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Everything posted by California

  1. 50% off for every performance except the opening Monday, Wednesday matinee, and the Saturday matinee! Special Offer for ABT Members Get 50% Off Tickets for Alexei Ratmansky's Of Love and Rage We are excited to offer ABT Members a special discount on select performances to celebrate the New York Premiere of ABT Artist in Residence Alexei Ratmansky's Of Love and Rage! Of Love and Rage 50% Off Tickets in Orchestra Prime and Side Tuesday, June 21 at 7:30pm Wednesday, June 22 at 7:30pm Thursday, June 23 at 7:30pm Friday, June 24 at 7:30pm Saturday, June 25 at 8:00pm Code: ABTMEMBER Offer available until Saturday, June 25 *Subject to availability, limit of four (4) tickets per performance Get 50% Off Tickets Special support for Of Love and Rage, part of the Ratmansky Project, has been generously provided by Elizabeth Segerstrom, John Rallis and Mary Lynn Bergman-Rallis, and through an endowed gift from The Toni and Martin Sosnoff New Works Fund. Leadership for the Ratmansky Project has been provided by Avery and Andrew F. Barth, the Blavatnik Family Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton E. James, and the Ted and Mary Jo Shen Charitable Gift Fund.
  2. I remember an incident at Nutcracker in 2015 at Segerstrom. I had never seen it in Brooklyn and went to see several casts over the first weekend, including Gorak as Nutcracker Prince. On opening day, they had a Friends dress rehearsal with printed programs listing Gorak as the Prince. During the intermission, they announced that Whitehead would be substituting for Gorak. Whitehead came out in practice clothes and people wondered if Gorak had been injured or freaked out at the complicated choreography, including that super-difficult torch lift. We were never told anything officially, but Gorak performed several other roles that weekend -- but not the Prince. That lift was a problem for most of the men, but they figured something out to get through and when I saw it again in 2021 at Segerstrom, most had mastered it.
  3. According to Simkin's Instagram stories, he's headed next week to Australia for their production of Harlequinade! His home company in Berlin might look more attractive to KenCen if the Russian companies are out for the foreseeable future due to boycotts and loss of oligarch subsidies. Berlin has T&V, a Sleeping Beauty by Marcia Haydee, Onegin, Ratmansky's reconstruction of Bayadere, plenty that would be welcome to American audiences (although Bayadere does have some controversy emerging).
  4. They don't have a lot of options for Basilio this season, with both Whitehead and Stearns out. Ahn was scheduled for Friday and putting him on as a sub Thursday would be too much for anybody. As a Wednesday sub, he has a little time to rest/recuperate. Cornejo is pushing the envelope already with two performances at his age, and Simkin is a guest. So moving Ahn to Wednesday and Bell to Thursday makes sense. If Stearn was able to return for Thursday, Bell would have a little more rest time for Monday. At least, that's how it appears to this outsider! Let me add: I guess it couldn't be avoided, but it's too bad Bell couldn't do Wednesday, for Hurlin's NYC debut. They did this at KenCen and his partnership would have really pushed her performance to even greater heights. Too bad!
  5. I wasn't planning to go to this performance (I couldn't stomach Stearns after his hugely disappointing KenCen performance a couple of months ago). I decided to go when Bell was announced and I'm glad I did. Thanks for the heads-up, everybody. I'm a huge Aran Bell fan and he didn't disappoint. He's only 23 and already has so much to offer -- technique, charm, presence, acting, the real deal. I did sense that he held off from super-pyrotechnics tonight (no revoltade 540s, e.g.) -- perhaps just being safe because of the big premiere Monday in Ratmansky's Of Love and Rage. I don't think these two have performed this ballet together, so the partnering must have been a special challenge. The one-armed lifts in Act I were brief and seemed strangely crooked to me - she was more at an angle than overhead - but they did two more in Act III which were a little better. Still, overall the partnering seemed solid and attentive. Shevchenko was excellent. Solid fouettes, turns, hops. No complaints.
  6. No disagreements with the praise from others. Hurlin was terrific. I was startled to see the standing ovation right after the wedding PdD. It was led by a group in the center orchestra, but others quickly followed. I don't recall seeing that before. Another standing ovation at the end. I had the sense throughout that Hurlin had a big cheering section. What did seem a little odd was that the earlier pairs (Cornejo/Brandt and Simkin/Boylston) were also outstanding, but didn't trigger that sort of response. I think this was Brandt's NYC premiere, as it was for Hurlin. Ahn does not have the larger-than-life presence of others and none of the over-the-top tricks of Simkin. The usual one-armed lifts in Act I were two-handed, as noted -- right arm at her waist and left holding a leg. She had no trouble with Bell in these at the gala, but perhaps these two have not had as much experience performing together to work that out. He did extend one leg in arabesque during the first one, so that was something. Let me mention: at the matinee, Simkin not only held Boylston aloft for a LONG time in both one-armed lifts, he also went up on the balls of his feet at the end of the first one. You don't see that very often.
  7. ABT opened their KC run with two nights of a so-so mixed bill, followed by five Don Qs. Is it a coincidence that NYCB opened with two nights of a disappointing mixed bill followed by MSND? I'm wondering if the KC management had something to do with this. Quite a coincidence otherwise.
  8. Same here! No KC for me next year. And the only interesting thing at Washington Ballet is the Balanchine program, but I have a schedule conflict, so I'll be skipping that, too! Pre-COVID, Segerstrom typically had a Russian company, as did LA Music Center. I assume they needed major underwriters, and neither center has announced a ballet schedule for 22-23.
