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  1. That makes me so happy for Zimmi Coker!
  2. Catherine Hurlin and Aran Bell rehearsing In the Middle Somewhat Elevated. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5tbMF9RDQU/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  3. Brandt and Roxander as Olga/Lensky sounds amazing. So jealous of all of you in New York!
  4. If Gillian Murphy was retiring, would that be announced with the casting? Or at a later date?
  5. Didn’t Robare rehearse Oberon with Trenary last year? He seems like a logical choice to be a replacement for the role. But alas😂
  6. From someone who has been a dancer in this kind of scenario, it’s not the worst thing ever. We’re observed by people watching company class all the time in the studio. It doesn’t feel much different in my opinion. Everyone is kind of “in the zone” before a performance and having an audience doesn’t affect much.
  7. It was at a summer intensive. She talked a lot about how busy she is every day. She says her daughter is very good at ballet. I can’t remember if she mentioned anything else about the 23/24 season other than that she was dancing emeralds.
  8. I attended a Q&A that Bouder was at a few weeks ago, she didn't seem to allude to retiring soon in my opinion. She also talked about food a lot, so that was sure something.
  9. I think the only current ABT dancer I would put into the “star” category would be Aran Bell.
  10. I’m really hoping Manon or Onegin will be in their MET season! Realistically, I think it will be SL, R&J, Giselle and a mixed rep program of some sort.
  11. She mentioned Giselle and R&J after talking about how she plans to be back for Nutcracker. I agree it would be odd to have a near replicate met season. It is about 2 and a half minutes from the end of Episode 7: Misty Copeland of Whiteside’s Front Row podcast. To me it sounded like she was speaking of met 2024, but I could be wrong.
  12. Not sure if this info has already been put out onto this forum, but I listened to James Whiteside’s podcast with Misty Copeland which was released February of 2023. She says that she’ll “definitely [be] dancing in, I think, Romeo and Juliet and Giselle in the spring.” Not sure if this means Giselle and R&J will on during MET season again, just something to ponder haha.
  13. I saw this afternoons performance of The Dream/Seasons. I thought The Dream was lovely. Gillian Murphy was stunning, her turns were fantastic as usual. I didn’t think that “lack of flexibility” affected my enjoyment of her performance at all, as some comments above said. I thought all four of the lovers were forgettable, and I hated the two women’s wigs. The corps de ballet was amazing per usual. I did not particularly enjoy Seasons. It was my first time seeing the ballet: I will not see it again. Winter was boring, but Williams and Misseldine were lovely. Sunmi Park was a standout for me, a beautiful performance by her. Joo Won Ahn was forgettable, but I think it was more the role than him. Spring/Autumn were fine, Zimmi Coker is a star and deserves to be a soloist. Summer was not my favourite. Isabella Boylston was lovely, but the whole movement was way too long! And one of the “cornflower” ladies was really off the timing of the others and it was so distracting! I thought it was stupid that the cornflower woman partnered the poppies, it also lowkey flopped. Certainly a mixed opinions for me, but overall a nice afternoon.
  14. Drat I was really hoping to see Onegin or Manon come back this year. OLAR wasn’t my favourite…
  15. It seems very odd to me. I thought Camargo might be injured but he was in the background of Katie Boren’s IG story and appeared fine. Congratulations to Robare if he is dancing the role!! I partnered with him at the ABT summer intensive years ago and he was a very kind person.
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