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Everything posted by balletstar811

  1. Oh, thank you very much I understand now. Do you think the movie served the book justice, just wondering? I know they left some things out, but that is inevitable since the book has so much to it.... they left Tom Bombadil out completely, but I guess he wasn't necessary to the plot. But I thought the movie was completely wonderful... I especially love the music, and all the characters are perfect. And the scenery! It takes you to another world! Middle- Earth! Oh but of course they had to throw in more romance, by replacing Glorfindel with Arwen... oh well.
  2. Mr. Johnson, another question~ When Gandalf (or whomever) speaks of the Dark Tower, is that.... Barad-Dur in Mordor? Also, what exactly are Barrow Wights (not sure if said that one right)... I was wondering what they were and why they took Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin. I am enjoying this book very much.. oh LOTR is sooooo good!
  3. I don't think I would interpret it at all like he was like Sauron was like one of those dictators... Middle-Earth and that whole world are too far off in such a great place that I would love to live in for me to connect with some present day conflict. I see it as a wonderful tale, and of course it is the classic fight of good vs. evil, but we see that in all the best fairy tales and tales from the Middle Ages and years ago. Even Star Wars, set in the future, has that battle... I see Sauron as more of a connection to Darth Vader than to Hitler.
  4. . I was at the bookstore today, and I went over to the Tolkien section, and scanned some of the histories, like the Treason of Isengard. I am now confused as to what the histories of Middle-Earth really are- I mean, some of the chapters were entitled the same as from The Fellowship and it kept saying "my father....". I thought the histories were stories like the Trilogy.... I was most likely mistaken!
  5. Mr. Johnson, I find it crazy how you know about so many things! You know history like the back of your hand, LOTR as well, English, ballet (of course)... what don't you know! ;) I just think that is wonderful to have such knowledge about so many topics. So Aragorn I know was brought up by Elves, and he is a Numer-what? Is that like a cross between Elves and Men?
  6. I see Bilbo, thank you! But I do know what a simile and metaphor are ;) Thank you though for defining allegory in a way which is easy to understand.
  7. It seems to me that many people associate literature with biblical references. Perhaps the author wanted this to be noticed, and perhaps not. If JRRT would "practically faint" at the idea, then I doubt he meant it to be related to the Bible! Mr. Johnson, what exactly is an allegory?
  8. Well of course I would not want to see a poorly choreographed ballet, whether the costumes are good or not. My point was that I would want to see a renound professional company use the historical costumes instead of contemporary ones, while using also perfect choreography.... and I guess that would mean a very perfect ballet!
  9. What is your outlook Mr. Johnson? Would you rather see the Shakespearean ballets with "historically accurate" costumes, sets, and scenery, or modern and plain?
  10. I still hold to my thoughts: I do not think we should change Shakespeare's perfect pieces of literature, even if they are translated into ballets. I love the dress of the times, and the costumes can still be light -- they would never dress a ballerina in a long gown with tons of undergarments including a farthingale and a corset and expect her to dance! As long as the style and look of the times is captured, then it works for me.
  11. Whoops, sorry about that, you answered before I did! Why, indeed, I agree- how very touching!
  12. Thank you very much Bilbo! Is this what the Appendices are? The History of Middle Earth? I heard that the tale of Arwen and Aragorn is in onw of them.... and my friend said everything that happened to each of the characters after Return of the King as well. Mr. Johnson, I would still likt to know about that Elvish tale... where was it located?
  13. atm711, would you truly want Miss Havisham to be played by a man?!
  14. Are they actually thinking about making a Great Expectations ballet? That would be a good one.
  15. Ah, 'tis truly an excellent collection to have! Now I am a new-comer to this series, I became interested after I saw the Fellowship of the Ring the movie. I purchased the set of books recently, and I am on the Fellowship. I love LOTR now!!! Those stories you mentioned earlier about an Elf dancing and someone falling in love with her... which book was this in? Or was it in one of the Appendices? And what exactly are the Appendices and what are in them?
  16. Does it bother anyone else when Romeo and Juliet costumes are contemporary and plain? It was set in such a time of wealth and color and beauty.... I would much rather see historically accurate costumes and sets!!!!
  17. What about the amazing classic Gone with the Wind ? Do you think a reasonably lengthed ballet could ever be made out of this wonderful love story? It would be most romantic! Though it is so long.... but I am sure there is some beautiful ballerina that would be a perfect Scarlett, and some charming man to be Rhett....
  18. Mr. Johnson, I am most likely mistaken on this one, because I plowed through The Hobbit , as I could not put it down, but... when Bilbo and company come across those elf parties in the forest of Mirkwood and then all the lights go out and all, did it say the elves were dancing? Or only feasting and talking? You do seem to know all about LOTR- it is truly excellent, isn't it?
  19. And here is an amazing video of Sofiane Sylve, who does 6 and a half perfect pirouettes at the end of it!!! Must watch! http://www.het-nationale-ballet.nl/new/mpg...hp4?mpg=s-sylve
  20. I am sorry, but I was not fortunate enough to be able to have seen that performance either! A girl in my dance class, did, however, and she said it was amazing!
  21. thanks!!!! she is very beautiful and how lucky you are to have met her! was she nice? she seems like a beautiful dancer, i wish i could see a video clip of her!
  22. sari went to my school, which is affiliated with the rochester city ballet..... i think she quit ballet, however, as good as she was!
  23. Does anyone have any pictures or videos of Agnes Oaks of the English National Ballet? Thanks!
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