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Kathleen O'Connell

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Everything posted by Kathleen O'Connell

  1. Also, diverse. And not just in terms of race and gender. It would be interesting to know what the decision making process will be and how Martins' various duties will be parceled out on a day to day basis.
  2. I never had to dance with her, so who knows — it could have been hell — but Watts always looked like she got out of her partners' way and let them do their job. She let herself be partnered in a way that, say, Merrill Ashley, simply wouldn't or couldn't. I think Watts may have understood and embraced the theatrics of partnering in a way that a dancer who defines herself by the strength of her technique might not. Watts probably can't tell Peck how to do a more technically pristine fouetté, but she might be able to tell her how to make it part of a more theatrically compelling performance.
  3. Thank you for that link, Helene! Read the whole thing, as they say, but the concluding paragraph brings it home: "Gossip is not enough, and should not be enough, to end a career. But gossip this persistent—and documented reports to Met management in 1979 and 2016—should have triggered investigations far more serious than those that occurred. There are still people decrying Levine’s suspension from the Met. Still, after four victims and counting have come forward to publicly share their stories. After a police report. Still. One Twitter user wrote, “right on the heels of that magnificent Verdi Requiem, could you not hold off on this cruel public statement until after a fair hearing?” No one wants to think that an artist who has moved them deeply could have also used his enormous power to hurt people so badly. The BSO’s current Music Director, Andris Nelsons, has said publicly that sexual harassment doesn’t occur in classical music because “art makes people better humans.” This too is part of a narrative of genius in which beautiful sounds could not possibly have been made by ugly people. Surely it is past time to kill that narrative dead." I want to live on whatever planet Andris Nelsons lives on. Bad people have both made art and consumed it since the first bit of pigment was smeared on a cave wall.
  4. Also, to put a more generous construction on it, some will learn what it is and will stop doing it, not out of fear, but because they come to understand that it is unwelcome, disrespectful, hurtful, and wrong. I've had well-educated, professional men explain to me in all seriousness that women should be flattered by harassment since it means that someone finds them sexually attractive. They simply could not wrap their heads around he concept that maybe, just maybe, being found sexually attractive was not the be all and end all of a woman's life, much less the concept that harasser might have been as excited by his power as by the woman's appeal, or the concept that unwelcome advances can actually be rather frightening. (I often think of Margaret Atwood's observation that "Men are afraid women will laugh at them; women are afraid men will kill them.") Some context for dancers not speaking out in the 90s and early 2000s: Although the EEOC issued regulations defining sexual harassment in 1980, the United States Supreme Court did not determine that sexual harassment was a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 until 1986 (Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson). Anita Hill's charges against Clarence Thomas during his Supreme Court nomination hearings, which brought sexual harassment into the public eye, didn't happen until 1991. It's not hard to understand why a young woman in her 20s wouldn't have felt she had the law, much less the culture, on her side.
  5. There are times in every workplace where a private, one-on-one conversation is the only appropriate option. Denying employees the right to have those conversations does them no good service and implies that neither they nor their supervisors can be trusted. — trusted to tell the truth in the case of the employee and trusted to behave appropriately in the case of the supervisor. Better that workplaces should be reliably free of bullying and harassment.
  6. It's also quite possible that the union wouldn't have been an option back in the 90s for any number of reasons: in might not have had a clear set of policies or a reasonable grievance reporting mechanism in place; it might have been wary of making harassment or hostile workplace complaints a point of conflict if its leadership believed it needed to keep its powder dry for issues like salary and benefits; its leadership might have had personal or professional ties with important company artistic and management personnel and would not therefore be perceived as a creditable advocate, etc etc etc.
  7. Watts was a very good Dewdrop. She was good in a lot of stuff, and some of that stuff was roles that one mightn't have expected to suit her talents, such as Midsummer's Divertissement pas de deux. (I certainly preferred her to Merrill Ashley in that role.) Like Kistler, she was allowed to dance for too long, and her final years tarnished how we tend to remember her.
  8. The Union. I don't know how up to the task AGMA might have been in the early 90s, but they are alert to the issue now: AGMA ESTABLISHES A SYSTEM FOR MEMBERS TO REPORT CONDUCT THAT CREATES A HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT. This is one reason why unions are important — or at least should be. As institutions, they likely have some catching up to do as well. On a different note: I still remember Kelly Cass; she was a genuinely lovely and talented dancer. PS: One important aspect of the AD's job is the management of the company's relationship with the union. The Board will likely have that in mind when the consider their next course of action.
