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PNB-Current Dancer News

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10 hours ago, Helene said:

Price Suddarth has choreographed a work for Kansas City Ballet's "New Moves" program that opens Thursday and runs through March 31.



3 hours ago, Helene said:

Olympic Ballet Theatre will perform a work by Kyle Davis in its New Works program:


I'm very glad for both of these projects.  I think both of these artists have potential as choreographers, but the way to learn to make dances is to seek out opportunities to make dances.  It's a trick to fit these out-of-the-building projects into their rehearsal and performance schedules, but it's what needs to happen.

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In the video in the first link, Peter Boal speaks to Ezra Thomson, Price Suddarth, and James Yoichi Moore about being a dancer and father:


We learn that Moore and his wife Kristen had a second child less than a month ago, a girl :flowers:.  And Boal mentioned that there are others in the company who are expecting, but he didn't mention who or if it was the dancers who were pregnant.

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There's been no news from the company, and her Instagram account is private.  I only follow maybe ten current and former dancers on any social media, and if one of her colleagues mentioned it in their public social media --  which would count as official news-- I likely wouldn't know, but I'm sure someone would have posted by now.

I just look at cast lists and hope to see her dance again.  What a phenomenal dancer she is.

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