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Everything posted by Helene

  1. This is the first of eight videos of a "Bayadere" (performed on 13 Jun?) that rafzak61 posted to YouTube (in 360, 720 HD, and 1080 HD); it features Timofeev's Golden Idol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FwTYWAkTwc&list=PLfcMzst_txaQkpG6ixLE8DljOw2WbjCKV The other seven should be listed in a window to the right of this one.
  2. Wow, the pricey retaurant that in the morning is a breakfast room closed down? That's amazing given how close it was to War Memorial.
  3. I've looked at the thread. All of the links in the thread except in two posts are YouTube videos. People have wondered why some of the videos showed up imbedded in the posts and others appear as links. The pattern seems to be that if the video URL begins with "https://", which is used for security, or if the URL is mis-formulated, it will appear as a link. If it begins with "http" or "www.youtube etc.", our software will recognize it as a media file and it will be embedded. When I fixed a link that began http://http://etc., it showed up as an embedded video after I completed the edit. The issue with imbedded links is that it can take a while for them to appear onscreen. My connection is pretty sluggish today, and it was taking forever for half of them to load. Until they were close to completion, I could cursor over the blank space, and nothing appear. Just before the video resolve, my curse changed to show that it recognized there was something on which to click. I'm not sure whether ad-blockers or other security software have an impact on these embedded video files. The link in post 40 navigates to the ina.fr website. The links in post 11 navigate to the Kennedy center site. If you can give me a post number or two from the right-hand side of the post across from the post author name, I can confirm what the video source is.
  4. They must have at least some discovery: Dmitrichenko's lawyers stated that they are entitled to have Russian doctors confirm the extent of Filin's injuries, and that, at least, must count towards discover. That might not be the legal principle here. Certainly mitigating circumstances are taken into consideration in the US confederation of systems (in addition to the Federal one), and prosecutors have lost trials by going for more serious charges for which juries had reasonable doubt. This is one of the reasons for choosing a charge of manslaughter vs. murder, or second-degree vs. first-degree murder in states where there is a death penalty.Zarutsky, the alleged attacker, had already killed someone in a contracted beating, and he didn't do the time that he and Dmitrichenko would face if convicted here. (I don't remember what the charges against Lipatov were.) There may have been a case-specific reason for this, or it may have been the general principal that contract beatings are not that serious, even when they result in death. Certainly that was the underlying argument Dmitrichenko was making when he told a judge he only wanted Filin beaten, and that since he never chose the acid attack, he shouldn't be facing severe charges, and he has nothing for which to apologize. Intent may also be a legal principle in Russia.
  5. I know it still looks off: I've been focusing on some of the less immediately visible stuff. It should look better by later on Friday. I need to call it a night now, so that I don't start making sloppy mistakes.
  6. That was IPS: they fixed it!
  7. It's going to take a while to get the site back to looking like itself before the upgrade. Please expect things to be a little messy for a while.
  8. Ismene Brown did a long interview with Leanne Benjamin before her final appearance at Covent Garden with the Royal Ballet. She will appear with the company on tour later in the summer: http://www.theartsdesk.com/dance/theartsdesk-qa-ballerina-leanne-benjamin?page=0,0 I never knew the background to her career: that she was recruited by Macmillan, who died right before her debut.
  9. The only way to resolve the quote and View New Content Poster Name issues was to revert back to the original UI. As you can see, the site looks a lot different than usual. It will take me a while to change back, since I have to reinstate each change and then test to be sure it doesn't break anything else.
  10. That is an incredible price for a centrally located hotel at the beginning of high season with that decor! The salmon looks lovely, too
  11. We just got an update that the link on the emails to a thread is directing to the first post in the thread, not the first unread post.
  12. Both of these issues are my fault: they are from changes I made in versions prior to the upgrade. The original templates are going to be restored, and things might look a little different for a while after they are.
  13. Just as an FYI, the quote function hasn't been working since the upgrade, and it's being investigated.
  14. This one is very important -- the quote function is not working properly. There's a new feature in which when you are in "BBCode Mode" -- i.e., you can see and use all of the controls, like the "Bold" button -- if you quote, in the new post, the quote box appears formatted. This allows you to edit without accidentally deleting the " ' formatting, which is great.The problem is, when you save, the only thing that's saved is this: or and the text in the quote box appears below outside the quote box, as if it's part of the new post. The only thing we can do until this is resolved is to put a divider between what is being quoted and the response: This is the post quote, this is the post quote, this is the post quote This is the post quote, this is the post quote, this is the post quote ------------- (or ********************* or //////////////////////////) This is the response, this is the response, this is the response This is the response, this is the response, this is the response
  15. --------------- From "Where Snowflakes Dance and Swear"; the context is at the beginning of Korbes' apprenticeship, after she had been out for two years with an injury caused by errant stage tape: -------------------- This is not to say that the NYCB schedule would have been too much in the long-term for Korbes -- she's been injured several times since she's been at PNB, including for the second weekend of the final rep, and PNB has a much more humane schedule -- but had she had been managed reasonably at NYCB, NY audiences would have been able to see her instead of read about her.
