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I've been reading through a blog written by a dance archivist working on the Dance Theater of Harlem archives, and just wanted to point people in that direction. She's got an incredible task going with this collection, but this comment

We also inventoried a small amount of open reels, including the Vaganova Ballet Syllabus produced by the Ballet Research Association. These 39 reels belonged to Karel Shook, the co-founder of DTH. From my research, this resource is not available in the states in this format. All of the reels are suffering from multiple stages of vinegar syndrome, so hopefully we can get these in a better environment soon.

just makes my heart ache.

I already posted a little something about this in the DTH section below, but if you don't read there, here's the link

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Thank you, Sandi.

Where is the link? :helpsmilie:

Can't be absolutely sure that this is the link that sandik meant to include, but I googled "39 reels belonged to Karel Shook," and that key phrase landed me here --> http://preservingdth...overdue-update/ .

I am so sorry -- I posted this on the Dance Theater of Harlem section, but since the company has been inactive I thought I'd cross post here. Obviously I made a hash out of it, but Carbro has made sense of my nonsense. That is indeed the right link, and if you have a few moments to rummage around in the blog, I think you might find it very interesting.

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