal times?
  21. Color film of Kay Mazzo and Peter Martins dancing Stravinsky Duo Concertant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IqHkRt1F18 Brief clips of Duo Concertant with Tiler Peck & James Whiteside (Vail Dance Festival 2015) Begins at 1:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YF3sA3REuUY Duo Concertant with Hugo Marchand and Laura Hecquet http:// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRwJcnBoJCw
  22. More from the technical masters: Angelo Greco http://https://www.instagram.com/p/BXgO85UFXpP/?taken-by=_angelogreco_ Ana Sophia Scheller https://www.instagram.com/p/BXOIUXEjHeP/?hl=en&taken-by=la_scheller
  23. SF Ballet has posted their video trailer for the upcoming season: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KE7cfWuNGjE It shows us that there is probably lots of great rehearsal and ballet creation footage stored away that will never see the light of day. The one odd shot was of the back of Martin West's head - not really an appropriate image. ;)
  24. Thanks Doug! I should mention that Kattner-Ulrich's dissertation is in English, although submitted to Freie Universität Berlin. And it is of course written in the particular academic style/format required of a dissertation, but it's "chock full" of great information throughout.
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