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Fun video featuring Ringer, Askegaard

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Harry Hurt is ME! (Well, "me" if I had started class 8 years earlier, weighed 10 or 20 pounds more, got fitted out at Capezio, had NYCB principals as my teacher and first partner, danced the male lead in Swan Lake on day one, and entered Internet Immortality via the NY Times.).

A really lovely piece, producing lots of identification. That split second during center when he first tries the steps without the benefit of the barre are priceless. And something only another old(er) guy in tights could appreciate . So was the brave pirouette ending in a v-e-r-y wide fourth postiion.

I thought he did very well in the pas de deux -- with great concentration on his ballerina He was caring, protective, touchingly paternal.

Thanks for the Link, KayDenmark! It also happens to be great p.r. for ballet and ballet dancers. I'm sending it to our local company. We have lots of journalist quasi-celebrities down here who might be willing try the same thing.

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