  16. Many thanks to innopac for noticing that the Poster Name column in the "View New Content" results is displaying as the string "Array" instead of the poster name. I just filed a support ticket (and I hope it's not something one of the old mods I did broke).
  17. It looks like the corps at least changed their headpieces between the first and last movements, because the ones at the beginning looked more like rhinestone helmets. I don't think that was a hallucination. I haven't seen NYCB's "Emeralds" for over a decade, but if I remember correctly, the re-done designs were a brighter green and out of shinier fabric and they didn't look so dated. For me, nothing beats the Lacroix "Emeralds" costumes. The reason I dislike the "Diamonds" women's costumes so much is that I think the soft tutus look sloppy and like they haven't decided to be either tutus or softer chiffon dresses, especially for the corps. Kent Stowell used the same opening configuration for the fourth act of his "Swan Lake," and the formal, stiffer tutus made the spacing that much clearer and cleaner. (The tutus also didn't puff up and down quite as much.) It might have been difficult, though, to fit the corps on the stage in the last movement, especially during all of those human garden pagoda configurations, with stiffer tutus.
  18. Please let me know if anything is broken or looks funnier than usual.
  19. Macaulay might have been trying to be clever, which backfired, but it was his point, and most people ignored that he continued and was much harsher about Jared Angle's weight. If Gottlieb wanted to discuss Mearns' weight in terms of the season, he could have gone down that path directly, not literally parenthetically, because to have compared other ballerinas' expression to "the plangency and inner life of Sara Mearns when Mearns is at her best" alone would have been just as strong.
  20. I'm about to request the upgrade; our request will be added to the queue. It's possible that anything posted between the start and finish will be lost. The board may look different in places and function differently for a while until we identify all of the changes and make modifications.
  21. They look more ornate in the video than what we saw, and I don't think the headpieces are the same. I know that when they re-built the costumes sometime in the '80's or early '90's, the fabrics looked different and the design shifted, but they are still attributed to Karinska. I can't find anything online that talks about the NBoC costumes. I'm hoping to be down to see SFB in the Ratmansky program.
  22. You mean you weren't talking on your iPhone while looking something up on your iPad ;) Your plan was the sane one. Next time we can make plans in advance.
  23. You kind of needed a score card to keep up with the cast changes, but if they panic, they never show it. I think you would have really liked Chapman's "Swan Lake." Chapman and Korbes were completely different (in the same role) in "Tide Harmonic." Boal expects to do it again soon. Nothing's set in stone, but it looks like he's targeting the season after next. I'd expect a full second cast at that time. The costumes are the original designs by Karinska, and they were rented from National Ballet of Canada, according to the program credits. I think they're ugly as sin, especially for "Diamonds" -- do the men really need those puffs on their shoulders? -- and I much prefer the Lacroix done for Paris Opera Ballet, except for the women's "Rubies" costumes. However, Boal said in past Q&A's that each time they do "Jewels" (or "Rubies") that they make a few more of the Principal/Soloist costumes in the PNB shop, which suggests they're planning to stick with the original designs. (Feh from a design perspective, but a responsible, cost-effective approach. Besides, they need the design budget for "Liebeslieder Walzer," and, if they start saving now, that might be in the rep along with "Stars and Stripes" in 2076.)
  24. That "chandelier" looks like it came from Lamps Plus. The headpieces looks bigger. There was an injury to one of the "Concerto Barocco" corps, and, as a result, they only did 2nd and 3rd movements of "Concerto Barocco" in Encores. You might have been more frustrated if you had changed your plans to stay, only to have a partial performance of the ballet. Karel Cruz was injured before first weekend; Peter Boal said in a Q&A that Cruz called Boal to say he couldn't walk, but he could dance, but Boal declined the offer. (It was a groin injury.) It was a shame, because not only was he scheduled to dance "Agon" Pas de Deux with Lesley Rausch opening weekend, he was also to be Carla Korbes' partner in "Diamonds" first weekend and Laura Gilbreath's for one performance second weekend. All of the "Diamonds" performances were led by Kaori Nakamura/Seth Orza or Carrie Imler/Batkhurel Bold, except for the "Diamonds" excerpts in "Encores" -- Third and Fourth movements, no Pas de Deux -- which were originally scheduled for Korbes/Orza, but danced by Imler/Orza. According to Boal in the second weekend Q&A's, Korbes had a knee injury that wasn't major (in the long term) but took her out of all her performances second weekend. Maria Chapman, who was the understudy for her role in "Tide Harmonic," did all four second weekend performances and danced the "Agon" Pas de Deux with Joshua Grant, who partnered Laura Gilbreath in the PdD first weekend. Boal said that none of the understudies/second cast got to work with Wheeldon in rehearsal: they were learning it behind the originators. He said that there was a possibility that Korbes wouldn't have been able to do first weekend Saturday matinee, and that there was a two-hour emergency rehearsal with Ballet Master Paul Gibson. Korbes did dance, but Boal said that compared to that, Chapman said having until Thursday to rehearse the part was much easier. Many thanks, pherank, for giving us your detailed impressions. sandik and I were ruing that time flew by so quickly, that by time we realized that this was the weekend you were in, we hadn't even asked if you'd like to meet up at intermission, and, it sounds that by the time we had this realization, you were already on your way to Victoria.
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