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Aussie Ballet

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While a relatively new comer to ballet (son started two hears ago) I have to agree with Grace, I think the dancers of the WAB are

in a lot of ways better than the Australian Ballet. They seem to me on the average more seasoned and intense.

The only complaint I would have with the WAB is that I wish they would do more classical pieces.

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Grace - not that you're state-patriotic or anything eh? *grin*

Well, after years of absence... I stumble across this new forum while putting off an assignment (I mean really, who's interested in semaphores anyway? They're blunt tools that nobody uses.. *grumbles*)

RE: Inexperienced dancers. I agree. The company performs in the ACT so rarely its disappointing not to get to see the 'favourites' (ie. principals). I am all for the less experienced dancers being given a run, but I thought that was the purpose of matinees. Ticket prices are cheaper and you don't expect to see the bigger names.

RE: The technical standard... its very interesting you would say this. Because its something I definitely noticed, especially among the men. In fact, when they toured earlier this year, I would say there were perhaps 3 men up to scratch... Even Steven Heathcote was looking sloppy. Of course, one must keep in mind the length of the seasons they've all been doing... I went out with company members after performances and they were all exhausted from having been on the road for so long. They were also heartily sick of Romeo and Juliet... (I thought it was a disgrace that this showed on stage). Wheres the professionalism?? Morale seemed very low in the company, but I couldn't tell if this was just the tiredness factor or something more deep seeded.

I can't help but wonder if Australia's isolation compounds this lazy technical standard... I remember hearing what a boost of energy Angel Corella gave the company when he toured earlier this year... Its very easy to get lazy when you're the national company, seemingly with nothing to prove.

RE: WA Ballet... They really are a completely different company from the Oz... I remember being spellbound when they performed carmen here a few years ago. They have such strong dancers... They are definitely a credit to our country. The things they can do on their shoe string budget is incredible....

Back to work eh?

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hi katharyn,

"not that you're state-patriotic or anything eh? *grin*"

- no, indeed.

i take this rare opportunity to actually point out HOW good they are, because i am constantly being upbraided for NOT being positive enough about them, in my home state (as i am their regular reviewer, for the only national dance publication).

by applying top international standards, my commentary is exacting - thus: NOT all undiluted praise! unfortunately, since not all australian reviewers ARE as exacting as i am, my criticism apparently risks skewing the national picture against the WAB, ... so i am told...

glad to see that, in your final comments, you acknowledge their worth.

at present, WAB have a top team of dancers - even better than when you saw them last. :(

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Good on you grace for telling it like it is! One thing i don't like is when critics praise performances just because it is the national/state company. It undermines the professional standards of dancers, companies and the media (hah!) As long as the critique is fair and balanced there is no reason for critics to gloss over flaws.

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grace, i've been spending some time thinking how to formulate a response to what happened to you. i'm afraid i'm completely flabbergasted by their treatment as i've always considered you such an ambassador for the company... reading what i wrote just then about the australian ballet seems a hundred times more inflammatory than your review (attacking the standard, etc) ... and yet i would never expect anything to come of it.

but i'll save my response for that particular thread.

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