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Everything posted by BW

  1. Thanks for that link AmandaNYC - too bad it's sold out. I'm surprised ABT didn't send out some information on this in one of their various emails/newsletters. Maybe I missed it? Well, I'm going to check my Thirteen calendar and hope to catch on TV. Thanks Treefrog!
  2. Well, I am certainly way past the high school senior age, so I'll assume it's worth taking a look at! It sounds fascinating to me...if I like it and my offspring can gain some insight great...otherwise it will be a nice gift for someone I know!
  3. Wow! The Harkness Dance Center certainly is impressive. Naturally I'd heard of it, living in the NY metro area, but I never knew the details on the kinds of programs they offer - really wonderful! Mel, I also checked out that book you mentioned and, while doing so, came across another book that really caught my eye: "Physics and the Art of Dance: Understanding Movement" Kenneth Laws, Martha Swope (Photographer) It looks extremely interesting to me. Are you, or is anyone else here, familiar with it?
  4. Treefrog, is this a repeat? I know that they filmed it last year at SUNY Purchase in Westchester County, NY....or at least part of it was filmed there. Never did get to see it - maybe this time I will.
  5. Hmm, vagansmom, you just gave me an idea for gift giving! Why not subscribe to Ballet Alert and/or Dance View for one's favorite teacher(s) or for the whole school/studio?
  6. Hmm, vagansmom, you just gave me an idea for gift giving! Why not subscribe to Ballet Alert and/or Dance View for one's favorite teacher(s) or for the whole school/studio?
  7. I've been wondering how people "discovered" Ballet Alert!" and its "Ballet Talk"... If memory serves me correctly, someone I didn't know sent me an email with several ballet related websites that had discussion boards. From there, I believe it was Vagansmom who introduced me to this site, and for that I am truly thankful. What else would I do with all my free time? ;) But seriously, how did you discover Ballet Alert!?
  8. I've been wondering how people "discovered" Ballet Alert!" and its "Ballet Talk"... If memory serves me correctly, someone I didn't know sent me an email with several ballet related websites that had discussion boards. From there, I believe it was Vagansmom who introduced me to this site, and for that I am truly thankful. What else would I do with all my free time? ;) But seriously, how did you discover Ballet Alert!?
  9. We, too, thought "Equilibrium" was very powerful. For me, seeing Peter Boal in something like this was very different. According to Ballet 101, there are several "types" of male ballet dancers - it's obvious that Mr. Boal is a danseur noble even when finding his "balance". ;) Yes, Estelle, your wedding piece was dreamlike!
  10. Thank you for telling us about the lecture/demonstation, Bobbi - it does sound as though it was quite interesting...Nice to hear your thoughts on it as well. I'm really looking forward to seeing Evans' "Haiku" this winter...and maybe we'll have an opportunity to see "Segu" too.
  11. It's fun to read this thread and get a peek into everyone's first time... Tessa, I loved your comment about the first ballet you saw that you "really liked"! Isn't it a good thing you had another shot at enjoying yourself? ;)
  12. Thanks Leigh - I can't think where I got that obviously wrong idea from! Maybe it was just a photo I saw once...:confused:
  13. Wasn't Diana White the original "Ruby"? I wish I had seen her dance it.
  14. That Altavista translation site is wonderful - a real boon to those of us who are language challenged! But Mel, are you sure you haven't divulged a secret government site with that "dialiectizer"? ;)
  15. Sunday 3pm My entourage cast their votes for "Night" as the diamond in the rough of yesterday's matinee. Vanessa Zahorian was excellent...and her supporting dancers did a good job, as well. It was interesting to have seen her first in "Paquita" - cupcakes and all ;) - where she caught my eye right away. I wish she had been the lead in Paquita. "Solo" was entertaining to me, my offspring and husband thought it was kind of boring.....It reminded me of the kind of thing one might see at the end of a good summer program. Having never seen "Rubies" - :eek: before, it's impossible for me to know what it is supposed to look like. The costumes were great and I thought Kristin Long danced well, though poor Yuri Possokhov looked exhausted... I really wish I had seen it performed before...the role that Ms. Maffre danced seemed at odds with the rest of the performance - and I found it/her to be disturbing. The one thing that struck me most in watching the performance was how young and healthy the dancers appeared to be! P.S. For those of us who didn't "hate" Center Stage, it was quite fun to see Amanda Schull!
  16. Very funny you guys! I always thought people only bought the Post for sports news and page "6" gossip! ;) It's OK Farrell Fan, we know you're Suzanne's self-proclaimed lapdog and we accept you as you are. ;)
  17. Very funny you guys! I always thought people only bought the Post for sports news and page "6" gossip! ;) It's OK Farrell Fan, we know you're Suzanne's self-proclaimed lapdog and we accept you as you are. ;)
  18. Alexandra, I figured there was quite a bit of lag time...perhaps that's a good thing sometimes? Unlike the Internet posting board, waiting for a magazine to go to print does give one some time to reflect. I can understand Mr. Barnes feelings - he's been close to NYCB and ballet in general for many years...I guess to me it seemed odd to bother printing it now. Guess that's the flip side of the Internet (and the newspaper) - you need a lot less lead time. ;)
  19. Alexandra, I figured there was quite a bit of lag time...perhaps that's a good thing sometimes? Unlike the Internet posting board, waiting for a magazine to go to print does give one some time to reflect. I can understand Mr. Barnes feelings - he's been close to NYCB and ballet in general for many years...I guess to me it seemed odd to bother printing it now. Guess that's the flip side of the Internet (and the newspaper) - you need a lot less lead time. ;)
  20. I was really quite surprised to read Clive Barnes' piece yesterday. In my opinion, he was very dismissive of Ms. Homans (as opposed to "the editor") in much more of a personal way than I would think would be considered "professional". I also found it rather interesting that he (Dance Mag.) waited to fire this one across the bow until November! Homan's article was back in May. The timing of this seems to make it even odder - to me.
  21. I was really quite surprised to read Clive Barnes' piece yesterday. In my opinion, he was very dismissive of Ms. Homans (as opposed to "the editor") in much more of a personal way than I would think would be considered "professional". I also found it rather interesting that he (Dance Mag.) waited to fire this one across the bow until November! Homan's article was back in May. The timing of this seems to make it even odder - to me.
  22. Babes, buns, and brawn!Bada bada bing!!!! And you say ballet's not your "thing"?:rolleyes:
  23. Thanks dirac! I should have thought of looking there first!
  24. Thanks, I feel better already! Sometimes "one" forgets that the dancer may be the key.;)
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