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Everything posted by dirac

  1. dirac

    Wednesday, March 20

    A preview of Hong Kong Ballet's new mixed bill.
  2. dirac

    Monday, March 18

    A review of New York City Ballet by Leigh Witchel for dancelog.nyc.
  3. dirac

    Wednesday, March 20

    Ballet Tucson wraps up its season.
  4. dirac

    Tuesday, March 19

    Louisville Ballet presents a new piece with music by Jack Harlow.
  5. dirac

    Saturday, March 16

    A review of the Norwegian National Ballet by Maggie Foyer in Bachtrack.
  6. dirac

    Tuesday, March 19

    A review of Pacific Northwest Ballet by Rich Smith in The Stranger. Moira Macdonald reviews PNB for The Seattle Times.
  7. dirac

    Thursday, March 21

    An interview with Alessandra Ferri by Deborah Weiss for Bachtrack.
  8. dirac

    Tuesday, March 19

    Houston Ballet presents "Cinderella."
  9. Ballet Austin presents a ballet based on the works of Edgar Allan Poe. Related.
  10. dirac

    Tuesday, March 19

    A profile of the choreographer Emma Portner.
  11. I gathered from the book that to some extent Ashley's promotion was slow because she was a slow(er) developer. I think she also mentioned that as she was rising her rival Colleen Neary was struggling, and Balanchine may have delayed her promotion so as not to demoralize Neary until he was certain Neary wasn't going to bounce back. He did tell Ashley initially that it was Mazzo's role, but soon after Mazzo was out again and Ashley was cast, and thereafter they shared the ballet. (Not disagreeing with your general points, I should note.) And of course when he was ready to show you the door he didn't hesitate to take roles away. For Violette Verdy the last straw was when he gave "Emeralds" to Christine Redpath, explaining that Redpath didn't have enough to dance.....
  12. Thank you for telling us your reaction, abatt. Peck directed this as well, didn't he? How did you (both) feel about the staging?
  13. It was, and I did not much care for the movie. Gosling looks great in pink glitter. I actually preferred that to his red carpet outfit. I think Stone was surprised too, although by the time of the ceremony she was a front runner along with Gladstone. Stone was deserving, but Gladstone was too, and Stone won for La La Land not too long ago. Also I suspect that this was Gladstone's only shot at the top prize while Stone will have many such opportunities in future. The Best Actress category was unusually competitive this year.
  14. Talk about the awards, the show, and the red (if it's red this year) carpet, here, if you wish.
  15. dirac

    Sunday, March 10

    The Fiji Times looks back at the Royal New Zealand Ballet's visit in 1980, a first for both countries.
  16. dirac

    Saturday, March 9

    Ballet Victoria presents "Dracula."
  17. dirac

    Friday, March 8

    A review of NYCB by Marianka Swain in The Daily Telegraph.
  18. dirac

    Sunday, March 10

    A review of Northern Ballet by Lyndsey Winship in The Observer.
  19. dirac

    Saturday, March 9

    Smuin Ballet holds its annual gala.
  20. dirac

    Sunday, March 10

    City Ballet of San Diego presents a new program.
  21. dirac

    Thursday, March 7

    Orlando Ballet seeks a new executive director.
  22. dirac

    Sunday, March 10

    Portland Ballet presents "New Works."
  23. dirac

    Thursday, March 7

    A review of the National Ballet of Canada by Michael Crabb in The Toronto Star.
  24. dirac

    Sunday, March 10

    BalletMet announces its 2024-25 season.
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