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Everything posted by cobweb

  1. Yes, it is such a great showcase for multiple dancers, not to mention just beautiful. With multiple dancers and multiple casts of up-and-coming dancers, I would be there multiple nights. Come on, NYCB, the audience would much rather see this than Slaughter on 10th Ave!
  2. Agree, I don't need to see either of these again anytime soon. Wishing they would bump up Divertimento No. 15 from the spring (I can definitely see that multiple times!) and repeat Chaconne from the Fall. I think the audience would be indulgent about changes in the programming. With Kowroski gone, they are going to need some new casting for Diamonds and Mozartiana. I'm guessing that Miriam Miller will get Diamonds, since she did it at Saratoga to great reviews. I look forward to this. Mozartiana, not sure. Some time ago, someone on here suggested Emily Kikta for Mozartiana, and that sounds good to me! Also seems likely that LaFreniere will be cast in Walpurgisnacht Ballet - isn't that the role she did to acclaim at the SAB workshop? I imagine Rubies will be Kikta, Nadon, Kretzschmar, and maybe LaFreniere (who missed her debut a few years back). Any other ideas on new casting for Winter or Spring?
  3. Megan Fairchild is a prime example of someone who has become better and better as the years have gone by. She is dancing with a polish and authority that I, at least, didn't see in her a few years back. For me as an audience member, I enjoy veterans like Fairchild because she has developed, but when I see a veteran dancer who does not seem to have grown as much, eventually I get tired of seeing them do the same roles, and wish that I could see someone newer. This may be brutal, and I have tremendous gratitude to the dancers for dedicating their lives to this art and bringing so much pleasure to my life, but sometimes I want to see someone new. As a dedicated corps-watcher, I have not been especially struck by Laine Habony, but I will pay more attention next time. What roles was she getting under Martins and has she not gotten to dance them again? I agree about Alston Macgill, who impressed me a few years back (I forget in what role) by dancing with an authority way beyond her pipsqueak size and tender age. So much is a matter of personal taste. Many people on here love Ashley Hod, who I find physically beautiful but uninteresting otherwise, and on the other hand, I love the sprightly, forthright Alexa Maxwell. I think there's a consensus on here about the merits of Emily Kikta, and after seeing Isabella LaFreniere in Chaconne in the Fall, I am praying to see her in more, bigger roles, PLEASE. Other standouts are Emma von Enck, Kristen Segin, and of course Mira Nadon. I could go on with others. There's a lot of talent, and only so many roles. At the soloist level, I could imagine there's going to be some shifting before too long, with some moving up and some perhaps out.
  4. ... and for a specific review request, if anyone sees the 12/8 matinee featuring Laracey and Furlan, please weigh in on both. I'm wondering how Laracey looks at this point after a long maternity-COVID leave. And Furlan, a very very welcome recruit IMHO, had some trouble with the partnering in Serenade in the Fall. Wondering how he looks now.
  5. Wait, per that report Hyltin said the very first performance she had with NYCB was Nutcracker, "... and I danced the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy." The reporter must have gotten something confused. I won't get to see Nut this year for the first time in quite awhile, so please keep the reports coming! I really enjoy the two lead Flowers, so anyone who takes note of them, I'd love to hear. Also if anyone sees Chun Wai Chan's debut as Cavalier next week - please report!!! Glad to hear that Veyette looks so good!!
  6. Hi tutu, I saw Phelan Dewdrop a few years ago. Tried to do a search for my previous comments but the search function eludes me so not sure how long ago. As I recall she looked quite effortful. This was not the best role for her. If you want to see a great Dewdrop go for Peck or Woodward, many others. If you want to see Phelan go for it, she was beautiful anyway.
  7. I am going to be out of town for the entire run. Didn't think I would really miss it, since I have seen this Nutcracker many, many times, and especially given my doubt about all the children being 12 or over. But now I find I have Waltz of the Flowers going through my head endlessly, and wishing I could see it. The selection of lead Flowers for the first week looks entirely lovely - with Ashley Laracey, Mira Nadon, Emilie Gerrity, Meaghan Dutton-O'Hara, Miriam MIller, and Laine Habony. No one is asking me, but if I had to choose one cast from this first week, it would be Mearns-Janzen-Phelan, with the bonus of Emily Kikta as Coffee. She is one of the few who really brings it to life. I look forward to reports on this run. Also, they have typically cast more junior dancers in the lead roles as the season wears on. I look forward to seeing who that will be! Has LaFreniere done Sugarplum? She would be great.
  8. I have sat in the rear orchestra many times and find them very good seats. The slope is not as good as it could be, but the seats are staggered somewhat row to row, so that you should be looking between the two people right in front of you, not staring at the back of someone's head. I have never sat in the second ring, so I can't compare the two, but rear orchestra is good.
  9. I notice that the new website doesn't seem to have any mention of the Janice Levin award. They used to have a specific listing of past winners, I believe on the "Meet Our Dancers" page. Now I don't see it anywhere. Wonder why not!
  10. I have to agree with the praise for these two dancers, who both stood out to me. Fangqi Li was very elegant and polished and someone I would eagerly seek out again. Ischuck made Hilarion more sympathetic than he sometimes is (he came across like a nice guy, not an awkward loser). He's a tall guy, so hopefully we will get to see him in a dancing role soon.