  9. Yes indeedy. Been there, done that! A solid interim AD who 1) is relaxed and and happy about the "interim" part of the title and 2) is committed to acting in the best interests of the company, its artists, and its audience might be ideal in the event of an unexpected departure — especially if the Board is happy with the current artistic direction and isn't looking for someone to come in and shake things up. That gives the company time to groom an internal successor or conduct a thorough and well-considered search for an outside candidate.
  10. With all due respect to the Balanchine-era artists we love and admire, it's time for NYCB to embrace the contributions of a new generation when it selects its next AD*. It's no longer sufficient to have once worked closely with Balanchine. He's been dead for 34 years and a lot has happened to ballet, to dance, to the arts, to the media, to our society, and to the world in the interim. Those artists still have valuable, indeed invaluable, roles to play — as teachers, as mentors, as sources of first-hand knowledge, as touchstones, as keepers of the flame — but running a company isn't necessarily the best way to fulfill them. I say this as an aging Boomer who's delighted, excited, and charmed by the energy and creativity of the generation that's come after mine, and well aware of the things they are alert to, both good and ill, that I am not until they tell me. And, with all due respect to the younger, up-and-coming talent we love and admire, that AD has to come on board with a full portfolio of well- tested skills, including both artistic judgment and managerial expertise. Being an emerging choreographer isn't enough; running a pick-up company in the off-season isn't enough. Running a dance program at a university isn't enough. (One might argue that the opening decade or so of Martins' tenure shows what happens when someone is selected on promise rather than achievement, but i digress ...) A successful AD needs to be able to present a coherent artistic and organizational vision to the Board and convince them to 1) pay for it and 2) trust that he or she can and will make it happen, especially when there are setbacks. It's not job that can be handed to a novice or even a relative novice, especially given NYCB's financial and organizational scale, its position as one of Lincoln Center's resident companies, and the firepower of its Board and major donors. A successful AD needs to be a leader. And although a clear artistic vision is paramount, managerial and organizational savvy is not something that can be dismissed lightly: all one has to do is look at the PA Ballet's various personnel and PR debacles in the Corella era to see what ill can be wrought by an indifference to the niceties of sound leadership. Finally, if Martins is relieved of his position for reasons related to harassment or fomenting a hostile work environment or toxic culture, the Board may well elect to look outside the organization for his replacement. * Even if Martins survives the current firestorm, he is 71 and in the twilight of his NYCB tenure. If we aren't discussing his replacement now, we will be soon enough.
  11. Yes, "reporting relationship" is standard corporate terminology.
  12. Also in fairness to Martins, although he made too many ballets (or too many of the same ballet), he did not crowd out other promising choreographers. The fact that he made money that he might have spent on his own work available to others is a good thing. I wouldn't have hired some of the choreographers he did, but I applaud his willingness to spotlight - and more importantly, cultivate - other talent.
  13. Well, I won't. Were I on the Board, I'd consider it disqualifying. If I were Lopez, and I were interested in the NYCB AD position, and Wheeldon got it instead, I'd be pretty steamed.
  14. I think Farrell's age is an argument against appointing her to be NYCB's AD — not because 72 is too old to successfully discharge an AD's duties, but rather because her tenure would likely be too short to provide the kind of organizational stability the company would need to transition into a new era. Frankly, given Martins' age alone (71), a well-run and thoughtful board would have already begun the process of succession planning. If they don't already have a list of candidates in hand, as well as an understanding of which of those candidates might not be available on short notice given contractual obligations and the like, they haven't done their job. Because they have been in the company and have AD experience, Boal, Lopez, Woetzel, and (sigh) Millepied are obvious candidates, as is Stiefel. (I hadn't thought of him, but he's an interesting suggestion! Thanks for mentioning him, Wonderwall.) Martins is living proof that NYCB's AD doesn't need to be a choreographer. yukiona4869: I'd wondered if Jonathan Stafford was being groomed as Martins' potential successor. I guess we'll see.
