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Everything posted by volcanohunter

  1. Here's the information sheet from the Decca web site. Perhaps sharper eyes than mine can find the release date. http://www.deccaclassics.com/music/dvd/0743303.htm I can't say I agree with this: What about the two films with Irek Mukhamedov?
  2. Although it's already available on DVD, the National Ballet of Cuba's production of Don Quixote will be shown at Canadian cinemas on Saturday, October 4 at 1:00 p.m. local time. http://centralsystem.digiscreen.ca/ShowPag...resentation=228 Most screenings will take place at Empire Theatres. www.empiretheatres.com/opusArte Participating cities: St. John's, Halifax, Sydney, Fredericton, Saint John, Moncton, Charlottetown, St. Catharines, North York, Mississauga, Ottawa, London, Kitchener, Kingston, Richmond Hill, Burlington, Bolton, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver (October 12 at 1:00 p.m.), North Vancouver and Victoria. Also showing at the Princess Twin in Waterloo: www.princesscinemas.com and the Ridge Theatre in Vancouver: www.festivalcinemas.ca (October 18 & 19 at 10:30 am PT)
  3. For what it's worth, here's the discussion about last year's screening: http://ballettalk.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=26200
  4. Opus Arte will be releasing the ballet on DVD. I would hope that in this case Opus Arte's usual two-month U.S. release delay would be scrapped. http://www.opusarte.com/pages/product.asp?ProductID=265 You'll notice that the Opus Arte site neglects to mention Kochetkova.
  5. I agree with you that there isn't much particularly "Russian" about Makhateli's costume, apart from the fact that his hat and cloak are trimmed with fur. The difference between them seems to be that Avis' "French" prince wears the biggest feather on his hat and heeled shoes, while Makhateli's "Russian" prince wears boots, like the remaining two princes. Which reminds me: it's a pity that the Royal Opera House's revamped web site no longer has a section dedicated to the ballet company (or the orchestra, or the chorus), at least none that I can find. The "who's who" section lists the members of the administration and technical crews, but none of the resident performing artists. You'll pardon me for thinking that conductors, repetiteurs, dancers, choristers and instrumentalists are ultimately more important in the functioning of an opera house, so I hope the ROH web masters will give them their due.
  6. Before it comes to DVD, the POB's Cinderella will be shown at Canadian cinemas on Saturday, September 13, at 1:00 p.m. local time. Cinderella: Agnès Letestu Film Star: José Martinez Stepsisters: Laëtitia Pujol & Stéphanie Romberg Stepmother: Stéphane Phavorin Father: Cyril Fleury Producer: Wilfried Romoli Director: Richard Wilk His Assistant: Fabien Roques Dance Teacher: Christophe Duquenne The Prisoner: Mathias Heymann Spring: Mélanie Hurel Summer: Dorothée Gilbert Autumn: Nolwenn Daniel Winter: Emilie Cozette Here's the trailer: http://centralsystem.digiscreen.ca/ShowPag...resentation=225 Most screenings will take place at Empire Theatres. www.empiretheatres.com/opusArte Participating cities: St. John's, Halifax, Sydney, Fredericton, Saint John, Moncton, Charlottetown, St. Catharines, North York, Mississauga, Ottawa, London, Kitchener, Kingston, Richmond Hill, Burlington, Bolton, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, North Vancouver and Victoria. The ballet will also be screened at the Ex-Centris Theatre in Montreal: www.ex-centris.com Princess Twin in Waterloo: www.princesscinemas.com and Ridge Theatre in Vancouver: www.festivalcinemas.ca (10:00 a.m. PT)
  7. Although I don't know for certain, I suspect his widow wouldn't throw up too many barriers to performance. A few years ago she began donating a number of his personal effects to the Theatre Museum in Kiev, and I suspect she hoped that the troupe of the National Opera there would begin performing his works. However, it sticks to full-length warhorses and rarely presents mixed bills. They did perform his staging of Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet, but I don't think that there have been any further acquisitions. The National Opera of Ukraine contents itself with an annual competition/festival that bears his name and coincides with his birthday in April, but which doesn't actually involve the performance of his ballets.
  8. The DVD is available for pre-order on British Amazon, so keep the product number for future reference. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Adam-Giselle-Cojoc...n/dp/B001E08TDA I'm torn: to shell out the extra pounds or to wait two months for the American release...
  9. Yes, definitely. It wasn't just Guillem that was marvellous. I remember the vivid spitefulness of Isabelle Guérin's stepsister most of all.
