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Everything posted by California

  1. The NYCB Annual Luncheon has been postponed from mid-February to May 26 at the very end of the season. With people eating, masks come off much of the time, so they might be trying for maximum safety and the hope that Omicron will have passed and no new variants have emerged. https://www.nycballet.com/support/special-events/annual-luncheon-2022
  2. Exactly. Long, long ago when I worked at NEH and we were threatened with major budget cuts, we concluded that small grants spread widely were the "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval" (for those old enough to remember those) which would help them fundraise with private donors - as opposed to giving just a few big grants, likely to groups already able to do a lot of successful fund-raising. Both Endowments have a long history of trying to encourage cost-sharing, private fundraising, and getting more people to "buy in" on the support of culture and never to think the government should or could be the only source of support, which it never has been.
  3. I wish they could find a way for Stella to join one performance, perhaps in a non-dancing role, so she could have a retirement ending -- flowers, cheers, former partners. How hard would that be to organize with all the ballets they are doing with Queens and elders? And judging from Instagram, she's certainly in shape to move well in a character role.
  4. For those who were wondering where Sara Mearns has been, she just posted an Instagram with a long caption: Hi guys…It’s been a while…First off, I want to say Thankyou to all the kind messages I’ve gotten these past few months that I’ve been away. I debated whether or not to talk about what I’ve been going thru and why I’ve been away. although it might not seem like it sometimes, I’m actually a very private person when it comes to me. but the more I thought about it, the more it seemed appropriate because maybe it would help someone else. Without getting into too much detail, in October of last year, i was diagnosed with depression and extreme burnout. I sought out the help of an incredible sports psychologist, and we both agreed that if I were to continue down the path I was on, that it would be dangerous for me as an athlete and as a person. With the amazing support of @nycballet, @jonathanstafford_nycb @marikadancerx, we made the decision for me to step away from dance and get better. This is never something I saw happening to me, I thought I was invincible, that maybe I was just tired, that maybe it’s just a phase, and to get over it. I’m here to tell you it a very real thing, and mental health is not something to just put on the back burner. Burnout is a very real thing no matter how it happens & can be very dangerous if not taken care of. I’ve also learned that I am not alone, & that all humans will most likely experience this in their life. I was embarrassed, nervous, sad, and in shock but I know this had to happen for me to realize that I have to come first. My well being has to be priority. It took me a long time to be ok to see people, to be in the studio again with a healthy happy outlook. but I’m happy to say that today I was back in the NYCB studios having the time of my life. My journey with mental health is just beginning, & it’s still day by day right now, but I hope in being open & vulnerable about it, it might help someone else. Love you all, and I can’t wait for the winter season to start on Jan 27! Pictured here w/ the incredible @gonzalogarcia79, taken by @mfairchild17, so lucky to have these two in my life, Thankyou for everything. #ballerina #mentalhealthawareness #itsokaynottobeokay #nycballet https://www.instagram.com/p/CYnIhgMO2GK/
  5. If you subscribe to Marquee.TV, the complete program is included (no extra charge). The program also includes Walpurgisnacht, La Valse, and Symphony in C. https://www.marquee.tv/watch/newyorkcityballet-nycbinparis
  6. I assume there was also a lot of pressure to find someone other than a white male. They could have continued a Balanchine heritage with Daniel Duell (Chicago) or Ib Anderson (Arizona) and for whatever reason passed over them. (I know nothing about their management ability, but have been impressed with rep choices for their respective companies in streaming presentations during the pandemic.) Much-loved couples like Irina Dvorovenko and Maxim Beloserkovsky haven't contributed the artistic vision that Rojo has (although I hope they're being considered for ABT).
  7. I have to think that some of her imaginative commissions were persuasive: the Lest We Forget trilogy in 2014, the Aram Khan Giselle, the reconceptualized Raymonda, Broken Wings (on Frida Kahlo). All strong indications of how to update/modernize classical ballet. It's hard to think of another artistic director with such a rich artistic imagination.
