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Everything posted by cubanmiamiboy

  1. Was the apotheosis recreated by Vikharev for the "old-new"...?
  2. Do so, please. There's always the possibility of "cleaning up" the info if more accurate sources come out to light... And hey...
  3. Thanks for that info, bart!... Mmm...wise choices for "Reina de las Driadas" Will think about it later, after tomorrow's events...
  4. Thanks, bart for opening the thread! Ok, as per casting options: 1-Jeanette Delgado/ Rolando Sarabia. Jeanette has all it takes to make a successful Kitri. The technical sharpness, the flirt, the flair, the Latin blood, the beautiful smile..As per Sarabita, Basilio was one of his trademarks back in Havana. He's older now and hasn't been exposed to the role for a long time...(I wonder if he danced it while in Houston), but I'm sure he'll be his old self. 2-Kronemberg/Guerra. C'mon...is there a more convincingly in love couple around...? This two are beautiful together, and should be perfect in the roles. 3-Catoya/Panteado. Catoya because she should be delivering great fouetees and has been glowing during the season. Panteado because he sure knows how to partner her. Believe it or not, I would like to see Baker as Basilio...I don't think it will happen..
  5. I moved Cristian's post to the top of this new thread. Let the anticipation begin! From: Bart. Ok, so let's get ready next for...Don Quijote!! Oh, and THAT is more "tierra firme" to me...-(unlike Balanchine's ballets) Let's not forget that the Cuban version for which I will be comparing it is the one currently danced at the Royal Danish Ballet. Dream casting choice number one goes to Patricia Delgado/Rolando Sarabia. Let's see...
  6. You raise a very interesting question, Cristian. There would seem to be a great deal of value in looking at dancers moving through space in silence. Sometimes, with pieces I know fairly well -- most recently, with Sugar Plum Fairy pdd and Robbins' version of Afternoon of a Faun -- I'll turn the volume off and just look. It can be wonderful. Or am I just kidding myself? Bart, of course this is not a kidding matters. On recordings with dreadful orchestras I usually do that...Also, I'm used to it, because in the salon where I work, there's a computer with no speakers. Thousands of clips have been watched by me there in plain silence... Also, remember that beautiful sequence of the silent playing in Polanski's "The Pianist"...?
  7. Ok, Natasha, you convinced me... Just ordered the DVD...(Oh, God...that credit card... )
  8. Good for you, Cristian, I admit that took courage, but not because I HATE it... ...she's one of the rose-snatchers. I don't like anything in it but the Queen, McCullers I think it is. Oh, the Queen is as dramatic as she can be..running all over the place...LOVE HER TOO!! About Durante, look...there's a little detail that made me start watching her RA more and more. She actually AKNOWLEDGES every suitor after each hand offering, giving them a brief look AND A SMILE after they' let her go. Many Auroras just keep looking down the whole time, I guess because of the balance issues. It looks to me as a polite "Thank you, but no thank you".
  9. "...Now we’ve added an additional choice. Instead of automatically removing the video from YouTube, we give users the option to modify the video by removing the music subject to the copyright claim and post the new version, and many of them are taking that option.” So well, one can always hum the music, right...? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/scienceandtechn...ight-rules.html
  10. Ok...I'll say it... I like the RB's with Viviana Durante. I like her very much on the role, and the sets and costumes too...including those controversial/bizarre stairs...ha!
  11. I only own Bessmertnova's, and I haven't felt the need to get another one...She's not at her prime on the DVD, but I realize I tend to enjoy that "ne cest' pas" that experienced ballerinas give to the roles after years onstage. Bessmertnova here shows a mature approach, confidence, a grand/convincing air that makes the visual experience more enjoyable, and her technique is sharper that many ballerinas half her age who have been filmed on DVD...A bit , but I got her Raymonda after owning her Giselle, which is another eye candy. About the story, as per this version it doesn't look senseless at all, and I never had any problem following the plot. The sets and costumes are beautiful, ditto with the quality of the shooting. Highly recommended. I saw Pas de Dix with Miami City Ballet, and loved the dancing, but missed the story... I must say that I'm very tempted after Natalia's praising of Kolpakova's...mmm...I might get it soon...
  12. Check this out: http://corellaballet.org/ and maybe this too... http://www.typicallyspanish.com/news/publi...cle_19311.shtml
  13. I have never seen Fadeev dancing in person, but I pray for his fast recovery and prompt return to the stage. God bless the hands of his health care providers.
