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Everything posted by Helene

  1. For a while it was the rage to pay development people a percentage of the money they brought in. I'm not sure whether the pendulum or the percentages have shifted, but 25% doesn't seem out of line.
  2. Here's a link to a PNB blog interview with "Mating Theory" choreographer Victor Quijada, including his comments about working with Twyla Tharp for three years: http://blog.pnb.org/2012/03/choreographer-victor-quijada-on.html
  3. Was it created for Oaks and Edur? Talk about two gorgeous dancers... A note to "Cylindrical Shadows": Olivier Wevers is staging the work for PNB.
  4. I don't know the specifics of this jump, but in other organizations, such jumps have been caused by the presence of a matching grant, an x-year special foundation grant, a particularly large bequest from someone's (or several people's) will or in honor of someone's wealthy parents a la McCaw Hall in Seattle, a large donation for a new production, an organization realizing that it qualified for a grant that is not specifically arts-related, the appearance of a wealthy patron a la Anne Bass at NYCB and SAB, and/or a shift in the board. It would be odd to be part of a change in accounting method or an endowment liquidation, which would have to be disclosed on the financial statements.
  5. Do dancers who are forced into retirement by age guest? It would be wonderful if Massot were to be one of Boal's promised Guest Artists for next season, especially since PNB has ties with RDB, with several PNB dancers having done exchange programs and with Jodie Thomas dancing there.
  6. In ultra Orthodox Judaism now, at a wedding celebration the sexes are segregated, usually with a screen separating the men and women. The bride and groom are raised on chairs, and each holds an end of the handkerchief, the only time during the reception that they see each other, and, of course, they are not permitted to touch in public. The ritual is performed at many Jewish weddings of all persuasions, but the purpose in ultra Orthodox Judaism is still the same.
  7. I've seen Cuthbertson dance, and if there's disappointment with her in London, please send her here. I wouldn't call Polunin an experienced partner. Rehearsals are where dancers figure out partnering issues. It's very possible that Cuthbertson and Polunin are not a match as a partnership. I'm not sure the Royal Ballet is particularly sensitive to partnerships, after seeing the Ansanelli and Makhateli one, which Mason and Co. thought was a good idea for some reason.
  8. I think this is in the new grand tradition of making YouTube videos in the style of other YouTube videos that have gone viral.
  9. An implication about a threat related to his visa arose in an article. According to articles published in Links, his original visa was specific to working for the Royal Ballet, just like H-1 visas in the US are sponsored by a company for a specific person for a specific job. Once he no longer worked for the Royal Ballet, his original visa was no longer valid, and since he resigned from the Royal Ballet, and they didn't cut him, they had nothing to do with his visa no longer being valid. Sadler's Wells was responsible for helping him get his latest visa, which is a general work visa and doesn't tie him to a job or organization. Articles have not discussed his family's sacrifice, but rather, his family's demand that he make sacrifices to support them. His family was separated, with his father working in England, to support his early training. Separating the family is usually considered a sacrifice.
  10. I read it much the same way as aurora. He doesn't find the work interesting, nor rehearsing, nor partnering most women. (With Rojo, he finds an exception.) I don't read anything about the Royal Ballet in particular in what he says, unless they have an attendance requirement for company class. His story isn't very different than many figure skaters, whose family made sacrifices for their training, and they continue to the highest ranks without loving it. From an audience member's point of view, it's a shame he feels this way, but it's really up to him to decide what he wants to do when he wakes up in the morning, and, not surprisingly, crying isn't high on his list.
  11. Many thanks for the news, cinnamonswirl, and to M. Hoffalt!
  12. Here's rehearsal footage of "A Million Kisses to My Skin", with interview footage of Lindsi Dec (in the video still) and Jonathan Porretta. You can also see a bit of Lesley Rausch, Seth Orza, and Sarah Ricard Orza.
  13. According to the NYPL catalog, that man was Peter Boal http://nypl.bibliocommons.com/item/show/16496707052_lincoln_center_celebrates_balanchine_100 It was never released commercially, but the Performing Arts Library has a copy of the videodisc.
