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Posts posted by Balletwannabe

  1. If you have a daughter who's a female ballet student you see Kathryn Morgan's video in a different light.  These body conversations are 100% necessary.  Never before have ballet students had to grow up with a constant barrage of images and videos on social media of "instafamous" young dancers who showcase everything they're not.  If you could hear the chatter in ballet studios..these girls are never happy with themselves.  Everything they do is not good enough (to them).  Kathryn Morgan is a godsend for these girls. 


  2. 2 hours ago, Leah said:

    Oh god. I sat near the most awful family last night who talked and loudly munched on snacks the entire time. Then therewas another family who had young kids in front us. The little boy was transfixed by the ballet and didn’t want to talk except throughout the ballet the dad kept trying to engage him in conversation. The little girl, meanwhile, kept yelling and talking throughout the whole thing and her mother just ignored her. Someone finally shushed the little girl, as she was yelling during the black swan pas de deux, and one of the eaters I was sitting next to loudly came to the defense of the brat and tried to get into a fight with the audience member. 

    And then there were multiple people who came and went as they pleased throughout the dancing. Naturally, the usher in my section happily seated latecomers and engaged them in conversation. During the dancing.

    I'm so sorry.  I have young children.  I would be mortified if my kids were acting up and would leave immediately if they were causing a distraction.

    The worst thing I've done at the Koch is accidentally dropped an empty bottle of soda from the top row and it very loudly toppled down while the person sitting next to be started giggling.  It was during a very quiet moment of the ballet and I was so embarrassed.

  3. 6 hours ago, LadyBubbles said:

    Well now Lane is getting HEAT for using that quote. Let's see what she has to say about that. I can't even sure she knows who this person (whose name I refuse to say) is what she represents. I've seen so many people find random quotes they like and use them carelessly on social media. Some don't even cite the source, which is wrong. Others do, only to be horrified when they're told who that quote came from. Well, the latest comment was rather straight up "how could you?" so we'll see if she a) responds, b) ignores, c) deletes the comment and ignores, e) deletes the quote, or f) delete the post entirely. I can't defend her; she's a big girl. You put it out there, you answer for it.

    As for the rest of the post, I wouldn't put too much thought into it. Was it about Brandt? Maybe or maybe not. Copeland? Maybe or maybe not. A random reflection she thought of while taking a shower? Maybe (or not). The timing was unfortunate. If this was meant to be shade, then this is no different than any other workplace. There will be drama, there will be tears, there will be fights, and there will be make ups at some point. I personally have to deal with it, as in deal with the conflict resolution, all the time. Of course, I'm not allowed to comment on anyone's drama outside of my little team bubble, but boy do adults really get into the drama of life.

    She doesn't have to answer for it.  She's not required to regulate other people's emotions.  

  4. Just now, Leah said:

    During a performance of the Jerome Robbins festival at NYCB a few years ago two young women became very angry when they saw Copeland was not performing. The revelation that there were two New York companies did not assuage them and they left after the first ballet.

    At our local company someone left the performance of The Little Mermaid because they thought it would be a musical based on the Disney movie 🙄. Some people are just completely clueless.

  5. 29 minutes ago, On Pointe said:

    Copeland did not call out minors.  She made a very mild criticism about the continued use of blackface.   Waterbury is posting videos of herself screaming obscenities at Maxwell,  a very different situation.  Of course her followers feel emboldened to join in with calls to "burn the witch!". Waterbury will never ask them to tone it down.

    Call it whatever you want, she posted their IG names in her post.  I have comments about this on the dedicated thread, so I won't go down this tangent. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, dirac said:

    Doesn't matter, IMO, it's not an exact analogy. I'm glad to hear you say that the harassment is unacceptable.

    I don't think you quite understood what I meant because I probably wasn't clear- she's responding to comments because she wants to defend herself, which indicates to me that she's willing to have this conversation.  It's not the same thing as the Copeland situation where minors were called out and didn't have the ability to control what was on Misty's IG.  I'm not saying it's a comfortable situation, but I admire her for her bravery in opening herself up to criticism.  It was more of an observation that she was choosing to keep comments open; not a judgement.

    Edit: I also admire Waterbury (for some of what she has said/done).  I'm on no one's side.  I think the whole fight between them is unfortunate and distracts from the bigger issue. 

  7. Just now, canbelto said:

    That's misogynistic. Women are always held to higher standards of behavior than men. You could say people expect 38 year old guys not to act like 13 year olds who discovered "girls' boobies" for the first time while looking at their Playboy mag stashes. 

    Another thing: Alexa Maxwell says she's been with Amar Ramasar for five years. However Amar was married to Elysia Fridkin until 2016. Do the math.

    Yes..this...let's not forget how this whole mess started.  

  8. Just now, On Pointe said:

    Finlay has receded because Waterbury has allowed him to.  She could be calling him out every time she mentions Ramasar's name,   and yet she doesn't.  That's oddI'll go there and say it's the old game of Blame the Black Guy,  a venerable classic ploy.  Of course technically Ramasar isn't black.  But being a person of Puerto Rican and Trinidadian heritage,  with dark brown skin,  he's "black adjacent" - he'll do in a pinch.  I believe that racism is driving a lot of the invective hurled his way.   To those who complain that I'm "playing the race card",  well,  that card is in the deck.  To pretend otherwise is to be willfully naive.

    As for calling Maxwell a "bitch" and dropping f bombs,  apparently Waterbury doesn't realize that the judge who presides over her case is going to take her immature behavior into account. 

    Did you watch her latest IG story?  She addressed both points you mentioned.

  9. 11 minutes ago, On Pointe said:

    I saw this comment on Waterbury's Instagram:

    "Here is my question to you. Why aren’t you concentrating on Chase? Why not bring Chases name up since he was your perpetrator? I realize you wanted all of the men to be fired and to have their lives destroyed, will you continue to haunt them for the rest of your life? I realize how painful it was to have been so exposed, but it was Chase that did that!! Not Ramasar! I hope that there will be healing for you AND the men."

     A very good question indeed.

    At this point a psych eval might be a good idea.  

    I could just as easily say the same about Maxwell for staying with Amar...

    But I think both women deserve respect and neither are crazy.  I can't pretend to know how I would feel in either of their situations.  

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