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Everything posted by cobweb

  1. Thank you, Wonders! I have not seen Collett in any featured role, but she certainly seems promising. It is exciting to see the young ladies who are getting big opportunities in Fancy Free -- Lauren Collett, Mary Thomas MacKinnon, and Malorie Lundgren. Of course, great for Alexa Maxwell too, but she is already well known to us, and overdue for promotion. I was at this afternoon's performance again. Tiler Peck and Roman Mejia made the whole thing worthwhile, just grand and beautiful. I am glad I got to see Isabella LaFreniere again in Firebird and the tremendous progress she has made from her already-polished debut last year. She has really made this role her own, despite coming on the very illustrious heels of Kowroski, Reichlen, Bouder, and Mearns. And I'm glad I will get to see Ashley Hod take on the role at the Jared Angle retirement performance. But after that, I'm done with Firebird for a while, maybe a long while. Just too much posing and costumes, not enough dance. When Miriam Miller did the Bride, I enjoyed it more, her incredible limbs made mincemeat of the long dress and showed that is actually a real dancing role. Otherwise, having seen LeCrone, Gerrity, and Savannah Lowery, none of them short, I find that whole section extremely dull. It takes a dancer of the longest possible limbs to make this role interesting, so the next obvious candidate would be Christina Clark. I would add that I'm enjoying Baily Jones (demisoloist in Walpurgisnacht Ballet) more than I used to. She somehow looks different now, maybe just more maturity? Not sure. Confident and lively. Would be glad to see her in bigger roles. Also I surprisingly enjoyed Erica Pereira in Walpurgisnacht more than expected. Her career is definitely stalled however.
  2. Thank you for the suggestion, susu_nyc! I can readily identify Gabriella Domini, so I'm sure it wasn't her. This young lady was a similar height to Domini, but with a more lanky build, ie, small torso, longer limbs, and more articulated joints if that makes any sense. It drives me crazy that they aren't putting up photos of the corps members. It has been OVER THREE YEARS since they put in any new corps pics!
  3. As my flight landed this afternoon at JFK (and fortunately without clipping any other airplanes on the tarmac), the main thought on my mind was: can I make it to the performance tonight? Yes, I could make it, although somewhat jet-lagged. Brief report: Loved Peck and Mejia in Allegro Brillante. He has grown so much since bursting onto the scene several years ago, and now has a mature, adult quality that sits well on him. Also I can see him handling his ballerina with the utmost care, attention, and pride, and that really warms my heart. Finally, he has sometimes (often) seemed heedless and reckless, heaving himself into the air as if height is all that matters and to hell with form. But tonight he looked beautifully in control. Tiler's solo continues to astonish. Intermission after Allegro Brillante, really? I think they could have kept the evening to one intermission. I don't think I've seen Liturgy before, and I probably don't need to see it again. Unity and Chun Wai Chan both looked great. I'm finding her a little overexposed and overused at this point, but he really (as someone said up-thread) has it all. I look forward to seeing him in anything and everything. Walpurgisnacht Ballet. Emilie Gerrity was fine, but I gotta agree with @BalanchineFan that it was kind of bland. I wish we could have seen Emily Kikta in this role. This is a fun piece to watch. Lots going on for the corps ladies. I would like to get a better look at Ava Sautter in a featured role, she first caught my eye as one of the Tall Ladies of Phlegmatic a year or so ago. Also I am trying to identify one of the corps ladies. I would have said it was Lauren Collett, except Collett wasn't listed to dance. Petite brunette with big eyes, very pleasing slender figure, and - this is what I noticed - extraordinarily long arms. Anyone know who this is, is it in fact Lauren Collett? Finally, whoever said up-thread that Firebird was probably put in as a retirement vehicle for Jared Angle, I think that must be right. He has been such a wonderful presence and partner, one of a kind. I will miss him. Isabella LaFreniere added a lot of depth and authority from when I saw her in this role last year. That grand jete offstage was breathtaking, and the solo was full of pathos. I watched NYCB's instagram footage of SVC with Nadon and Danchig-Waring. I love how she doesn't let herself be rushed by the music and luxuriates in it. Can't wait to see this.
  4. Thanks for the blow-by-blow updates, @bellawood! Fun to hear.
  5. Any reports on Emilie Gerrity's debut tonight in Walpurgisnacht Ballet? Also how did the LaFreniere Firebird look? I am sorry I am missing the first week of performances. Looking forward to next week and seeing Nadon in SVC!