  15. Alas, the internet giveth and the internet taketh away. That being said, I try my dead level best never to base my overall assessment of a dancer on a video, or even the sum of their videos. A) It's just one performance. 50 things outside of the dancer's control could go wrong. (Alternatively, everything can go beautifully, magically right and a meh dancer can look like the best ballerina ever.) B) There are just too many things that can undermine any video, much less something shot on a phone and posted on Instagram. As Angelica has pointed out, the angle at which something has been shot can make it look worse (or in some cases better) than it looked in the theater. The music could be out of sync. The lighting could be funky. Makeup that looks terrific from halfway back in the theater looks like a Halloween fright mask in a close shot, and you can't unsee it. Etc etc etc. Videos capture a moment in time, and they can help us think about what's important, or what's ideal, or what we respond to, or what we like, or how a particular dancer approaches a role, or a step, or the music – but they can't tell the whole story.
  16. Also, no one really wants to see a dancer fail; or, to put it more positively, everyone wants to see a dancer succeed. Body language is powerful, even from the stage. Heck, especially from the stage, where even the slightest bit of tightness in the shoulders or stiffness in the neck gets telegraphed all the way to the back of the theater as tension, nerves, or a lack of confidence. Even if they're not consciously aware of their response, there's some part of an audience member's brain that's made uncomfortable: as social animals, humans are exquisitely attuned to the nuances of body language. A dancer who fills the music with smiling, well-executed, and confident singles will make the majority of the audience happier than the dancer who is struggling and obviously distressed by it. I think one of the reasons no one seems to mind an Ashley Bouder tumble (other than concern for her safety, of course) is that she exhibits utter confidence and self possession before, during, and after a fall. Her particular brand of daring is something we can enjoy on a visceral level.
  17. I like Lane just fine, but those fouettés weren't an example of this dancer at her sparkling best. That's OK; it's one performance, and it's a video — they may have had more èclat in the theater. I'm in the tiny minority that doesn't think a full 32 counts of fouettés is particularly important, but that, in the case of Odile especially, a full 32 counts of something dazzling and seductive is. I'd rather see a ballerina do a big ol' manège of piqué turns brilliantly than a bunch of fouettés indifferently, and without much theatre.
  18. Absolutely. And no matter how badly they're going, her face needs to say "Swish! Nothing but net!"
  19. Neither its 990 nor its audited financial statements provide sufficient detail to determine how much Lincoln Center, in its capacity as a presenter, paid in performance fees to any particular artist or company. Per its most recent 990, expenses associated with its performance programming activities totaled $37.9 million for the year ending 6/30/16. That amount includes the performance fees paid to artists and companies (about $14 million) as well as the cost of things like operating the theater, promotion, and the like that can be allocated the the shows Lincoln Center itself puts on -- e.g. Great Performers, Mostly Mozart, White Light, Lincoln Center Out of Doors, Midsummer Night Swing, and the Lincoln Center Festival. The revenue from these activities totaled $11.8 million, so you can see the gap that needs to be covered by grants and donations. Lincoln Center's audited financial statements parse things a bit differently (of necessity - the way they have to present things to the IRS differs from the way they have to present things according to current US financial accounting standards). But if you compare page 4 of the financial statements with pages 9 and 10 of the 900, you can get a 60,000 foot view of what's going on. PS: Typically, presenters pay artists and companies a fee to perform. The presenter is on the hook for covering the fee and the cost of running the theater; the company is on the hook for covering things like its own artists' salaries, travel expenses, etc.
  20. I think it would be a fine thing if people could be low-key about any aspect of their personal lives if they'd rather. The perceived need to have a robust social media presence makes it difficult, although some public figures manage to thread that particular needle quite nicely.
  21. I'd hoped to point to two things: 1) There are a lot of openly gay actors, enough for me to say that there are, indeed, a host of them. 2) Women find them sexually attractive. One might suspect that the only bar to gay actors portraying male romantic leads is a certain squeamishness on the part of (hmmm ... male?) producers. It's called acting for a reason. I think Nanushka is right: in the very near future, if not now, tying oneself in knots in an effort to remain closeted will be the scandal.
  22. I wish I could claim some sort of ninja level google-fu, but these were literally in the top five or so links that popped up when I searched "gay movie stars." It really is a new world.
  23. 11 Gay Male Celebrities That All Women Dream About 65 Hottest Gay Male Actors 53 Openly Gay Actors Who Are Out, Proud & Smokin' Hot It's a whole new world out there.
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