  9. A few months ago Ramasar was in Munich staging Pictures at an Exhibition. So he might have options for Ratmansky, too. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbj2icIgt93/
  10. Yet another discount offer for the ABT Met season: 6 performances in the first two weeks. Looks like it's mainly orchestra seats on the far sides or rear. PAS DE TIX | $30 Under 30 If you’re under the age of 30, enjoy $30 tickets to ABT’s Summer Season for select performances! Join us at the Metropolitan Opera House for iconic story ballets, vibrant masterpieces, and New York premieres. Use code ABT30 for the discount. #ABTMet22 Get tickets now! https://bit.ly/ABTSummerSeason22_ABT30
  11. thanks! I've been checking their web site from time to time and never would have found this. Season seems very slim: NEXTSteps, Nutcracker, Balanchine, Sleeping Beauty The Balanchine program February 22-26 is pretty impressive: Concerto Barocco, Tschaikovsky Pas de Deux, Apollo, and Theme & Variations.
  12. Thanks for your observations. I found Wheeldon's Winter's Tale to be confusing for the same reasons (although I confess that I only saw it twice and never read Shakespeare's play). Sounds like it's a risk for ABT, but no doubt they've already invested heavily in the production and we'll see it in spring 2023.
  13. Apparently La Scala has reverted to its "traditional" Swan Lake and it hasn't been staged by Zurich, the other co-producer, in several years. Bolle never performed the Ratmansky reconstruction. Much as I appreciated it in Milan several years ago, it's a novelty item that doesn't seem to have the staying power needed to sell tickets at the Met. I wish Miami would bring it to the Met or Kennedy Center some day but that seems unlikely. Long ago, I had planned to see Miami's production this February, but have avoided travel to places that think COVID is some kind of hoax and won't take serious precautions (as NYC has). That has also ruled out visiting Sarasota or Houston. Even if the theater takes reasonable precautions, public transportation, hotels, restaurants, etc. don't seem to. The best things about the McKenzie version: Purple Rothbart, only one intermission, the terrific swan dives at the very end. I suspect they'll keep using this indefinitely until they can afford another refurbishing.
  14. The Instagram account Male Ballet Dancers just posted a clip of Baryshnikov doing FOUR of those pirouettes with the turning leg lifted off the floor. It's a clip from the TV special Baryshnikov in Hollywood, which came after Baryshnikov on Broadway. https://www.instagram.com/p/CeYBKLCoM1m/
  15. A notice just appeared on Facebook cancelling the Tharp programs June 3-4 due to COVID. So sad! *Performances Cancelled* Due to Covid-19 cases at PNB, we unfortunately must cancel tonight and tomorrow’s performances of ALL THARP (June 3 at 7:30, June 4 at 2:00 and June 4 at 7:30). Ticket buyers will recieve an email with information on your ticketing options – we hope you’re available to join us for a performance next week. While this cancellation stings, we remain committed to the safety of our performers and audience members above all.
  16. With my apologies: https://www.instagram.com/p/CeWIMvhI34p/
  17. That makes sense. Forster and Royal are the only other two announced for the lead. As a new ballet, they likely don't have a deep bench that could fill in. I thought Ahn was terrific in Don Q at the Kennedy Center, but I couldn't stomach seeing Hee Seo again as Kitri. (I got a ticket instead for the Baryshnikov theater piece that night.)
  18. Here's a new clip of Hurlin and Bell rehearsing Of Love and Rage, with Ratmansky directing. I think he looks pretty healthy! https://www.instagram.com/p/CeWIMvhI34p/
  19. I assume this was for Friends, but I don't know at what level. I got an email invitation and signed up. They did a live stream of rehearsals for T&V back on May 7. I was hoping to see who was cast as principals, but it was only for the corps.
  20. I just watched the live stream of the opening night cast rehearsing Act II for Of Love and Rage, with Ratmansky. Bell was there and to my (untrained) eye did not seem injured or limited in any way. So we'll hope the cast change was triggered by something else. This is the opening night cast: Catherine Hurlin (Callirhoe) Aran Bell (Chaereas) Daniel Camargo (Dionysius) Cory Stearns (Mithridates) Roman Zhurbin (King of Babylon) Katherine Williams (Queen of Babylon)
  21. Big disappointment! Bell is still listed for Act I of the Gala program, but June 15 was his only full-length DQ at the Met.
  22. Interesting that Nureyev's version is left off the list. This review by Kriegsman in 1987 mentions it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1987/08/01/raymonda-playing-to-the-crowd/e0e2d4ce-73f9-416a-80d8-30848e976317/ Rudolf Nureyev tried to reinstate the full-length format for a number of western troupes including American Ballet Theatre in 1975 -- a production that served as a vehicle for some highly memorable casts, such as Gelsey Kirkland in the title role partnered by Nureyev and Erik Bruhn as the contrasting male leads. But this version also failed to last.
  23. The ABT site actually lists five versions of Raymonda: Raymonda (Divertissements - Baryshnikov) Raymonda (Grand Pas Classique - Baryshnikov) Raymonda (Act III - Bujones) Raymonda (Holmes) Raymonda Divertissements (Kolpakova/McKenzie)
  24. A lot of new images have been added to Instagram Stories in Amar's account. Alas, no way to link to those. The account: ramastar81 if you're not already following him.
  25. Thank you so much for posting that video of the farewell! I am so sorry I couldn't be there. I'm not seeing anything yet on his Instagram account, but assume that will follow soon. Any announcements of his plans for the future? He would be such an inspiration, teacher, and coach to young men and boys of limited means and I hope he's able to find an appropriate position.
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