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Posts posted by volcanohunter

  1. In case you missed the online premiere, William Forsythe's The Barre Project (Blake Works II), with Tiler Peck, Lex Ishimoto, Roman Mejia and Brooklyn Mack, is available on the Sadler's Wells site until May 16. Apologies in advance if anyone encounters a geo-block.


  2. To mark International Dance Day, Canada Post has issued two new postage stamps, one featuring Karen Kain, former National Ballet of Canada principal dancer and its current artistic director, and the other with the late Fernand Nault, a former ABT dancer, choreographer and co-artistic director of Les Grands Ballets Canadiens.




    The National Ballet of Canada was only too happy to have Kain talk about the stamps. (Well, mostly about herself.)


  3. 39 minutes ago, pherank said:

    You've said you can't enjoy Mukhamedov's dancing because you don't like how she uses her hands. Seems like an awful lot is going to be ignored over an issue with one portion of the body, or personality.

    No, the problem is that the distraction is so great that I can't see any other part of her.

    Think of it the other way around, I remember an American dancer named Andrea Boardman. She had really bad feet. The thing is, I never noticed it until I watched the film of Edouard Lock's Amelia. Lock's choreography is largely stationary, with women being spun back and forth on pointe, and on film, of course, there are lots of close ups, and when I first saw it I couldn't get over how unattractive her feet were: these large, inflexible boats. But I'd seen her dance many times before, and I never realized this. I mean, I saw her in Symphony in C, for crying out loud, and I never noticed, because she made everthing else about her so expressive and beautiful. By strength of personality she compelled the audience to watch her from the waist up. So no, one flawed portion of the body isn't necessarily decisive if a dancer compensates for it.


  4. 2 hours ago, pherank said:

    My point was that "drooping" hands is now a feature of Emeralds performances (in all female roles) ... they're supposed to make the role their own.

    If "droopy" Emeralds are now a norm, I'd hardly call that dancers making the roles their own.

  5. Farrell was never regarded as a classicist. Many critics, especially abroad, did object to her "exaggerations." Presumably many audiences felt the same way. I didn't "get" Farrell until I was about 16 (when she hit me like a ton of bricks). Prior to that I only saw her deviations. 

    But most dancers aren't great geniuses like Farrell, and that makes their distortions a lot more difficult to tolerate.

  6. On 4/25/2021 at 9:21 AM, PeggyR said:

    although I found her broken wrists and prominent index finger a little distracting (both were absolute no nos when I was studying ballet).

    Yes, the hands of female ballet dancers today are frequently horrendous and would have some of my teachers spinning in their graves. I'm particularly distressed by the normalization of they might have called "washer-woman hands": leading with the elbows and letting the fingers droop, with no attempt to support the pinky and outer edge of the hand. ("It feels lovely, but it looks absolutely terrible.")


    Mukhamedov's hands always look like you described, and they make it nearly impossible for me to enjoy her dancing.

    On 4/25/2021 at 2:34 PM, pherank said:

    It' difficult to even find any Emeralds photos that feature aligned hand/arm/fingers.

    The "Emeralds" photos aren't the best guide because those dancers are in motion, and the photos can't reflect where the dancers' hands ultimately end up. Although Turazashvili in the final photo is mannered in the extreme, and her hands always look bad. 

    Classical arms certainly aren't angular. Quite the contrary.

  7. I'm very sorry to have to post that one of our members, kbarber, has died. Katherine was delightful. I am very grateful to have known her. Whenever I visited Toronto we would meet for dinner before attending a performance by the National Ballet of Canada. At the opera house she was kind enough to lead me to the patron's lounge to take advantage of the refreshments and the far less crowded coat racks and restrooms. Facebook reminded me that exactly four years ago we attended a performance of Charpentier's Médée, and then I learned that she was no longer with us.

    The last few years couldn't have been easy for her. Cancer treatment forced her to put her ballet tour business on hold a few years ago, and then the pandemic shut it down yet again. In her mailings she continued to promote ballet streams from around the globe. But I am so sorry she did not live to see the return of live performances or international travel, both of which she loved so much.


  8. 3 minutes ago, pherank said:

    "Would Diaghilev, Nureyev, Robbins and countless other greats, who were not spotless, be able to work today? "

    Ratmansky's premise is faulty. It's entirely possible that had Diaghilev, Nureyev or Robbins been born in the latter 20th century, they might have grown up to behave quite differently.

    Or you may be correct: today's dancers might have refused to work with Robbins. That dancers today expect and receive better treatment than in the past is a good thing.

  9. 14 hours ago, pherank said:

    RB made a terse comment on Twitter


    9 hours ago, naomikage said:

    English National Ballet has commented very early.

    It struck me that the tweet by English National Ballet was virtually identical to the one from the Royal Opera House. But the former hadn't been Scarlett's primary employer, so its response wouldn't have been criticized for being impersonal and generic.

  10. This has been mentioned upthread, but today at 19:30 CEST/1:30 pm Eastern the Bavarian State Ballet will stream Broken Fall by Russell Maliphant, Bedroom Folk by Sharon Eyal and Gai Behar and With a Chance of Rain by the late Liam Scarlett. The program will not be available on demand after the initial stream.


    Given that, I wish I could post a better link to the stream, since the Bavarian State Opera site is not especially user-friendly.


  11. 4 hours ago, dirac said:

    The Royal Danish Ballet canceled because apparently there were complaints about Scarlett within the organization.

    I am forced to rely on Google's translation, but the announcement from the Royal Danish Theater appears to make several references to "offensive" and "abusive"  behavior. I recall that when Scarlett was suspended by the Royal Ballet, press reports mentioned complaints about drug use and bullying, in addition to the allegations of inapproriate behavior toward RBS students.


    3 hours ago, pherank said:

    It's interesting to note how many companies are posting tributes to Scarlett on Instagram, and how many are not.

    Have Scarlett's former colleagues at the Royal Ballet been posting tributes? Admittedly I don't follow very many dancers on Instagram, but I didn't see anything. 

  12. I'm going to assume that when the Times went to print, no one there was aware that Scarlett had died. The cancelation of a ballet production abroad isn't normally newsworthy outside of specialized publications, but this one had whiff of scandal to it. Evidently, that made it irresistible to the editors. The headline has since been updated to "‘Offensive’ British ballet supremo Liam Scarlett found dead."

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