  11. When I went to buy tickets and encountered the massive fees, I walked away from the computer. Only a few weeks later did I decide to go ahead with one single ticket. But - what are they thinking? It would be better to raise ticket prices, rather than add fees that make people feel they are being taken advantage of and deter people at the moment of purchase. Similar to masked dancers. No way! What are they thinking?
  12. Sadly, I agree with all these assessments of ABT's fall programming. I think they misjudged what the audience wants to see. (To be fair, I have a lot of gripes with NYCB's programming too!) I will be going tomorrow night to see Herman Cornejo and Skylar Brandt. I had hoped to see Catherine Hurlin too, but no complaints with Christine Shevchenko. That's it for the two week season. Hope to see some shakeup with new management. Has there been any news (official only, of course!!) about the process of finding a new AD? To add insult to injury, I just went to the homepage to check on any casting updates, and when I click on the calendar link for tomorrow, I get a message saying "Hi, the page you are looking for does not exist."
  13. Thanks for the info, @california. We’re veering off topic here, but like your sister I also had a terrible reaction to the second moderna shot. Haven’t been so sick in years! I want the booster but will be careful.
  14. Thank you, @FPF. I should have looked that up.
  15. It was a lovely afternoon for Kowroski. It was a festive, buzzing atmosphere. The audience was packed with dedicated balletgoers, dancers current and past, friends and family. We were sitting a few rows away from Kowroski's husband and what appeared to be a whole related contingent; and just down the row from Robbie Fairchild. I thought the program was well chosen, showcasing her range as well as the range of the company, and the repertory. She appeared very well in all of them. The program opened and closed with Balanchine pieces, fittingly enough, and in between two pieces from contemporary choreographers, both created (I assume DGV was done for her and Tyler Angle, correct me if I'm wrong) on her. Like someone said up-thread, Amaria appeared better and more interesting on second viewing, against all my expectations. Three of the pieces (Slaughter, Amaria, and DGV) had her legs as their primary focus (and much appreciated!); in Chaconne she got to display other aspects of her technique. I'm not a huge fan of Slaughter on Tenth Avenue, but it's a great vehicle for Kowroski and guaranteed to get the crowd whipped into an appreciative frenzy. (I also loved the moment when Aaron Sanz, as the gunman, whipped out a face mask. Great update; the audience loved it.) Then the heartwarming parade of her colleagues bringing tribute, concluded by her adorable little boy and husband. Thanks Maria for bringing so much enjoyment for so many years!
  16. KarenAG, just wanted to say I'm so sorry this happened to you! I know I would be heartbroken too. I'm planning to get the COVID booster, but just in case I have an untoward reaction, I deliberately did NOT get it last week because I didn't want to be sick for the Kowroski retirement! It was a special afternoon as befits a great ballerina. I hope you are enjoying the reports and video. I will try to post a few more words later today.
  17. Isabella LaFreniere demonstrated she has everything needed to take on the grand ballerina roles: strong technique, confidence, glamour. She dances with authority, with a grand sweep, has a megawatt smile that radiates throughout the theatre, and an expansive presence that touches your heart. I always knew she was good, but not THAT good. Highly impressed - in love with her, in fact!
  18. Good to hear. Thank you Lauren for years of beautiful dancing and artistry!
  19. I thought Isabella LaFreniere was beautiful - confident, glamorous, dancing huge, everything we've been waiting to see from this beautiful dancer for years. She has to be happy with that debut. I was so in love with her, and with Chaconne in general, that I just got off the phone with the box office for a ticket to tonight! (Chaconne only; skipping the rest of the program.) There was a disappointing lack of rapport between her and Danchig-Waring, though. I thought he looked more dour than usual, and there wasn't much eye contact between them, despite her megawatt smile that warmed the hearts of the entire theatre.
  20. My partner saw something similar. He says that the guy who wound up on LeCrone's right (Zuniga, that is) failed to reach for her hand - then suddenly lunged for it. My partner's impression is that either Zuniga forgot what he was supposed to do (that seems impossible) then suddenly remembered and lunged for her hand; or he just got his timing wrong.
  21. Thanks for pointing that out. That is a lovely photo of the three women, and their stunning dresses, on the repertory page. I wish NYCB more clearly listed timing for the programs.
  22. Good to know I'm not the only one! What was the timing on that, how long is La Valse? As I finish up a long week of work and multiple performances, I'm actually thinking that the only thing I really need to see tonight is Chaconne, so I might do the same thing, and slip in after Rotunda.
  23. Tiler Peck and Roman Mejia gave a treasure of a performance. They look great together, are incredible dancers, and this piece is a great vehicle for both. After not seeing Mejia for a year and a half, I notice a more mature, adult quality about him, that is very attractive. I liked Unity's understated approach to the After the Rain pdd; for once it didn't seem overwrought to me. Still don't need to see this again. Megan LeCrone's mishap was bad. She totally crashed onto the floor in what looked like a tripping, clumsy drop. The audience was relieved to see her appear again looking fine. I wasn't watching closely enough to be sure of what happened, but it seemed like more than just her losing her balance. I've also had enough of La Valse for awhile. I have at ticket to tomorrow's matinee, mostly because I want to see Agon again (and getting to see Peck and Mejia again is a bonus I didn't expect). But I'm thinking I might arrive late and just slip in during the pause between La Valse and Other Dances.
  24. I'm trying to figure out if Chaconne is on the schedule for Winter or Spring, but it's hard to find that information quickly on the website (unless I'm missing some season overview page). Does anyone know if it's coming back? It definitely should!
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