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Family Members of Dancers

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Hope this is the right place for this topic. Often, it seems, family members of dancers are distinguished themselves in other fields; Gelsey Kirkland's father Jack was a playwright and was the dramatist for the play from the Erskine Caldwell novel "Tobacco Road". Here is a link to a web page about Dr. Irvine Page, brother of choreographer Ruth Page, who was a doctor instrumental in research about the link betweeen hypertension and heart disease. There must be others!


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George Balanchine's father Meliton and brother Andria both were composers:

I wonder if it is possible to find some recordings of their music ?

Here's an article about the Balanchivadze family:


There were many theater and cinema people in Agnes De Mille's family: her famous uncle the film director Cecil B. De Mille, but also her father William Churchill De Mille (playwright and film director), her grandfather Henry Churchill De Mille (playwright), her grandmother

Beatrice DeMille born Matilda Beatrice Samuel (playwright); also her maternal grandfather was the economist Henry George.



Maurice Béjart's father was the philosopher Gaston Berger (1896-1960), here are

some biographies of him (in French, I couldn't find one in English):


Roland Petit's mother, Rose Repetto, created the shoe company Repetto in 1947 (at first to help his son).

François Guizerix, the brother of the former POB principal Jean Guizerix, is known as a puppeteer and also acted in a few movies:


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Hans, Giulia Grisi was Carlotta's cousin, not her sister.

But Carlotta's elder sister, Ernesta Grisi, also was an opera singer (and also was Giulia's elder sister, Giuditta).


Théophile Gautier was in love with Carlotta but eventually married Ernesta, and one of their daughters, Judith, was a writer:


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The son of Richard Thomas and Barbara Fallis (New York City Ballet and New York School of Ballet) is well-known actor, director, and producer Richard Thomas of "The Waltons" fame (John-Boy). He was the host for the presentation of Michael Smuin's "Romeo and Juliet" when it appeared on "Dance in America" in the late 70s.

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