  6. I'm always up for Union Jack. Last time they did it was Fall 2019. The only time I ever saw Davidsbundlertanze was during the run in 2014, and I remember being entranced. My tastes may have changed somewhat since then, so not sure how I would react now, but I would love the chance to see it again and develop more of an informed opinion. I especially remember a moment when three women enter together (I remember Reichlen, Krohn, and not sure who was the third), and how it caught my heart.
  7. Per the website, Lilac is listed as already being in Miller's rep. She must have done it last time they did SB, but I guess I didn't see her, or just don't remember.
  8. Wow, I watched the video and I really hope that Sara is okay. She looks tired, worn, and older. I will miss her. But I guess this means we will also have a new Lilac Fairy. We on BA have spent a lot of time hashing out the Aurora situation, but what about Lilac? On the current roster, I believe that previous Lilacs have been Laracey, LeCrone, and Miller. Anyone else? One or two more will presumably be needed. Oh, and I would really love to see Davidsbundlertanze too.
  9. Just curious. Do we know which ad agency NYCB works with?
  10. Week 2 casting is up, and Week 1 replacements. Gerrity debuts in Walpurgisnacht! I look forward to this, but I really hope Sara Mearns is okay. Also Ashley Hod debuts Firebird. Very surprised they didn't give this to Mira Nadon, who seems born for the role.
  11. I got the email too. Already got my ticket! It's definitely time for Jared to retire, but he will be really, really missed.
  12. Great question. Is there anyone else currently on the roster who has done this role? in NYC or on tour?
  13. ... and I am sure they will both be lovely. I'm surprised to see LaFreniere rehearsing, and presumably performing, Aurora. Tall and not exactly teenage looking. On the other hand, she does have a youthful freshness and eagerness about her, and I can see her coming across as charmingly innocent. Okay, I've talked myself into it and I may need to see all the casts. Only one I'm still hesitant on is Phelan. Overall, very looking forward to the run of SB!
  14. Can't help be disappointed by (seemingly, as of yet) no Emma von Enck. I got my heart set on that!
  15. Great points, On Pointe. All of us here qualify as "hardcore ballet fans." Doing a rough calculation of how often I've been to NYCB since I started attending in 2011, I come up with approximately 500-600 performances. And while I find the Sleeping Beauty ad kind of hypnotic, it doesn't at all represent what actually occurs on the stage. I wish NCYB's advertising was more ballet-forward. That is what they have to offer, and as you say they should have confidence in what they're selling. I can't help but think that if people come to see SB based on that ad, they're going to find the actual ballet to be long, slow, and horribly old-fashioned. Kind of off topic, but I see that Sapphire Indian restaurant has permanently closed. It was mentioned on this board occasionally as a place for pre-performance dinner. I only went there once, but I absolutely loved the food and congenial atmosphere. I happened to check the website because I was planning to go again soon. Sorry to see them closed!!
  16. Very odd. Kind of psychedelic and mesmerizing, though. I wonder if the audience drawn to this ad will also like the actual ballet.
  17. I don't always need a bathroom break, but I do like just a break break. This piece is ambitious already in being so long; no intermission ramps up the expectations even higher. This better be good! Hoping....
  18. Um, wow. This is certainly ambitious. I was assuming I would see this, but now I'm thinking maybe I'll wait for a few reviews from my fellow BA buddies. Aside from Wagner, this would be long even for opera. Are there any ballets at all, even Goldberg Variations, that are this long with no intermission?
  19. Definitely looks like Miriam Miller to me. I will probably see this piece out of curiosity, but the trailer left me cold. So dull I could barely watch the minute of it! Hopefully, presumably, there's more to it than all this posing.
  20. A little surprised to see a big opportunity for Christina Clark (in Haieff Divertimento). She is so tall I can’t imagine she has a future beyond the corps, and even then, I’ve been surprised they took such a tall girl into the corps.
  21. Agree. I just took a look at the Winter programming and sad to say there's not a whole lot that I want to see. Disappointing. Hoping they will shake things up with some exciting new casting.
  22. Thank you, BalanchineFan! I certainly am a huge fan of Laracey, I consider her one of the most beautiful and poetic dancers I have ever seen.
  23. Yes, I did, the first performance. Beautiful. Laracey has had a great career no doubt, as a favored soloist at one of the world's leading ballet companies. So I try not to dwell on the things that didn't happen, but it's hard not to wish we could see her in Symphony in C, Diamonds, and Vienna Waltzes.
  24. .. and since we're dreaming about casting, I know this will never happen, but Ashley Laracey in 2nd movement, Symphony in C.
  25. Great suggestions!! Now that you mention Square Dance, also let's see Emma von Enck.
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