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Posts posted by volcanohunter

  1. On 12/6/2021 at 8:37 AM, Helene said:

    Another repeat of this program from Vienna, this time this Thursday, 9 Dec:

    Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2021, 19.00 Uhr - Ballett
    Choreographie: Martin Schläpfer / Marco Goecke (Uraufführung) / George Balanchine
    Musik: Strauß (Vater & Söhne) / Gustav Mahler / Georges Bizet
    Musikalische Leitung: Patrick Lange
    Mit Solistinnen und Solisten des Wiener Staatsballetts

    Here's the link to the Marsch, Walzer, Polka + Fly Paper Bird + Symphony in C stream. Available for one day only.


  2. I am categorically opposed to "clearing out" anybody. I adore veteran dancers. What they bring to the stage is irreplaceable and precious. I am certainly not ready to part with Bouder, Fairchild or Hyltin. It's essential to develop new talents; it would be a crime not to do it. But there are ways of bringing up younger dancers without throwing those who have probably devoted 30 years of blood, sweat and tears to their art form onto a scrap heap. They deserve to be treated with enormous respect and gratitude.

  3. 16 hours ago, canbelto said:

    When I saw Moulin Rouge I noticed most of the dancers were wearing the shiny, flesh-colored tights. I wonder why ballerinas don't wear them.

    I would expect ballet dancers to avoid them because they will make their legs look heftier than they really are. Dancers already suffer over ballet pink and white tights under bright lights making their legs look heavier than reality.

    I have to laugh (bitterly) when I read about certain male dancers in white tights being described as "beefy", when I know for a fact that they are actually rail thin.

  4. 5 hours ago, fondoffouettes said:

    They don't really give the illusion of a nude leg (or at least it has never felt that way to me).

    No, they really don't. Even on the palest redhead, standard ballet tights will be lighter than her skintone, except in those cases when swan maidens or wilis apply white body makeup. And pale peach pointe shoes don't match anyone's skintone either, which is clearly visible whenever dancers wear unpowdered pointe shoes on bare legs.

  5. On 11/30/2021 at 12:53 AM, Helene said:

    And this Saturday, from Vienna State Ballet:

    Samstag, 4. Dezember 2021, 19.00 Uhr - Ballett
    Choreographie: George Balanchine / Alexey Ratmansky / Martin Schläpfer (Uraufführung)
    Musik: Igor Strawinski / Modest Mussorgski / Dmitri Schostakowitsch
    Musikalische Leitung: Robert Reimer
    Klavier: Alina Bercu
    Mit Solistinnen und Solisten des Wiener Staatsballetts

    Here's the link to Symphony in Three Movements, Pictures at an Exhibition and Symphony no. 15. Available on demand for about 24 hours.


  6. The Royal Ballet will stream a performance of Giselle tomorrow, Friday, December 3rd, starting at 7:30 pm GMT. It will be available on demand until January 2nd.

    The stream costs £16 to watch.


    ETA: The cast includes Yasmine Naghdi as Giselle, Matthew Ball as Albrecht, Luca Acri as Hilarion and Marianela Nuñez as Myrtha.

  7. I'm a little slow to start this topic, but I would be grateful if members could share information about digital seasons and pay-per-view streams on this thread. We have threads about performances that stream free of charge, but pay-per-view streams don't fit in there, and information about digital seasons tends to get lost (for me) on the threads of individual companies. Please share and rescue me from my FOMO!

    To start, Marquee TV is once again streaming New York City Ballet in The Nutcracker. This is the performance with Maria Kowroski, Tyler Angle and Megan Fairchild that was streamed a year ago. It costs $19.99 for a 48 hour rental through January 2nd.


  8. Thank you for the schedule. It's depressing that Covid-19 has forced Austria back into lockdown. But I admire the Vienna State Opera for trying to boost morale by opening up its video library once again, and I'm really grateful to them for sharing with the rest of us.

    The announcement is also available in English, and it contradicts Helene's claims about the quality of her German. :flowers:


  9. The Royal Danish Ballet cited "offensive" and "abusive" behavior during rehearsals with the company in 2018 and 2019 as the reason for calling off a production of Scarlett's Frankenstein.

    Hypothetically, if star dancers refuse to work with a choreographer, it can throw the viability of a big production into question.


  10. The allegations against Scarlett were not tested in a disciplinary hearing because he chose to terminate his employment before it took place.

    The Royal Opera House has come under fire for not revealing the nature of the allegations, thus potentially putting other dancers at risk.


    But it appears the theater wouldn't have made them public one way or another.


