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Posts posted by abatt

  1. 2 hours ago, nycvillager said:

    I just tried to renew on a Flex package, which is what I've had for the past few years. I tried to add Sept 19, opening night, of Jewels and only see dates available starting on the 20th. Does this mean it's already sold out? Or is just not available to me as Flex subscriber? 

    Sept 19 is not available for Flex  subscribers. Ditto the gala and the special performance on Oct 11..  

  2. Ulbricht isn't cast at all so far.  I'm pretty sure I saw him out on the plaza before showtime.  

    correction - he is going to do his old role in Namouna next week.  Glad to see Ratmansky is using him.  Interesting that Ratmansky is allowing Paz to debut a role in Namouna as her retirement. 


  3. $73 (or $69 for standard package) is not a bargain, but they are correct that $38 or $40 is too much of a bargain and is not sustainable.  These are performances by one of the greatest companies in the world, and every performance has live music.  

  4. You are free to cherry pick, but you have to pay a higher price  to do that.  If you select a standard subscription, you can exchange out of the items that you don't want. 

    Nobody said anything about getting rid of $30 for 30.  

    Just saw what NY Susan wrote, so this is an across the board price hike for the cheapest level tickets for all new subscriptions, not merely a Flex issue. 

    I think next season, particularly the Fall offerings, will sell well. But they will have trouble selling some of the weaker programs going forward.  


    Added:  Does anyone know if the tickets for the other price categories have been increased and, if so, by what percentage?

  5. It is not a "punishment" of loyal customers.  It is a recognition that people who are rejecting the Standard Packages, which frequently contain less popular  programs,  and are instead  cherry picking the most sought after ballets through Flex must pay a higher price for that approach. 

  6. About last night....

    I enjoyed Phelan in her debut of Concerto Barocco.  It was a good role debut.  Tyler Angle is very out of shape, and again I found his bald head to be distracting.  I thought Laracey had difficulty keeping up with the music during her initial entrance at the start of the ballet, but she improved for the rest of the ballet.  

    Kammermusik is very much not my cup of tea.  I don't like the music, but it was well danced. 

    Megan Fairchild remains a stellar presence at the company.  She has never been better.  Overall a terrific account of the lead roles by her and Huxley.  I have a question about Claire's variation.  She was very secure on pointe, but my recollection is that in her variation the ballerina is also supposed to advance forward while doing the tricky pointe work.  At least that is what  I recall when Sara Adams did it.  Clarie barely advanced across the stage.

    Can't wait to see more of Collett.  She was excellent. 

    Who was the blonde corps woman who flubbed the spins near the end of the ballet?  Was that Bailey Jones?



  7. I don't have a problem  with a significant price increase for the cheapest seats, although the jump from 38 to 73 seems too much.  Those seats are priced too low. 40 dollars seems very fair if that is the price increase.   However I wish they would  automatically open up the third ring.  I can't stand this game of checking the website repeatedly to see if the ring is now open.

    Sadly, last night the third ring was open for an All Balanchine program, but is was only about  one-third or less sold. 

  8. 34 minutes ago, BalanchineFan said:

    I"m a subscriber. I clicked on "Renew" in order to see what was in my subscription (It's like 12 performances). Then there's a countdown clock saying that if I don't purchase in 18 minutes my seats will be released. Is this correct? I've had those seats for YEARS! It's a huge outlay of money and I usually have months to figure out exactly which subscriptions I'm going to purchase.

    Has anyone else had this issue? Is the time clock just some weird left over feature that doesn't apply to subscriptions? (I'm hoping)

    I think the countdown clock only applies to single tickets in your cart.  I think if you check back and log back into your account in a few hours  your subscriptions should appear again in your account.  I clicked on mine numerous times over the weekend and all of my series are back in my account awaiting renewal.  Any issue, call them tomorrow.


  9. Wow.  Thanks for all this additional info folks!  By the way, I'm seeing the full Jewels for what I anticpate is the first week of shows in the Fall Season.

    I've always wanted to see Tzigane.  It was never possible before because  Farrell and Martins were like oil and water, and she owned the rights.  Can't wait to see this, even if it is second tier Mr. B.  Please cast Mearns in this!

  10. Logged back in to see more info.  There will be a program in the  winter of Polyphonia, Barber Violin  and Times are Racing.

    Also Martin's Hallelujah Junction is returning.

    Another winter program is Rotunda, odesssa  and new Tiler Peck.  Fancy Free is returning.   Robbins'  The Concert.    "In a Landscape'.  (Never heard of that one.)  added- According to the website, it was choreographed by Albert Evans.   The music is John Cage.

    Slaughter, Agon, Bouree Fantastique.  Western Symphony

    I'm a bit surprised they are letting Tiler Peck choreograph.   I guess they have decided to thaw relations with Martins.  They are using two of his ballets.  Eat your heart out Gia.



  11. I logged into my account tonight and realized that my subscription renewal info was already loaded into my account for next season. 

    The ballets I saw listed in my series included Jewels, Liebeslieder, Ballo della Regina, Barber Violin Concerto, Stars & Stripes, In the Night, Tsai pas.   


  12. 42 minutes ago, matilda said:

    Chun Wai Chan posted "La Source" rehearsal footage with Emma Von Enck in his Instagram stories---I guess she's debuting the lead ballerina role this time. Exciting! 

    Looking forward to seeing Emma V.E. in this.  Woodward and Emma V.E. are the obvious successors to the roles that have been dominated by Bouder, Fairchild and Peck.   The "soubrette" rep.


  13. Ditto what mysusan said.  If there is no casting published for LWFC during subscriber priority week, I'm not getting tickets for it.  What is the  cause of the delay?!

    I would see the Trenary - Cornejo cast and the Park-Carmago cast, but I'm not likely to see the Ahn cast.  Ahn in my opinion is wooden.  No acting ability.

  14. I was at Passover Seder last week in which a friend who goes to NYCB once every two years or so said "Oh I see they are doing Swan Lake.  I got a postcard in the mail."  I explained to her that it was merely a 40 minute distillation, and not the entire work.   That's part of why SL is selling so well.  It is being heavily marketed to people who rarely attend.

  15. 1 hour ago, matilda said:


    Alexa Maxwell should have been promoted last year with that large batch of soloist promotions. But, better late than never. 

    I think that management needed to make sure that Maxwell would not get re-injured before promoting her.  

    To me the phrase "energy" used by J. Stafford is meaningless.  If you cannot execute the choreography properly, I don't care how much energy you may have.  It's all about technique. I can't stand seeing sloppy dancing where people try and fudge landings or other aspects of the choreography.  

  16. 8 hours ago, BalanchineFan said:

    I am just thrilled for the new soloists, and Alexa Maxwell in particular. She really carried a few evenings in the past seasons, and I feel it was long overdue.

    Regarding Bouder, I think it's a complete unknown. She won't be the same dancer she was last fall. She'll be different in some way, maybe many ways. Hopefully she can get healthy and rehab all or any injuries fully. It took Alexa Maxwell a long time to return after a foot injury, hopefully Bouder can do the same.

    That's true, but it is more likely that you can come back from injuries in your mid / late 20s (Maxwell0 than in your late 30s.  Bouder's age works against her at this point.  

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