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Everything posted by mnacenani

  1. Kitri ..... that'll be the day !!
  2. Something old, something new: the Mariinsky’s Paquita in Baden-Baden https://www.ft.com/content/44201a24-eaf7-11e7-b4d1-b2f78612cc4a In case login is required copy and google the heading above to bypass login !
  3. OMG ....... incredible characterisation ! Krysanova should better watch out !
  4. Alyona to dance her second Odette/Odile on January 16th partnered by Rodkin ! Would have loved to see this but little chance of finding any good seats now, and had already booked the Shrew at the New Stage on same evening. I was quite impressed with Tissi at their debut in September but Rodkin I admire greatly, after seeing him as Siegfried, Solor and Basilio during past two seasons.
  5. Genya fans please don't "wish me ill" but it's Katya Krysanova and Vlad Lantratov (same cast I saw recently) who will feature in the cinecast. I am happy that members will have the chance to size up Katya in this great dramatic role ..... pity that Ratty has made a hash of the beautiful original Lavrovsky staging. So the casting as it stands now is (it's the Bolshoy !) : Fri 19th Jan : Krysanova-Lantratov / Sat 20th Jan mat : Obraztsova-Belyakov / Sat 20th Jan eve : Stashkevich-Lapatin / Sun 21st Jan : Krysanova-Lantratov (cinecast)
  6. Kovalyova 29 Oct 2016 matinee debut in Bayaderka : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfAYC1kec8w Saw the evening performance live at the Bolshoy but didn't even know her name at the time.
  7. Landgraf on "Nureyev" : https://www.ilona-landgraf.com/2017/12/its-done/ Synopsis of Nureyev on Bolshoy website : https://www.bolshoi.ru/en/performances/1025/libretto/
  8. Dear Drew I very much hope the cinecast will feature Katya Krysanova so that members can judge for themselves what I thought was an incredible performance that I saw on November 22nd. Genya Obr. is known as a good Juliet and I wanted to see her but I came away so happy after seeing Krysanova.
  9. Correct : Genya did dance Juliet on November 24th which was her original date, after being briefly slated for Nov 26th . https://www.bolshoi.ru/en/performances/4008/roles/#20171124190000
  10. Jeez ...... where I come from we love walking around with the dead bodies of our beloveds, so for me the Ratmansky crash-bang sudden ending was a great letdown .... I was shocked !! ()
  11. The only reason I will travel to see ballet at the ROH nowadays. The rest doesn't give me the buzz Bolshoy does (forgive my ignorance RB fans !)
  12. "Cast change: Vadim Muntagirov to dance in Sylvia on 11 and 16 December 2017" ....... so this was it - I normally would have booked Osipova-Muntagirov if given the choice and was wondering how I could have missed it, but when booking opened all three performances of Natasha were with Bonelli. This time Cubanmiamiboy and Buddy have struck gold ....... Buddy - where are you, where is your report ???
  13. Same here ! Bonelli looked really a bit lightweight for the role when I saw them.
  14. Bolshoy's repertory info for "Nureyev" : https://www.bolshoi.ru/en/performances/1025/
  15. Ismene Brown's review of "Nureyev" for The ArtsDesk : http://www.theartsdesk.com/dance/bolshois-controversial-nureyev-ballet-opens-–-ovations-and-bans
  16. Have been instructed by admin to post here, will link to my Ashton Sylvia report under Royal Ballet : http://ismeneb.com/blogs-list/2015-other-stories/151127-ashtons-sylvia-has-found-a-true-home-in-russia.html Original review in French on Forum Dansomanie : http://www.forum-dansomanie.net/pagesdanso/critiques/cr0307_sylvia_mariinsky_20_23_10_2015.html
  17. Was awaiting your appearance, many thanks for your comments, knowledgeable as always.
  18. Am I right in thinking Lapatkina fell out with Fateyev due to same reason Alexandrova fell out with Vaziev : how often and what they should be dancing ??
  19. Shame on you ! No one can undermine my deep attachment to my beloved Masha !!
  20. Thanks naomikage - I think this clip really shows a glimpse of the incredible Juliet I saw.
  21. After seeing her SL debut live at Bolshoy cannot really visualise Alyona as Myrtha - would have liked to see her in role but missed this casting completely. Re whether she will move on to more attractive alternatives ...... weydaminit please - let us give her the benefit of the doubt for the moment (Buddy ..... where are you my pal ??). There was a time when people thought Genya Obr. was going to quit classic ballet for "Hollywood" but she stayed on and got to the top.
  22. If I may be allowed to express an opinion : Vaziev has a handful of young talent he has to develop and promote and make way for, and he has the unenviable task of nudging out beloved dancers who are definitely on the final straight, so as to say. I loved Kaptsova too, she looks much younger on stage but is 39. I was really shocked and bitter when my beloved Alexandrova unexpectedly resigned at the end of January, just days after I had to cancel my trip and missed her final Gamzatti. She did spill out the bad blood between her and Vaziev on the Sati Spivakova tv show (I had posted at the time) and days later Vaziev countered by saying in an interview (I had posted at the time) "some dancers in the twilight of their careers still want to dance roles they were dancing 20 years ago" and "Baryshnikov was 33 when he danced his last Basilio !". Even my beloved Zaharova I have to admit is nowadays looking a bit old for some roles - my wife quipped the other day after watching one of her recent Giselles that she looked like Albrecht's mother ! Technique, execution I accept is so important but imho the dancer also has to "look the part" ....... as Myrtha has to "look the part" to be believable. Vaziev has to develop the young talent he has hired and it seems to me he tries them by throwing them in at the deep end from time to time : remember how he surprised everyone by suddenly casting a CdB dancer as Kitri on the London tour last year ? (who was it ?) I surely am not as knowledgeable as our seasoned members but I get to see the Bolshoy once a month on average and have a feeling that Vaziev is the best thing that could have happened to the Bolshoy after the turmoil of 2013 - I think Urin had great foresight. This is just my subjective personal opinion and may not be shared by other members. PS : surprise Kitri on London tour was Shreiner I recalled.
  23. Sorry for re-quoting variated's remark but it just dawned on me that I quoted it above and then wandered off. Natasha's characterisation was indeed excellent, as variated reported. One really should sit up close if possible to capture her mime unaided. Training must have a part in Russian dancers having supreme characterisation, but I believe there is a large measure of something inborn, innate which Western-born dancers don't seem to have, to my eye at least. The self-assured portrayal of the first act and the mischievious portrayal in Orion's captivity were both spot-on. My trouble is that the silly and weak story lays waste to Natasha's superb characterisation abilities. This is what I meant by saying I would like to see her as Juliet sometime soon.
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