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Everything posted by abatt

  1. I assume Manon will be the next stop on the Ferri Comeback Tour, and that Bolle would be her partner. No doubt Misty will ge the role too. Does that leave open one spot for another Manon?
  2. As long as he and ABT are up front from the outset regarding his scheduled assignments, I don't have a problem with him doing only a few shows. What really bothers me and others is when ABT advertises that he will be appearing in certain ballets for months, and then he is suddenly replaced because he doesn't feel like doing that role anymore or because he got a better or more interesting offer elsewhere. Yes, Boylston does get good reviews in some tragedies. In fact, the NY Times thought she gave a better performance than Hallberg when they were partnered together in R&J last season. I didn't see the performance.
  3. Boylston as Manon? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, because she is cast is every role. I find it hard to picture her as a sultry courtesan. I have my fingers crossed for Stella as Manon.
  4. Someone from NYCB must read this forum, because the error has been corrected on the website.
  5. I was looking at the online program listings (not the casting sheets), and the Allegro Brilliante entry for Oct 2 reads as follows: Music by: Peter Ilyitch Tschaikovsky Choreography by: George Balanchine Principal Casting: SEPT 29 mat, 30 mat: Sara Mearns, Tyler Angle SEPT 29 eve, OCT 7: Tiler Peck, Roman Mejia* (*first time in role) OCT 2: Erica Pereira, Anthony Huxley (*first time in role) Since Allegro Brilliante was never scheduled for October 7, is this a typo? I would be thrilled to see Allegro on Oct 7, so I hope this is not a typo error.
  6. .https://www.vogue.com/article/new-york-city-ballet-fall-gala-2018 Here are some photos from the gala. Of particular note is photo number 4 of Tiler Peck and her smokin' hot date, model Tommy Dunn. Based on their public instagram accounts, they have attended a number of recent events together.
  7. That's very true, and it's the case for many Balanchine ballets. You can only see the Balanchine geometry - the patterns and formations - from higher up. I recently sat up in the fourth ring for Jewels, and the difference in perspective helped enhance my appreciation of the placement and formations of the corps. I'm not complaining about sitting in the lower rings, but there should be more freedom of choice regarding seating locations. Audiences were robbed of this when Ms. Brown and Peter Martins decided to close half the theater on most nights.
  8. Yes, this is completely true. We keep seeing the same few principal men filling in everywhere. How long before one of them is injured from being overworked?
  9. On Sunday this program ran 3 hours because we had a mandatory See The Music lecture, which added about 15-20 minutes to the performance time. Carousel is a 15 minute ballet, so why did we need a 20 minute intermission before and after it? I suspect that when this was originally scheduled, the plan was to show Allegro, Easy and Carousel, have one 20 minute intermission, and then begin Sylphide. Due to Adrian DW's injury, however, Tyler Angle had to perform the leads in both Allegro and Carousel, so they decided to add an intermission before Carousel for all performances of this program. Under normal circumstances they would have had Catazaro doing Carousel. Since they now have a bare bones staff of male principals, they had to alter the timing of the program. The dancing in all of the ballets was first rate, although Tyler Angle is, in my opinion, an odd choice for Billy.
  10. Interesting that Wendy stayed away from City Ballet for a period of time because she said she could not watch others doing her old roles. (That was either in an article or in her film Restless Creature.) Recently, there have been many sightings of her at NYCB shows. I saw her at the opening night of Jewels last week. And based on the post above she attended last night's gala. Hmmm.
  11. I did not go. However, from reading Alastair Macaulay's instagram, it's clear that Russell Janzen replaced Adrian DW in the new Neenan work last night.
  12. Thanks for posting the Macaulay photos and info. From reading his post, it appears that Russell Janzen replaced Adrian DW last night in the new Neenan work.
  13. Not necessarily. The amended complaint was only filed last week, and he would filing an answer to the amended complaint, not the original complaint. Also, extensions to file are routinely granted.
  14. Here are some photos of the costumes and makeup for the new ballets: https://wwd.com/fashion-news/fashion-features/fashion-new-york-city-ballet-1202844354/ I'm trying to keep an open mind, but some of the costume and makeup choices appear to be distracting and awful.
  15. Brooklyn Mack is substituting for the embroiled Amar Ramasar in upcoming Fall For Dance performances at NY City Center.
  16. I guess we will have to disagree. I don't regard Waterbury as a whistleblower. A whistleblower is someone who informs on an illicit organization. The illicit behavior, however, was committed by an individual on his off hours in his personal life. There is no basis to impose liability on NYCB for the private actions of Finlay and his friends. Time will tell, as they say.
  17. Yes, her claim is against Finlay, and potentially against any of his friends who also distributed her image after receiving it from Finlay. SAB and NYCB are in the suit because they have deep pockets. Hopefully the institutions will be dismissed from the suit. If and when that happens, Waterbury's chance of collecting her damages from Finlay may be an uphill battle. He comes from a wealthy family, but their wealth is not his wealth. He is an unemployed student at the moment. If any members of the company were her friends, I'm not sure they still are. By embarrassing members of the company such as Alexa Maxwell and others by repeating the stories she has heard or says she has heard, all she has done is treat other women poorly. For someone who holds herself out as a representative of "me too", Waterbury has not done any of these women in the company a service.
  18. If and when NYCB wins and gets the case dismissed, they should send a press release touting the victory to every news outlet in existence. I do feel badly that Waterbury hooked up with such a lousy boyfriend as Finlay, but trying to bring down NYCB for this is farfetched, to put it mildly. In the end, if NYCB is victorious, Waterbury will suffer consequences down the road. If I were a potential employer, I would never hire Waterbury because she now has a reputation of being litigious and bringing frivolous claims against the institutions she is affiliated with.
  19. She has been out for some time. I don't know the nature of her injury.
  20. NYCB casting page was updated. Claire is doing all Tall Girl performances for the rest of this week.
  21. It would be under CPLR 3211, not 12(b)(6), because this is a state court action.
  22. Sorry to hear Kikta is injured. She was fabulous as Tall Girl in Rubies on Tuesday.
  23. Her assertions against the institutions of NYCB and SAB seem to be so weak and lacking in merit that I would not be surprised if counsel for NYCB and SAF file a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim, rather than filing an answer to the complaint.
  24. Let me add my appreciation of J. Gordon's spectacular performance of his solos in Diamonds. I have not seen the solos performed that well in a very long time. I thought he did good work as a partner for Mearns, but there were some elements that require additional polish regarding the partnering. In particular, the part where she leans all of her weight into him and he has to rotate her 360 degrees looked a little unsteady. But I do look forward to seeing him again in the role. Unity Phelan was a striking goddess in Emeralds. So much more I'd like to say, but alas I must get to work.
  25. Hoxha is replacing Huxley in both performances of Emeralds this week, per the revised casting sheet on the NYCB website.
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