  8. From the press release: "Rojo will move to San Francisco with her husband, Isaac Hernández, who was recently appointed a principal dancer at San Francisco Ballet after previously dancing in the Company’s corps de ballet and as a soloist in 2010." https://www.sfballet.org/discover/press-center/press-releases/release/2022announcement/
  9. "San Francisco Ballet today announced the appointment of Tamara Rojo, its first new artistic director in nearly four decades and first woman to lead the internationally-recognized company that has balanced an innovative focus on new and contemporary choreography with a deeply held dedication to classical ballet for nine decades." https://www.sfballet.org/discover/press-center/press-releases/release/2022announcement/
  10. The National Endowment for the Arts has announced a new round of grants. Most to dance range from $10,000-$20,000: https://www.arts.gov/sites/default/files/Grant-Announcement-DisciplineListReport-1.10.22.pdf
  11. The National Endowment for the Humanities just announced a new round of grants. Of interest in dance: Clare Croft: $60,000 [Fellowships] University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Project Title: Her Disruptions: The Performances of Jill Johnston Project Description: Completion of a biography of American dance critic and feminist Jill Johnston (1929–2010). For the complete list of awards: https://www.neh.gov/sites/default/files/inline-files/NEH Grant Awards and Offers January 2022.pdf
  12. I remember one PM interview in which he said he stripped out the "filler." Ugh. What I love about the Balanchine version is that the choreography is both familiar, like comfort food, and refreshingly new and distinctively Balanchine, especially for the corps. I don't know if an expert has analyzed how much he borrowed and how much he invented, but it's one reason why it's so fascinating. And yes, plenty of story.
  13. I saw the Chicago Ballet do the Balanchine SL last year in a stream during the worst of COVID. It's an academy directed by Daniel Duell. Love the Balanchine version, which I'm sure I saw many years ago at NYCB, but don't remember when. https://www.balletchicago.org/ I saw the PM version just once -- ironically, on February 21, 2020, right before everything started to shut down. Hated it and swore I'd never sit through it again. When I got home, I had an all-night coughing spell and then all-night shaking and chills. Just one night each - never again. I told my doctor about symptoms later and they sure sounded like COVID to us, but there were no tests then. By the time they had an anti-body test available, mine were gone. I've always wondered if those performances were "super-spreaders," unbeknown to any of us at the time.
  14. San Francisco Ballet will start requiring proof of a booster, for those eligible, starting February 1: San Francisco Ballet's Updated Safety Protocol Beginning February 1, 2022, for those eligible, SF Ballet will require proof of a COVID-19 booster—received at least one week prior to your performance—for entrance into the War Memorial Opera House. This expands upon the Company's current requirement (in effect through January 31, 2022) that all patrons, performers, volunteers, and staff ages 12 and up must present proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 for entry into the venue, and audience members under the age of 12 must show proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 or a negative COVID-19 test (PCR test within 48 hours of the performance, or antigen [rapid] test within 24 hours of the performance). Masks are required for everyone at all times, regardless of age, while inside the War Memorial Opera House. Masks with valves, gaiters, and scarves are not permitted. At this time, drinks are not permitted inside the auditorium. Full vaccination is defined as completing the full initial course of vaccination (either two-dose mRNA series or single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine) administered two weeks or more in advance of the performance. Beginning February 1, 2022, SF Ballet will require up to date vaccination, defined as two weeks following full initial vaccination until eligible to receive a booster and, for those eligible, one week after having received a booster. These protocols are in accordance with policies enacted by San Francisco Department of Public Health. For more information, updates, and for a list of resources, visit sfballet.org/safety.
