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Posts posted by volcanohunter

  1. On 3/30/2021 at 1:02 PM, nysusan said:

    Absolutely, that was the first thing I noticed. While so grateful to be able to watch Part's O/O (and Lane with Gorak and Brandt in the pdt) the elongated look of all of the dancers was very disconcerting.

    That's very unfortunate, and it's a shame this wasn't fixed. What's disconcerting is not so much that dancers appear seven feet tall, but that their limbs seem to lengthen and shorten as they move through space. I've encountered the aspect ratio problem at ballet-in-cinema screenings more than once, although usually the dancers were stretched sideways in those cases. 

  2. Already mentioned on an English National Ballet thread, Kochetkova is joining the company. In a way, she's filling the spot vacated by Alina Cojocaru.


  3. 4 hours ago, Drew said:

    (She mentions how fortunate she has been not to get it before this time.)

    She mentions being glad that she was able to dance the premiere of Christian Spuck's Orlando before she became ill. She was forced to withdraw from one of her performances, leading Maria Vinogradova to dance the part three times in two days.

  4. I agree with pherank that a lot will depend on personal taste in ballets. I also agree with Drew that so much has been streamed that it's difficult to make a fair judgement unless you've watched absolutely everything. It did strike me when I looked at the poll, that I felt as though I had been watching mostly other companies. I did see most of the stuff on the list, but I guess those programs weren't the most memorable for me, and clicking on "other" is a rather unsatisfying option.

    Yes, I thought New York City Ballet presented the most interesting repertoire for my taste, but I was surprised, and I suppose saddened, that I didn't enjoy the dancing as much as I had hoped I would (older broadcasts excepted).

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