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Your Favourite Male Dancer/Dancers


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:D Shaw was a personable and pleasant man; his passing began a certain misgiving in my mind about the beneficiaries of Ashton's will - they seemed to be dropping off like flies there at one point. Even a residuary legatee like Wendy Ellis (Somes' widow) didn't make it much longer than he did. An earlier generation might have made of this, Caernarvon-style, "The Curse of Fredankhamun" :pinch:
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Mel, if you're implying that Wendy Ellis died shortly after Somes, I think you have been misinformed! So far as I know she is still very much with us.

Jane Simpson is correct she is still with us and is a Producer on the staff of The Royal Ballet ( info from the ROH Spring Season 2010 brochere).

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Shaw was considered the company's best male classicist for years

He was a real classical virtuoso - at least as far as virtuosity was seen to be at that time. He was a truly classical dancer, incapable of making a non-classical shape. A colleague and near-contemporary once remarked that when he first started to teach he had problems because he simply couldn't comprehend that a student demonstrating a port de bras or an arabesque wouldn't have perfect line - it came so naturally to him.

Mel is correct, in saying that several of those who inherited Ashton's ballets have died and the rights have passed to their heirs. Attempts to set up an Ashton Foundation on the lines of the Balanchine Foundation seem to have stalled. Wendy Ellis, who was Somes third wife, is very much alive though, and it is she we can thank for the deplorable designs used for the last revival of Cinderella.

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On 8/8/2009 at 10:32 AM, Waelsung said:

I seem to be in a minority here, but my all-time favorite male dancer would be Alexander Godunov. I only saw him live when I was a kid, but the impact he made in every role he danced is absolutely unforgettable. What amazed me most was the sense of freedom he projected, the totally convincing illusion that everything was possible for a man capable of flying at will.

For me, nobody, just nobody compares to him, and most likely nobody ever will.

Of latter-days stars the one that I cared most for was Igor Zelensky. Probably because in many ways he's the exact opposite of Godunov.

Today my favorite dancers are Marcelo Gomes and Vladimir Shklyarov - both the epithomes of exquisite nobility and liricism.

I also must add that I'm very old fashioned and still firmly believe that ballet is first of all about the ballerina. The men are on stage primarily to help her shine :o

Godunov is great! He is extremely charismatic

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