  15. ENB's premiere of Raymonda has been postponed from Jan 13 to Jan 18 and all performances Jan 13-16 have been cancelled. Dear Friends, As ENB supporters, I want to let you know that I have taken the difficult decision to postpone the opening of Raymonda until Tuesday 18 January 2022. Sadly, the recent impact of Covid-19 means that rehearsals for Raymonda have been significantly disrupted. This, combined with the complexities of bringing a new, full-length ballet to the stage, mean that in order to meet these commitments, the opening of Raymonda will be delayed. This has been an extremely difficult decision to make but we wanted to ensure that we were fully prepared to present this extraordinary work. Raymonda is my first ballet as a choreographer, so very dear to my heart, and is the result of five years of research and collaboration with an exceptional creative team. I cannot wait to share it with you, even if it’s slightly later than we originally planned. Raymonda will now premiere at the London Coliseum on Tuesday 18 January and run for seven performances until Sunday 23 January. Information will be shared with the public later today, including details for tickets holders of cancelled performances. I am extremely grateful for your ongoing support for the Company and appreciate your patience and understanding with this decision. I am very proud of what we have achieved and hope you can join us for one of the performances. With best wishes and many thanks, Tamara Tamara Rojo CBE Artistic Director
  16. I understand that La Scala is returning to its more "traditional" Swan Lake after a few seasons performing the Ratmansky reconstruction. Still, isn't there a market for paid downloads for some of these things, without the physical medium of DVDs? Such historic importance with all of them.
  17. So unfortunate. I would have thought (hoped?) that Ratmansky would have a major role in this decision, given his stature. Bolshoi and Mariinsky have released a huge number of DVDs (as have Royal Ballet and many European companies). But not these!
  18. Excerpts from Act I and II on YouTube. I saw it in a theater in January 2020 right before the COVID shut-downs. I wish Ratmansky were more generous in releasing his reconstructions on DVDs or Medici or paid downloads. I'd buy this one, as well as his Swan Lake, which I've seen in the theater. I am very curious about his Bayadere reconstruction for Berlin. It seems he has the same attitude as Robbins: he wants people to come to the theater. I wish we could!!
  19. ENB just cancelled their Nutcracker for Sunday, January 2. English National Ballet NUTCRACKER UPDATE: we are very sorry that the performance of Nutcracker on Sunday 2 January at @LondonColiseum has also been cancelled. Ticket holders will be contacted directly to arrange refunds or credits.
  20. Medici has a 2011 performance of the Balanchine Nutcracker with Fairchild, de Luz, Bouder -- no extra charge! https://www.medici.tv/en/ballets/nutcracker-balanchine-tchaikovsky-lincoln-center/
  21. English National Ballet just cancelled both performances of Nutcracker for Dec 30 but hope to return Dec 31. English National Ballet NUTCRACKER UPDATE: Due to a number of positive Covid cases in the company, we are extremely sorry to announce the cancellation of both performances of Nutcracker at the London Coliseum on Thursday 30 December. English National Ballet Ticket holders will be contacted to arrange credits or refunds. We hope to return to the stage on Friday 31 December. Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
  22. I watched the KenCen Honors. It was nice to return to something resembling "normality." I enjoy the shots of the star-studded audience. Baryshnikov was shown briefly during the final Stevie Wonder segment. He didn't wear his Honoree "necklace" that others wear and also was without glasses, but seemed glad to be there.
  23. ENB has cancelled Nutcracker through Tuesday, Dec 28. English National Ballet @ENBallet · 3m Nutcracker update: due to a number of positive cases in the Company, we regret to announce the cancellation of our performances of Nutcracker at the @LondonColiseum until Tuesday 28 December. We hope performances will recommence on Wednesday 29 December. 1/2
  24. The Denver Center for the Performing Arts does allow a religious exemption, but those persons must show a negative PCR test and wear a mask. No exemptions for masks. https://www.denvercenter.org/reopening/#toggle-id-4 https://storage.googleapis.com/dcpa/pdf/CB-CSA-DCPA-OC Accommodation Form 9-13-21.pdf I'm not crazy about that loophole, given that the Pope himself is vaccinated and urged his followers to do the same.
  25. I can't wait to see the new West Side Story, but there's no way I'm headed into a movie theater with Omicron. I'm waiting for it to appear on HBO, HBOMax, or a streaming service. DirectTV sent out coupons for one free movie this month, but WSS isn't available there yet. So I'll keep waiting.
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