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Everything posted by dirac

  1. A review of San Francisco Ballet by Rachel Howard in The San Francisco Chronicle.
  2. Carolina Ballet presents an all-Gershwin program.
  3. Alexei Ratmansky talks about his new work for New York City Ballet.
  4. dirac

    Thursday, February 8

    A report from the Prix de Lausanne by Ilona Landgraf in her blog, "Landgraf on Dance.
  5. A preview of Atlanta Ballet's "Coco Chanel: the Life of a Fashion Icon" by Celia Wren in The Washington Post.
  6. dirac

    Friday, February 9

    Jessica Lang talks about her new piece for the Royal Ballet, "Twinkle."
  7. dirac

    Friday, February 9

    The Royal Opera House partners with the MS Society to provide a dance residency for peole with multiple sclerosis.
  8. Photo gallery of the Royal Ballet rehearsing Robert Binet's "Dark with Excessive Light."
  9. dirac

    Tuesday, February 6

    Diablo Ballet celebrates its thirtieth season.
  10. Matthew Bourne presents "Edward Scissorhands" in Birmingham.
  11. The National Ballet of Ukraine performs in Calgary.
  12. dirac

    Tuesday, February 6

    Jérôme Kaplan creates the costumes for the Atlanta Ballet's "Coco Chanel."
  13. dirac

    Tuesday, February 6

    A look at the current state of dance in Los Angeles by Robin Pogrebin in The New York Times.
  14. A TV segment on Oklahoma City Ballet's "Giselle."
  15. dirac

    Monday, February 5

    A review of the Norwegian National Ballet by Graham Watts for Bachtrack.
  16. A review of New York City Ballet by Leigh Witchel for dancelog.nyc. A review of NYCB by Ivy Lin for Bachtrack.
  17. dirac

    Friday, February 2

    A review of NYCB by Ivy Lin for Bachtrack.
  18. dirac

    Thursday, February 8

    Pacific Northwest Ballet makes its first visit to Spokane.
  19. Q&A with Edwaard Liang.
  20. A preview of San Francisco Ballet's new program by Aimee Ts'ao for San Francisco Classical Voice.
  21. dirac

    Monday, February 5

    Reviews of Pacific Northwest Ballet in "Swan Lake." The Seattle Times The Stranger
  22. dirac

    Friday, February 9

    A new documentary takes as its subject the young Nigerian Ballet student Anthony Madu.
  23. dirac

    Thursday, January 18

    Three critics from The New Yorker remember Joan Acocella and talk about the role of the critic in today's culture in the magazine's "Critics at Large" podcast.
  24. dirac

    Friday, February 9

    Kansas City Ballet revives "Peter Pan."
  25. I was struck by the extensive digitizing of the faces of both Cooper and Mulligan as the young couple. Cooper's makeup as the older man was quite good, though.
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