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Posts posted by theo

  1. On 4/30/2024 at 10:16 PM, wallis said:



    Casting is now posted within the En Face magazine interactive on the ticket page for The Dream on the website.  You have to sign in with your email to see the program. Not the most direct access - but it’s there now!

    Casting for The Dream is also on  Philadelphia Ballet's website.  I was able to access the casting sheet without signing in:


  2. 5 hours ago, cobweb said:

    I totally agree, and also agree with the comments above about Philadelphia Ballet. I don't have a subscription (yet), but I definitely plan on seeing a couple of programs next year. It is an easy trip from NY, Philly is a very fun place to be for the arts lover, and when I saw the company last month they looked great. 

    So Minnesota gets Gisselle and DC gets something border line contemporary.  I live an hour from Philadelphia.  Philadelphia ballet does the  classics and their dancers are very good. That's where I'll go.  Sorry ABT but Ms. Jaffe is playing fast and loose with the programming. I'm not sure who she thinks her audience is,  

  3. I have the same question.  The fact that she's bringing Crime and Punishment to the Kennedy Center is a disappointment, since that's where I go to see ABT.  Swan Lake completely sold out this past season.  Classics sell.  Not sure how the new ballet will translate to ticket sales.  I for one will not be buying any for Crime and Punishment.  

  4. 2 hours ago, NinaFan said:

    Don’t sell yourself short.  Knowing the correct ballet vocabulary is not a requirement for enjoying ballet.  You know what you like and you obviously have a good eye.

    However I disagree that Bell should be considered an up and comer when he has already more than proven himself in Swan Lake, Romeo and Juliet, Giselle, Don Q, Sleeping Beauty etc.  He is at the height of his career, and I doubt many would disagree that he is the best male principal at ABT right now.  

    As an aside, I’ve been following him since he was about 14 years old when he guested in a local ballet school’s  Nutcracker and danced just about every other role.  He blew me away then, and has continued to blow me away since joining ABT.  I was beside myself when he joined ABT and often found myself watching him instead of the principal dancers.  But fortunately, it wasn’t long before he began dancing principal roles himself.  

    I totally agree. I saw him dance with Chloe for her debut in Swan Lake and he is the whole package.  He doesn't seem to have a high profile though. Not sure why that is. 

  5. I just came back from the early matinee  (Noon) performance of Giselle.  I agree with Wallis.  I sat in the third row center aisle (parquet row CC) and if you're into seeing the articulation of feet, you need to sit further back.  The seats are slightly staggered so there isn't a head right in front of your face.  The parquet box seats looked like they would provide a good view.

    The performance was lovely, by the way.   Nayara Lopes was our Giselle and  I thought she was  endearing, and engaging. She danced well and  brought a tear to my eye at the end of act II.  The Wilis  had their act together.  It's my first time seeing this company dance and I enjoyed them.   

  6. 16 hours ago, Buddy said:

    Added: Speaking of gushing about her, Theo, I haven’t even started yet and I’ve only seen a handful of videos clips and comments.

    Buddy, I look forward to reading what you write about Chloe and I agree with Balletlover08, it will be fun to speculate on new roles for her.  I think she would be a lovely Juliet! I think that role is a must for her.

  7. 22 minutes ago, balletlover08 said:

    Oh no! How awful. I actually saw him friday afternoon outside of Kennedy Center. He walked so fast I lost him about halfway down the hallway. It's so hard when your body doesn't cooperate with you. I too hope he's better by the Met season. And yes, either way Curley should start rehearsing Siegfried. From what I've seen of him he would be great! I also saw him outside of Kennedy and he has a presence about him that makes everyone turn to look at him. 

    I saw him walking Friday afternoon also. He must have been on his way to the rehearsal where he got injured.  The poor guy.  That's a tough one.  I wish him a speedy recovery.


  8. 5 hours ago, stuben said:

    Isn't her mother Yan Chen, who was with the company and now teaching at JKO? So I am it helps to have her mother there and most likely we can be sure she will be watched closely unlike most of the other dancers with similar unfortunate luck as mentioned during their potential strike.

    Yes, her mom is Yan Chen.  My husband and I saw them both at a restaurant the night before the performance.  Chloe left early but I did I say hello to Ms. Chan and  said that I wished Chloe "merde" for her performance.  Ms. Chen was very gracious and  remarked that Chloe was nervous.   Well, there were no sign of nerves during what I would consider an historic debut by Chloe.  As Hippolyta mentioned earlier in this thread, "She was stunning. The sold out theatre was absolutely rapt during the Act II pas de deux with Aran Bell and then broke into wild applause at the end. " There was a lot of enthusiastic  applause throughout the performance and everybody around me, myself included just kept whispering "wow".  I found her performance nuanced and her interpretation to be honest,  very well acted, and beautifully  danced.   She is the whole package.  She and Aran made a good partnership.  At the end of the performance, there was more wild applause and a spontaneous leap out  of seats  (I was in the Orchestra section near the front) as they were given a well deserved standing ovation.  She absolutely knocked it out of the park!   As if that wasn't gift enough, we saw Chloe late in the evening as  we were returning from the evening performance (Hee and Cory. They were good).  She was heading out for a walk as we were going into our hotel.  I could not help but say hello and tell her how magnificent we thought she was.  She was so genuinely grateful and gracious.    I think I started to gush a little, but she returned it.  She said that she had a great time on stage and that she was so grateful for the support of the people who come to see the performances.  What a lovely, lovely, person.  May she have a bright and beautiful career ahead of her!   Let me not forget to mention  Jarod Curley, who I  also thought was a very  charismatic and fun.  

  9. Totally agree about the Kennedy Center!  They sold out most of the performances of R&J this year.  I know ABT is looking for new audiences, but as many people have noted here ,   much of their established audience wants to see the classics  from them.    NYCB and a plethora of decent regional companies offer a wide variety of less classical, as well as new and contemporary work.   ABT's failure to understand their audience is going to continue to hurt them.   I do hope they reconsider the Met season and remove some of the LWFC performances in favor of either something they're  already doing this year, or maybe even add  SB or DQ.  The later is probably logistically and financially unfeasible at this stage of the game though.   

  10. Looks like Bell is actually scheduled for this  evening's  performance of ZigZag.    Curley had been scheduled for the matinee already, if I'm not mistaken.   Fingers crossed for Aran Bell that he is able to dance the rest of his scheduled performances. 

  11. I was at the Saturday Matinee.  I will stop short of saying I hated it.  It was like one long and ridiculous can-can-equivalent. I couldn't follow it, and I really didn't care.  It was all just a mish-mash of silly.  I have never seen Tereshkina dance live, and she did not disappoint, but I felt like there was no meat to her roll in this ballet. I got the sense that she could have done it all in her sleep.  Such a waste of what looks to be a great ballerina.  Yea, her fouettes were great, but hardly worth sitting through three hours of pure nonsense. 

    I will say this though, I totally agree with cubanmiamiboy, and others who have mentioned the wonderful Vaganova kids.  They were a delight.  It was like going back in time.

    I hope when the Mariinsky returns next year, they bring something with some kind of emotional substance, or any kind of substance. Perhaps I'm in the minority here, but I need some kind of drama when I'm seeing a ballet.  A circus in pointe shoes is not for me.  

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