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Everything posted by canbelto

  1. Speaking of apprentices anyone know what happened to Ethan Fuller? He also was an apprentice that never got a corps contract.
  2. It really depends. Tiler Peck entered the company in February 2005 when she just turned 16.
  3. Sarah Lane has a job as a principal at ABT, which probably pays well and has decent benefits, something that wouldn't be guaranteed if she moved elsewhere. Also, as much as I like her, she definitely is more of a classical ballerina and I don't see her fitting in well in a company with a lot of neoclassical Balanchine/Robbins works. Alexei Ratmansky obviously respects her as she's often cast in his projects. Also her husband is in the company. She'd be sacrificing a lot to leave ABT and I don't see her doing so at this point in her career.
  4. I'll just add that Reichlen and Janzen in Diamonds were so heart-meltingly beautiful I don't think I breathed once during their pas de deux.
  5. So I went to all three casts of Jewels and compared casts: https://humbledandoverwhelmed.blogspot.com/2018/09/nycb-recovers-after-summer-of-scandal.html
  6. Speaking of Reichlen I really really miss her as Tall Girl in Rubies. She was sensational every time she did it. I doubt I'll ever see a Tall Girl as amazing as her.
  7. Reichlen danced Concerto Barocco tonight so I don't think she's injured.
  8. Wow RIP to a great dancer and a real trailblazer. Loved this variation in an early version of Mr. B's Nutcracker:
  9. I actually was thinking the same thing -- that Ramasar's first post was extremely poorly thought out, and it was his second that at least expressed remorse over his actions.
  10. Well now we know why Catazaro and Ramasar were fired on Saturday. I assume NYCB was served with the amended complaint before it was uploaded to the court systems.
  11. Gio Villalobos announced he is departing at the end of the season.
  12. My favorite Symphony in C second movement dancer Tess Reichlen definitely does it (at 2:03 in the video):
  13. Don't think Tiler could do the second movement. She's talked about an early back injury limiting her flexibility. If you notice she rarely does full arabesque penchees, and she certainly can't do the head-to-knee curl in Symph in C second movement.
  14. Well if you go to Megan Fairchild;s instagram page you'll see that they had a baby shower for her yesterday, with Sara Mearns, Maria Kowroski, Sterling Hyltin, Ashley Bouder etc. in attendance. Looks like she's due any day now. (Some of the rare happy news from NYCB nowadays.)
  15. I dont suppose this is the place for grim humor but here goes: this makes me really really nostalgic for last summer when Robbie Fairchild leaving Tiler Peck for Ashley Day was the big ticket gossip item.
  16. Wow this is awful. I read the court complaint and Lexi Maxwell was named as a dancer whose photos/videos got passed around. I certainly hope Catazaro and Ramasar don't return.
  17. In other news, Patti McBride and Eddie Villela are coming back to coach Rubies: https://www.pointemagazine.com/whats-edward-villella-doing-now-2599574853.html?utm_campaign=RebelMouse&socialux=facebook&share_id=3898074&utm_medium=social&utm_content=Pointe&utm_source=facebook
  18. This news has unfortunately been confirmed by several NYCB dancers who have also posted links to suicide hotlines. How terrible. RIP.
  19. I might be wrong but I got the feeling that Peter Martins took on much more administrative duties than Balanchine. Balanchine when he was "Ballet Master" at NYCB was always going around the world licensing, staging, and in many cases choreographing for different companies. Eddie Bigelow and Betty Cage really took care of the administrative day-to-day duties. Balanchine was in those days rightly focused on creating a unique repertoire for NYCB, developing SAB and recruiting teachers he trusted, and casting/teaching/rehearsing.
  20. I think Balanchine chose "Ballet Master" because ... well, he really was a ballet master. He was considered the finest choreographer of his time (and maybe for all time) and the commissions for his ballets were his only source of income.
  21. Huh? The Bolshoi is not some regional company from nowhere. It has a huge international fanbase from their lucrative tours, livestreams, and their stars guesting all over the world. Many of these international audiences would surely be offended by the blackface. Also it's a fallacy that Russians have few people of African descent. It's ironic that this particular argument is still used in the week a movie about Alexander Pushkin, a Russian writer with African heritage. If the Bolshoi has NO dancers from different ethnicities then, well, that's another big problem.
  22. Both Shklyarov and Sarafanov have family situations -- both of their wives dance at the Mariinsky and are big enough stars there that they probably wouldn't want to jeopardize their wives' careers to come to ABT full time.
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