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Posts posted by abatt

  1. The KC's loss of the annual Mariinsky engagement will be a real blow to its bottom line, including its ballet subscriber base.  I used to go the KC every season to see the Mariinsky.  Next year's ballet offerings just do not compel me to incur the expense or effort of making the trip to DC. 

  2. I saw this last night.  First act was brilliant.  I particularly liked the way he staged large group dances.  Very creative.  I thought the second act was less interesting and effective.

    Can anyone shed light on why Khan has  Giselle dance with the stick in her mouth in Act II.  That took me right out of the ballet and into eye rolling mode.

  3. 32 minutes ago, ABT Fan said:

    Certainly hope he is not injured. If he needs to be replaced in several ballets, Ahn is the most likely replacement as he has the least to do. With Whiteside already out, they do not have a deep bench to pull from.


    Right, they do not have a deep bench of talent, to put it mildly.  Maybe Roman Mejia from across the plaza has some extra time on his hands.  Now that would be a Basilio I would show up to even with Seo as Kitri!

  4. 20 minutes ago, JuliaJ said:

    If Bell is injured or sick, maybe they are trying to figure out who will partner Hurlin in Act I for the gala. The other tall Basilios (Stearns, Ahn) are already dancing in the other acts. 

    I seriously hope Bell's absence will be very temporary -- they really need him this season! And I'm very much looking forward to seeing him. Plus, it's his first Met season as a principal so it's an exciting time. 

    This is exactly what I'm concerned about.  If Bell is injured, will ABT start showing the casting changes in dribs and drabs   as they figure out who is replacing him?  If he is injured, I have a lot of exchanging to do.  (For example, there is no reason for me to see Hee Seo in Swan Lake if Aran Bell is out as her partner.)  I hope he is not injured.  Wonderful dancer.  Actually, he is the most exciting male dancer at ABT in my opinion.

    If anyone sees info on Bell's social media please post.

  5. 1 hour ago, Helene said:

    It makes no sense to me that NYCB would have defied advice of counsel, since there were other remedies, especially since they've long not cared about what anyone thought, including major donors, including when they lost major $$$ from Anne Bass.

    I think they cared a lot about their public image.  Waterbury was going to every news outlet and TV station that would listen saying that NYCB had a culture that permitted bad boy conduct that was also abusive toward women.  Firing AR and ZC sent a message to the ticket buying public and to donors that NYCB doesn't tolerate this conduct.  The terminations helped the NYCB public image.  It's no coincidence that NYCB initially merely SUSPENDED  AR and ZC for a relatively short period, but did not terminate them.  It was only after the deluge of bad press that suddenly they were fired.   Even if their attorneys told them privately that the terminations would likely be deemed wrongful in arbitration, at least NYCB could say they tried to rid the company of these bad seeds, but they were forced under the law to rehire them.  I guess this is a cynical view, but I believe that is what probably happened.  Maybe someday Whelan or Stafford will write a tell all and we can know for sure.


    I think ZC would have been welcomed back to NYCB in the same way as AR if he had decided to return.  It's a shame that his career as a ballet dancer, for which he worked so hard for so many years, was essentially ended by these allegations.  Both AR and ZC were vindicated in arbitration and were dismissed from the civil lawsuit. 

  6. Nice tribute, canbelto. 

    I'm not sure exactly who in the Company determined that Ramasar should be fired (it was probably a group decision).  I suspect they may have been advised by their counsel all along that the termination of Catazaro and Ramasar would likely be reversed if it went to arbitration, but the Company went ahead and fired them in order to publicly align themselves with the "me too" movement and improve the public image of management.  

    At any rate, Ramasar did not appear to hold any ill will towards Stafford or Whelan.   I guess he had to make peace with management  in order to keep working at the Company that wrongfully terminated him.  Wishing him well in the next chapter, whatever that may be.


  7. Highlights of the Spring Season for me were Huxley and Mejia as Oberon, Mejia in Four Seasons, Mejia and Peck in Allegro Brilliante, Kikta, Nadon and LaFreniere in everything, and Phelan as Titania.  There were so many debuts it was dizzying.   NYCB remains a very exciting company with exceptional artists.  Negatives - sometimes the corps looked under-rehearsed. 


    Added-  Furlan in Agon.


  8. 8 hours ago, cubanmiamiboy said:

    I went to a couple of performances of this program, which, cleverly, was NOT presented in the order seen below.  Of course they had Prodigal Son last, so by the second time I went to the theater, I timed myself and skipped everything else.  

    I took my 5 y.o daughter, who has always responded very favorably to Nutcracker, Cinderella, Swan Lake and even Rubies from Jewels, and when I looked at her next to me on her seat she was hunched down...still looking, but obviously bored. So I approached her and whispered..."Do you like it..?", and she goes, looking me straight in the eye..."No..", to which I answered back..."Me neither, honey".  She seemed happy that she wasn't on the wrong.  When Prodigal Son came on, we both got up from our dozing off state.



    Wow, time really goes by quickly.  Your little girl is 5 already!  Such a cutie.

    Since all Russian companies are banned, it looks like we won't see each other at the Kennedy Center any time soon.  Hopefully you will make a trip to NYC for NYCB or ABT at some point.

  9. Casting update - Tiler Peck and Tyler Angle were replaced in tonight's Act II of Midsummer, and will also be replaced tomorrow.   Replacements are Woodward-Veryette.  (Tyler Angle remains cast as Adrian's replacement with Megan tomorrow.    I was very disappointed by the replacement for Act II, so I left at intermission.  On the way out, I checked the casting board in the lobby to see the changes for tomorrow.




  10. 4 hours ago, ABT Fan said:

    Sooooo….potential big news. Trenary has just posted clips of herself rehearsing SL with Irina on her IG. No mention of any casting dates and I see nothing on ABT’s site. Do understudies usually get 1:1 time with Irina? I’d think not as she’s stretched pretty thin. SL is a month out and there are no TBA’s. Perhaps someone is already injured and they’re getting her ready. Hmmmm….


    Isn't Irina an "off the books" coach not affiliated w. ABT?  Maybe Trenary is going the same route as Brandt - if I learn it independently I might get the role sometime.

  11. 22 minutes ago, California said:

    According to ABT On Pointe, which just arrived in the mail, Misty Copeland and husband Olu Evans "welcomed their first child on April 2, 2022." (p. 2 - Company News)

    Congrats to them.

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