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Best Body/ Body Parts

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A fun topic!!!!!!!! If you had to create the perfect ballet dancer's body for a female and male, how would you go about it if you had a magic wand? :wink:

Would you pick from the ballerina or danseur who has the best all-round body in ballet to you?

ORRRRRRRRRR......... :lightbulb:

Would you do a Dr. Frankenstein routine and pick specific body parts that you like from a particular male/female ballet dancer............

Who has the best legs/thighs/calves/feet?

Who has the best arms/biceps/hands?

The best chest/abs/back?

The best buns? :blush:

The best head/eyes/cheeks/lips........hair?

Yes, we might be going into parts unknown!!!!!! :P But what fun!!

I will start out by saying that I just love Ms. Korovski fr. NYCB, for best all-round ballerina's ballet. Not only a great body for dance, but she looks great on the street too :wink::wub: !!!!!!! Not the usual body for ballet.

I will also say I would kill for Carlos Acosta's thighs, for one day!!!!!!!!!!!! :beg::FIREdevil:

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Your topic is an intriguing one, and I'm sorry it got lost in the shuffle. I wish I knew enough to respond.

But surely there are other Ballet Talkers who feel strongly about X's beautiful feet feet and Y's eloquent lower back!

Here's your chance to vote your preferences.

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Eyes: Margot Fonteyn, Maria Kowroski

Legs: Nina Ananianisvili, Cyd Charisse, Darcy Busssell

Elongated body: Sylvie Guillem

Perfect conventional body: Margot Fonteyn is said to have had this, and it

certainly was lovely

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Suzanne Farrell's neck.

Oh heck -- Suzanne Farrell's everything! Okay, maybe not her feet.

to continue with body parts:

Svetlana Lunkina -- face

Irina Dvorovenko -- face and knees

Larissa Lezhnina -- face and smile

Diana Vishneva -- arms and back

Maria Allash -- torso

Darcey Bussell and Yulia Makhalina -- legs

Anna Antonicheva and Svetlana Zakharova -- feet

skills and intangible qualities:

Alla Sizova -- ballon and height of jump

Lucia Lacarra -- flexibility

Michele Wiles -- balance

Gillian Murphy and Sofiane Sylve -- turns

Altynai Asylmuratova -- precision, technique in general

Melissa Hayden and Merrill Ashley -- speed

Allegra Kent -- mystique

Suzanne Farrell -- mystique and allure

Gloria Govrin -- sensuality


body parts:

Rex Harrington -- face

Marcelo Gomes -- neck, buns

Farouk Ruzimatov -- profile, arms, torso

Igor Zelensky -- legs, face, line

Tiit Helimets -- feet; watch for him in San Francisco Ballet next season -- he's just been contracted as a Principal Dancer from Birmingham Royal Ballet where he was the same (to which he went from the Estonian National Ballet)

skills and intangible qualities:

Eddie Villella -- jump, speed, musicality, verve

Jacques d"Amboise -- energy, speed, carriage

Fernando Bujones -- pure technique, line, carriage, stage command, explosivity

Mikhail Baryshnikov -- jump, turns, charisma

Angel Corrella -- turns, smile

Conrad Ludlow and Jock Soto -- partnering

Rudolph Nureyev -- jump, batterie, animal magnetism

I'm still trying to narrow down best hands.

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Alessandra Ferri: legs, feet, sensuality, eyes, accent :D

Nina Ananiashvilli: arms, neck, eyes

Darci Kistler: arms, hair, grace

Julie Kent: face, smile

Sofiane Sylve: whiplash turns and balance

Svetlana Zakharova: extension

Suzanne Farrell: mystique

Ashley Bouder: ballon

Maria Kowroski: allure


Julio Bocca- smile, torso, arms, hands, buns, sensuality, flashing eyes :yahoo:

Angel Corella- face

David Hallberg- legs, stature

Joaquin de Luz- smile

Bocca, Cornejo, Carreno- "hispanic testosterone"

Damian Woetzel- hair, flair


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Thanks, Marga, for mentioning Melissa Hayden. She more than any other dancer is responsible for my original fascination with ballet, and I was depressed that I couldn't come up with something specific to put her on this list. Great, great dancer-performer. :)

Giselle05: I love the "hair, flair" characterization for Damian Woetzel I won't forget that.

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