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Summer 2003 Ballet Review

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Leigh Witchel reviews the National Ballet of Canada; Mary Cargill reviews Alexandra's biography of Henning Kronstam -- "a significant work of twentieth-century ballet history...meticulously researched, beautifully written, and generously illustrated"; Evgeni Scherbakov reviews NYCB stars in St. Petersburg;

David Vaughn on the Royal Ballet's new Sleeping Beauty; Alice Helprin on the Graham season at the Joyce, with photos by Tom Brazil; Toni Bentley on Degas; Clement Crisp's London Report; Ann Hutchinson Guest on her experiences with Balanchine and Labanotation -- and lots more, including a conversation with Moses Pendleton, and photos of ABT onstage by Rosalie O'Connor.

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I've also seen it at the large newsstand in the Pan-Am Building (or whatever that building is called now) at the head of the escalators from Grand Central Station. But that doesn't help you in Ontario, does it? I really don't know the answer to your question, Paquita. But for subscriptions: Ballet Review Subscriptions, 37 West 12 Street. #7J, New York, NY 10011. It's $23 a year (4 issues) or 2 years for $41.

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Subscription is the best way by FAR to get the magazine - -which is ALWAYS worth reading (OK, I write for them myself, but I'm not exaggerating, every issue is worth it -- and subscribing is the best way to get it; their distributor sucks, few news-stands carry it.)

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Yes, I think I will have to subscribe! I have NEVER seen it in Toronto. It is a bit pricey for Canadian subscribers but I agree it is worth it- I have bought 2 issues from the theatre and the writing and photos are excellent. I've read them both cover to cover:)

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