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George Jellinek, former music director of WQXR and host of "The Vocal Scene", has died at age 90.


Mr. Jellinek was responsible for my music education. For decades I listened to his weekly show, when he played rare recordings of artists who were no longer available commercially -- hard to believe in this day of reissues to DVDs -- in musical essay form. Almost every one of my favorite singers I heard exclusively through him until relatively recently.

Janet Malcolm wrote this article in 2004 on him and the last broadcast.

Rest in peace, Mr. Jellinek, and condolences to your family, immediate and cultural.

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Thanks for the news, Helene. George Jellinek meant a lot to me, too, and especially to my mother. A couple of years ago I ordered his autobiography for her and when we last visited NY my husband read it at her house and was very impressed by his story. When my mom got a computer years ago, she first wanted me to look up articles about George Jellinek. That's how I learned all about him. I remember him and "The Vocal Scene" very well. I also remember him from the Metropolitan Opera intermission shows on QXR.

Such a humble, lovely man! A great example of a fine human being. May he rest in eternal peace.

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Mr. Jellinek was responsible for my music education.
You are not alone, Helene. I think many people can say the same in some form or other. Jellinek helped make music accessible without in any sense condescending to the audience. In a time when there weren't actually all that many resources for classical music education outside of school programs, I learned so much from him that I was able to carry with me as I moved out into the world.

An important value that I picked up along the way: "music appreciation" comes easier, deeper, and richer the more you understand about the music, the composers, the artists.

Definitely a life to be grateful for. Thanks, Mr. Jellinek.

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Respectfully noting that if his dates are 1909-2010. That makes him 100, not 90. ???

WQXR posted it incorrectly on their site as well. Unless the birth year was cited incorrectly (always a possibility.) I am sure someone will come forward with the correct information!

I was a great fan and learned so much from his broadcasts.......condolences to his friends and family.....his book Life through the Opera Glass is most informative and enjoyable......

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When I was a very young listener of opera , I tuned in regularly to Jellinek's weekly radio show "The Vocal Scene". I learned soooo much from it. Jellinek was a wonderful host/programmer, always knowledgeable, always enthusiastic, never condescending.

He really shaped my knowledge and showed me what to listen for.

I am forever greatful

RIP George

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For many years, Thursday nights at ten were reserved for listening to "The Vocal Scene" on WQXR. What a wonderful program it was! The titles of the shows give some idea of their range: "Mascagni's 'L'Amico Fritz," "Flagstad and Melchior," "Richard Tauber in Song," "Beverly Sills and the Tudor Queens," "Puccini at Dawn," "The Unknown Rossini," and so on for 36 wonderful years. Mr. Jellinek himself had a beautiful speaking voice -- calm, reassuring, with an unmannered old world accent. I sent him a note after my wife died and he responded with condolences and the hope that "you and I will continue sharing 'The Vocal Scene' for a few more years." Thanks, Mr. Jellinek, it was a great run.

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