  14. Thank you for the clarification about Albertson's replacement by Carranza on Friday night, Leibling. I missed the announcement-(mea culpa)- and gave the not-so-good review to the wrong ballerina. Sorry about that. For what I see now, it was Carranza dancing the third girl who didn't do it totally for me. Corrections have been made in the original post. Still, about Albertson I can still maintain that sort of "slowing down"/"bland" feeling based on her performance from Saturday. Among all, I still remember Catoya as the savior of the night, lovely Seay still being the one I missed the most and regret not getting to see her at all...
  15. That's just what I had in mind. Some of the lifts during the PDD were just plain wrong-(choreographically speaking). And yes, one just wants to see a real ballet after this kind of..dance...On my second night I even got to the theater after the first Intermezzo. No...no patience. Ballet Imperial was my reward.
  16. What amazes me at the end is how "Giselle" was being carefully kept everywhere by their caring bailarinas all around the world...all big names: Pavlova, Karsavina, Spessivtseva, Ulanova, Markova, Fonteyn, Alonso, Fracci, Chauvire, Kirkland, Makarova...surrounded by all kinds of political governements and sometimes personal chaos, Giselle never stopped dancing and dying to her sad fate...
  17. Time to play, people!!! Collier, just because i loved her Plum Fairy in Sir Peter's Wright's production. The all-British-DAME/BALLERINA: Dame Markova or Dame Fointeyn...?
  18. Miss Ofelia Gonzalez During the late 80’s and early 90’s, Ofelia Gonzalez was one of the only two bailarinas who would totally divide the Cuban audience, the other being Rosario Suarez-(Charin). There were riots…literally, “ofelistas” never loosing territory. Miss Gonzalez graduated with honors during the same time as Suarez and Amparo Brito. This three bailarinas belong to a controversial chapter of the Cuban Company. The three of them were already big time winners in international competitions and full sold houses at home, and still, they were just not lucky… never gotten promoted to Primeras Bailarinas until they were in her forties and almost at retirement time…This three bailarinas, Miss Gonzalez included, were known among the public as “The Three Graces”. If Suarez was the stage fire, the non stopping full force, Gonzalez was the perfectionist…the one with the most precision and sharpness…the MOST complete of them all. Now, I know if some Charin’s devotees read this, they would come with thousand of arguments, proving me wrong, and I know because I was one of them. Now, many years later, I can understand that Gonzalez possessed those ultimate qualities that made her probably the most complete bailarina of those times. Her interpretations were legendary, they way she devised every character making it her own with the ultimate details…with every single gesture. Now, revisiting her clips with a wiser vision, I must say that I’ve discovered what a marvelous technician she was without showing off at all… Many years later, Julio Bocca would say that some of his greatest most spontaneous, joyous performances he ever did were those with the CUBAN BALLET and his favorite bailarina was Ofelia with whom he made his debut as Siegfried in Swan Lake with the company.. As per today Miss Gonzalez, along with Amparo Brito and Rosario Suarez, our beloved “Three Graces” and a whole chapter in the history of the Cuban ballet, have been erased from its official history for unfair reasons. No traces of her name within the roster of the Company and/or the Ballet School. Wherever you are, Ofe…here is my little tribute and homage. Thank you for your art and the most beautiful memories. Ladies and Gentlemen, Miss Ofelia Gonzalez. :blush: As Odile, Sl Act III, with Lazaro Carreno As Aurora, solo from Sleeping Beauty As Kitri, DQ with Julio Bocca PDD from Chopiniana, with Jose Zamorano As Odette, in the Love Duet-(White Swan PDD)-with Lazaro Carreno
  19. Ooops... so I'm the guilty one... :blush:
  20. It's so interesting...I just placed two windows together. One witht Fonteyn's 1937 Giselle clip...the other one with the 1932 Olga Spessivtzeva's in the same role. I'm opening two more with the fragments of Markova and some vintage I have from Alonso from the early 40's. A whole Giselle feast!!- :blush:
  21. I have both. The second one is the one released in Japan. I boughbt it in a chinese website...chinese credits and all...! :blush: Yes, It does makes a difference. For many years this was the only Beauty reference I had, and out of few suggestions, I bought Kolpakova's. She is pretty, yes, but Sizova IS aurora, just as Hans said. The only bad thing about it i show chopped off are the PDD's-(III Act III, A/D-F/B), missing variations and codas). I had a friend edited it, and he placed Soloviev's and Sizova's variations after the Adagio. The order on the DVD is as follows-(so you don't get dissapointed) Aurora/Desire Adagio The Cats Divertissement Bluebird/Florine Adagio-(no variations/coda) Desire Variation Aurora Variation Final Tableau
  22. Oh...no, no..don't see it as an "atack" at all . It's actually very friendly-(here...some flowers... )-...and it gets to be even more interesting when some nice controversy shows up. (Honestly, when days pass by with not much to differs about, I start to get preocupied...and bored... ) Bienvenida!!
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