    “We had an obligation to protect the identities and welfare of all individuals involved, and it would therefore have been wholly inappropriate for us to disclose any specific details of the investigation during or after the process.”


  11. The inquest into Scarlett's death was held today. The head of the Royal Opera House legal department said that press reports claiming the allegations against him involved children were incorrect.


    “Broadly they included inappropriate physical contact in rehearsals and other settings, sexual behaviour out of the workplace that was felt to be inappropriate, improperly made casting decisions,” she said.

    She said there were “sufficient grounds to proceed to a disciplinary process” and Scarlett was informed of this in January 2020. She said press reports at the time incorrectly said the allegations involved children.

    She said that after the reporting, further allegations were received via a whistleblowing hotline.


    Scarlett had been taking Prozac for 15 years. A psychiatrist told the inquest that Scarlett suffered from social and situational anxiety and drank heavily, up to six pints of beer and a bottle of whiskey a day, to block out his feelings.


    Scarlett's mother testified that he denied the allegations made against him.


    'He told me they weren't true and he couldn't understand why people would make allegations against him,' she said. 'He was deeply upset.'

    She said that after the allegations emerged he 'wasn't the same Liam that I had known but he kept himself busy and he kept himself as bright as he could really'.

    She said: 'We feel Liam would not have taken his life if his name hadn't been dragged through the press with inaccurate allegations.'

    His mother said he had 'seemed in very good spirits' when they had Sunday lunch the day before finding him at his flat.


    Incidentally, the report in the Telegraph makes several references to ballet students, but doesn't quote the testimony of the ROH lawyer at all.

  12. Thank you for this information, @Lynette H. I am glad to read that the Royal Ballet plans to continue streaming, because for several years nearly all of North America has been without the Royal Ballet in cinemas. (Indeed, Canadian cinemas have also abandoned the Bolshoi, which had been screening in Canada from 2010 until the pandemic struck.) For many of us, streaming is now our only option short of visiting London in person.

  13. The men's promotion competition was held today.

    Jérémy-Loup Quer has been promoted to premier danseur. (Finally. :flowers:)

    Jack Gasztowtt and Alexandre Gasse have won promotion to sujet. (It's been ten years since Gasse's last move up the promotion ladder. Good for him for not giving up!)

    Guillaume Diop, Nicola Di Vico and Isaac Lopes Gomes have won promotion to coryphée


  14. 17 hours ago, lmspear said:

    The first was an ode on David Hallberg's arches and the other was a review of Janie Taylor and her hair. 

    Although I appreciate Macaulay as an exceptionally astute observer, I have always found his preoccupation with feet and hair absolutely maddening. (Particularly how willing he seemed to overlook obvious artistic shortcomings as long as a dancer had insteps he admired.) We'd be hard pressed to find another writer so preoccupied with the minutiae of dancers' appearance. I don't really think there's a problem with "critics" here, only one in particular. Honestly, didn't his editors find those dithyrambs nauseating?

  15. On 10/31/2021 at 1:45 PM, dirac said:

    it seems to me a dancer can be too heavy and still not reach the bar of actually disfiguring the choreography or failing to get across artistically

    Perhaps this becomes a matter of aesthetic preference? In my experience, dancers who fail in putting across the choreography usually come from the other end of the spectrum: they are so thin that they lack the necessary strength. Not that I expect the very small and slight to be powerhouses, and that's okay with me, too. There's far too much razzle-dazzle in ballet for my taste anyway. (If I wanted that, I'd go to the circus or a sporting event.) Rather, the tension in their necks, their spiky fingers or general lack of centeredness make me acutely aware of their exertion, and that takes away my pleasure in watching.

    I suspect there's a lot in the aesthetic of ballet that's simply learned. I know there's a great deal in it that I absorbed in childhood and continued to accept, until I thought about some of those elements and realized that objectively speaking, they weren't aesthetically pleasing. (Unfortunately for me, ADs the world over continue to fetishize qualities that I now perceive as distortions.)

  16. The women's promotion competition was held today.

    Roxane Stojanov has won promotion to première danseuse

    Bleuenn Battistoni and Inès Mcintosh will be promoted to sujet.

    Clara Mousseigne and Claire Gandolfi will be promoted to coryphée.


  17. 12 hours ago, canbelto said:

    Vaccine mandates are causing some orchestra members to be fired

    Strictly speaking, it appears no one has been fired yet. Where a mandatory vaccination policy exists, those who refuse have been placed on leave--paid for now.

    The interesting thing for me is the nugget on audience reaction to vaccine requirements and the fact that only 1% of Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra ticket holders have asked for refunds as a result. That would suggest that requiring proof of vaccination isn't resulting in an exodus of patrons.

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