  10. Hmm, this is interesting. Opus Arte has elected to release the POB's production of Nureyev's Cinderella ahead of the Royal Ballet's telecast with Alina Cojocaru and Johan Kobborg. It will be available in the UK on October 1. http://www.opusarte.com/pages/product.asp?ProductID=259 Cinderella: Agnès Letestu Film Star: José Martinez Stepsisters: Laëtitia Pujol & Stéphanie Romberg Stepmother: Stéphane Phavorin Father: Cyril Fleury Producer: Wilfried Romoli Director: Richard Wilk His Assistant: Fabien Roques Dance Teacher: Christophe Duquenne The Prisoner: Mathias Heymann Spring: Mélanie Hurel Summer: Dorothée Gilbert Autumn: Nolwenn Daniel Winter: Emilie Cozette
  11. Opus Arte will be releasing the Royal Ballet's 2007 telecast of Tales of Beatrix Potter on DVD in the UK on October 1. The North American release should follow a couple of months later. http://www.opusarte.com/pages/product.asp?ProductID=261 It's a pity that the BBC elected not to film Les Patineurs, which appeared on the same program.
  12. Amazon has a listing for a DVD titled Together: Cynthia Gregory & Fernando Bujones (product code: B001E1DJ3Y) to be released on September 9. The VAI Music site doesn't have anything about it yet. Any ideas about what could be on the DVD? Being a huge Bujones fan, I'm hoping for some previously unreleased stuff.
  13. His ballet music? No. I only ever enjoyed it when it was used for parody in the Coen Brothers' The Hudsucker Proxy. I don't have anything against his Violin Concerto, for example. I love La Bayadere, even though I don't love or even like the music.
  14. The DVD will be released in North America on September 9. Type B0018KW3XS into the Amazon search box. There's another, less expensive, Don Q DVD with product code B001DXCFVU, but I don't know whether it's the same performance. The run time is the same.
  15. In this particular case I don't think it ever will happen. On the occasions I've lasted to the end of Spartacus, which I haven't always, I've found the experience nauseating. I've acknowledged on this board before that Grigorovich live (or, I suppose, magnified on a movie screen) looks less silly than Grigorovich on the tube, but piercingly loud music can only go so far in distracting me from the crudeness of it all. And if the dancers have personality and talent, I only find myself wishing that they were dancing something else. Are my Anglo-American ballet roots showing? At the risk of directing more ire in my direction, there's the matter of Acosta. I've seen him live, I've seen him on film, and he doesn't excite me nearly as much as his reputation suggests he should. Perhaps I've gone in expecting too much. I don't find him objectionable (illustrious dancers who rub me the wrong way is a different category altogether), but he belongs to the category of illustrious dancers who don't do much for me.
  16. I'm curious, did anyone go to the screening? I didn't mean to scare off posters with my intense dislike of this particular ballet. Before Spartacus I'd made a point of going to all but one of the Opus Arte ballets at my local multiplex. The best attended by far was the Royal Ballet's Sleeping Beauty. Spartacus didn't strike me as well advertised. There had been no trailer at the showing of the ROH's Nozze two weeks earlier, and there was no Opus Arte season poster up in the lobby at the time. There was one there last night, which bodes better for POB's Cinderella, Cuba's Don Q, RB's Giselle and SFB's Nutcracker.
  17. Oh, I agree. In Aegina I'm guessing that Zakharova has finally a role vulgar enough to suit her. As for the screening itself, I'll admit that despite all the raves addressed to Acosta, I just couldn't bring myself to cough up $20 for Khachaturian's music, Virsaladze's designs, Grigorovich's thumpingly macho histrionics, the excess of unison dancing and all that running at each other with outstretched arms. As for Aegina and that staff, I've always done my best to blot it out of my memory. Thanks, but I'll watch him in other roles. Incidentally, is there a Grigorovich variation or pas de deux in which the heroine doesn't wrap her forearm around her head?
  18. Yesterday I attempted to play an all-region PAL DVD in a region A Blu-Ray player and I couldn't do it, so I fear that Blu-Ray players aren't a fix-all. Apparently it is possible to buy a Blu-Ray player that will play both region A & B and region 1 & 2 discs, but it won't play region 3-6 discs, despite the fact South America (region 4) is now in region A, and Belarus, Ukraine and most of Africa (region 5) are in region B. However, I understand that DVDs produced in South America use both region 1 & 4 coding, so this is less of a hurdle. Honestly, isn't it time to be rid of these draconian restrictions?
  19. Wright's production for the Birmingham Royal Ballet can be pre-ordered at Amazon. Enter product code B001E181WS in the Amazon search box at the top of the page.
  20. The Story of Clara can now be pre-ordered at Amazon. The product code to be entered in the Amazon search box is B001E181X2.
  21. Ignore that last post. Here's a bigger and better trailer: http://centralsystem.digiscreen.ca/ShowPag...resentation=223 (Gosh, watching that reminds me just how much I hate everything about this ballet. )
  22. The picture is tiny, but here's a link to a trailer for the ballet: http://www.ex-centris.com/clip.php?i=5279&t=Ex-Centris
  23. If he had better posture, James Franco could pass for Federico Bonelli's less handsome brother: toothy mouth, deep-set eyes. Mind you, Bonelli has broader shoulders and more refined features, so I'm not sure he'd take the comparison as a compliment. My sister sees a strong resemblance between Carsten Jung and Matt Damon, but again, I think the dancer wins that contest.
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