  14. Carla Korbes is listed as one of the featured performers at the Vail Festival 2012. It isn't clear from the website whether she will perform on 3 August, 4 August, or both days, since there is one listing for both performances: https://www.vaildanc...sionlanguage=EN
  15. Saturday, 11 August 7:30pm Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater This commercial-free program will feature stars from the hit dance shows “America’s Best Dance Crew,” “So You Think You Can Dance,” and “Dancing With the Stars." Performers will include Anna Trebunskaya and Jonathan Roberts, Alex Wong, Allison Holker and ballet stars Tiler Peck and Robert Fairchild. More performers to be announced. https://www.vaildance.org/Online/default.asp?doWork::WScontent::loadArticle=Load&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::article_id=37957F20-EB0D-4300-8F42-A9CB61C8E237&sessionlanguage=EN
  16. Tuesday, 6 August 7:30pm Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater Tickets on sale 6 June 11am MST. PERFORMING ARTISTS Ballet stars Tiler Peck and Robert Fairchild from New York City Ballet Martha Graham Dance Company Ballet X https://www.vaildance.org/Online/default.asp?doWork::WScontent::loadArticle=Load&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::article_id=C7A8C0F7-61C4-4615-8CFF-35AA2303DBDF&sessionlanguage=EN
  17. Monday 6 August 7:30pm Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater Hosted by Damian Woetzel PROGRAM New Work choreographed by Brian Brooks, performed by Mr. Brooks and Wendy Whelan. One of Sixty Five Thousand Gestures, choreographed in collaboration by Trisha Brown and Jodi Melnick. Music by Hahn Rowe. Performed by Jodi Melnick. Solo for Sy, choreographed by Jill Johnson, music by Joachim Biber. Performed by Sokvannara (Sy) Sar. New Work by Matthew Neenan. Performed by Ballet X New Lamentation Variation, choreographed by Doug Varone. Performed by the Martha Graham Dance Company. New Work choreographed by Christopher Wheeldon. Performed by Fang-Yi Sheu, Wendy Whelan, Tyler Angle, and Craig Hall. https://www.vaildanc...sionlanguage=EN
  18. Saturday, 4 August 7:30pm Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater Tickets and List of Featured Performers: https://www.vaildance.org/Online/default.asp?doWork::WScontent::loadArticle=Load&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::article_id=EA6AFE8F-449B-403B-88B3-16541DA6F867&sessionlanguage=EN
  19. Friday, 3 August 7:30pm Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater Tickets and List of Featured Performers: https://www.vaildance.org/Online/default.asp?doWork::WScontent::loadArticle=Load&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::article_id=00CE03C0-F71B-4782-8BFF-82C59613C369&sessionlanguage=EN
  20. Tuesday, 31 July 7:30pm Vilar Performing Arts Center ABOUT NEW YORK CITY BALLET MOVES - UPCLOSE: STRAVINSKY BY BALANCHINE UpClose: Stravinsky by Balanchine will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the New York City Ballet’s landmark Stravinsky Festival.This unique event will focus on the groundbreaking ballets created by George Balanchine to the music of Igor Stravinsky, ballets considered to be among the 20th century’s most important and enduring works of art. Among the ballets being showcased rehearsal-style by the brilliant dancers of NYCB MOVES, will be Agon, Apollo, Orpheus, Violin Concerto, Capriccio (Rubies), Symphony in Three Movements, and the Firebird. UpClose: Stravinsky by Balanchine will be hosted by Peter Martins, New York City Ballet's Ballet Master in Chief, and Vail International Dance Festival Director Damian Woetzel, at the intimate Vilar Performing Arts Center in Beaver Creek. https://www.vaildance.org/Online/default.asp?doWork::WScontent::loadArticle=Load&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::article_id=A47416A5-5D51-493F-9C4D-200B2462D73D&sessionlanguage=EN
  21. Monday, 30 July 7:30pm Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater MOVES Choreography: Jerome Robbins THE WALTZ PROJECT Music: Lou Harrison, Robert Moran, Robert Helps, Peter Gena, Joan Tower, Milton Babbitt, Tom Constanten, Roger Sessions, Philip Glass, Ivan Tcherepnin, and John Cage… Choreography: Peter Martins HERMAN SCHMERMAN PAS DE DEUX Music: Thom Willems Choreography: William Forsythe SINFONIA Music: Igor Stravinsky Choreography: Peter Martins https://www.vaildance.org/Online/default.asp?doWork::WScontent::loadArticle=Load&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::article_id=451AE317-7D4E-4E49-9481-A54F76E0ACE1&sessionlanguage=EN
  22. Sunday, 29 July 7:30pm Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater SONATINE Music: Maurice Ravel Choreography: George Balanchine © The George Balanchine Trust Sonatine was presented as the opening ballet of the New York City Ballet Ravel Festival during the 1975 Spring Season, which marked the 100th anniversary of the composer's birth. In this work... IN THE NIGHT Music: Frédéric Chopin Choreography: Jerome Robbins RED ANGELS Music: Richard Einhorn Choreography: Ulysses Dove ZAKOUSKI Music: Sergei Rachmaninoff, Igor Stravinsky, Sergei Prokofiev, Peter Ilyitch Tschaikovsky Choreography: Peter Martins NEW WORK Music: Philip Glass Choreography: Justin Peck https://www.vaildance.org/Online/default.asp?doWork::WScontent::loadArticle=Load&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::article_id=6B7DEB3A-0CA5-4902-9E97-50B71473D63D&sessionlanguage=EN
  23. Of course, we don't know what internal discussions came before this letter was published. Just as we can speculate that the dancers don't want to work hard or to Hubbe's standards, we can also speculate that they have legitimate complaints, artistically and management-related.
  24. Many thanks for the link, Lidewij! Here is a direct version of the link; if you double click on the __________ above the video, you'll get full YouTube controls: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDxTj-UrYDM I, too, hope someone can ID the dancers.
  25. PNB has published the first weekend's casting for the program that opens a week from Friday: Rep 4 performance casting week 1.xls When the website is updated, casting will appear here: http://www.pnb.org/S...Details-Casting Since there's are few differences, I'll post it here: A Million Kisses to My Skin (Dawson) KORBES ORZA DEC POSTLEWAITE CHAPMAN PORRETTA RICARD ORZA GILBREATH RAUSCH Cylindrical Shadows (Lopez Ochoa) NAKAMURA (Fri, Sat eve.)/DEC (Sun mat.) KITCHENS GILBREATH POSTLEWAITE (Fri, Sat eve.)/CRUZ (Sun mat.) BARTEE TISSERAND SUDDARTH THOMSON HIPOLITO JR. Mating Theory (Quijada) IMLER FOSTER DEC MULLIN O'CONNOR POSTLEWAITE LIN-YEE BARTEE THOMSON SUDDARTH I think the role that Chalnessa Eames danced in the premiere/original version of "Cylindrical Shadows" is a great one. I hope people will report on how Nakamura and Dec approach the role. I won't be able to see it until second weekend; For those with matinee subscriptions, please note that the Sunday matinee is first weekend (18 Mar), and the Saturday matinee is second weekend (24 Mar).
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