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Posts posted by Juliet

  1. This information was in the Police Beat section of the paper on Wednesday, and is a front page headline article in today's Saratogian.

    Substance abuse is nothing new in this company or any other, and it continues to be an issue.

    The company performed beautifully, despite very wet conditions..

    I'll try to post here when schedule allows: soon I hope.

  2. Edward Stewart/Ballerina. Pretty bad.

    Rumer Godden taught dance, and her books dealing with ballet are excellent: A Candle for St. Jude (of which a rather bad film was made, but with Tanaquil Le Clercq! I got it on video some time ago online.), Pippa Passes, and Thursday's Children.

    Eva Ibbotson wrote A Company of Swans which I enjoyed.

    As a librarian I read anything I can find with dance characters, and I must say that except for the Ibbotson and Godden, most are pretty wretched.

  3. I am the voice in the desert who saw nothing wrong with the old seats.........

    I have more issues with those who overindulge in cheap perfume, big hair, cel phone texting during performances,

    raised voices as a result of too much to drink.

    At least the seats this first season won't stink of stale beer spilled on them......I hope. :devil:

  4. Perhaps....just perhaps.....one ought to wait and see if students are actually used. What is publicised in advance is not necessarily what will happen.....castings and ideas change in ballet as in every other artistic venture.

    I have seen considerable print publicity for this venture and I think it has been creative and arresting.

  5. I missed Square Dance........

    Liebeslieder was as good as I have ever seen it, and what a beautifully nuanced performance from the vocalists.....everyone sensed that it was a very special farewell.......

    Miranda just barely conquered the tears when they were sitting listening to the final song and Kyra will always leave her special scent in this drawing room after she leaves it.....I was thinking about how she must have felt when she put on that dress one more time......all the history in those costumes....(they are not the original dresses, but she has has a lot of history with that silk...)

    Stars was a good rousing shake after the emotion of Liebeslieder, and was a splendid performance by Ashley(as good as I've seen her do it) and Andy Veyette also had some fun with his role, which was delightful to see!

    To take nothing away from their performances, the evening was centered around that moonlit ballroom filled with memories.

    Quite a night.

  6. Among the women dancing it now, she owns it. :)

    I think she is superb in it--------

    As she dances more, one can see the development/maturation--her Aurora a few weeks ago was much better than in 2004 (and I thought it very, very good then)-----but on a Melissa Hayden tribute night, I am delighted that she really uncorked it!


  7. I wonder if I was at the same performance............

    not the consistent Nichols admirer that many of my friends are, I was not surprised last night: I was brought up with a jolt. I saw the steps, I saw this danced with some soul (I am sorry, Ms. Kowrowski, but I don't miss you one bit in this), I saw a beautiful Preghiera and a pdd that made up in clarity and musicality what it may have lacked in a rock-solid pose at the end.

    Who cares? Mozartiana is not about one pose. She made it sing through her performance.

    I didn't stay for the remainder of the program (and PC2 is one of my favourite ballets)....I wanted to remember this Mozartiana. I watched an old recording of Suzanne Farrell this afternoon in it, and they were very different, but Kyra is leaving with flags flying, that is certain.

  8. Reference librarians are trained to do this sort of research quickly and efficiently. Call and follow up with a written request stating specifically what you need. I am sure they would be happy to copy the appropriate pages from programs or answer particular questions you may have.

    Be sure to give enough time for staff to do this. Librarians have been researching for authors for centuries; please realize that they have many demands on their time and resources. Best of luck in your research........

  9. For the spring season, I see there are two Bejart pieces and four by Balanchine being performed............

    I will be interested to see the Mozart violin concerto, and am curious about the music for the Divertimento Brilliante....

    Has anyone on the board seen either piece, have any information on the music, or any other info/opinions on these?

    As part of the Balanchine Preservation Initiative, I am happy that they are being performed..........

  10. It's going to be a mess....

    casting...don't get me started.

    Decor .....nervous scribbity scribble...

    Karoui will fly through at breakneck pace...

    and we'll all leave the theatre unmoved by the ballet but twitching from the awfullness of it....

    Much worse than Swan Lake, which had some redeeming features.....

    This is supposed to be a tribute to Lincoln Kirstein.....more like one more tribute to Mr. Martins.

    It will rank with the laughingstock of ABT's Pied Piper which heralded the spring a few years ago.

  11. Although Ms. Farrell has said, "Balanchine liked it," I don't think it is memorable in any way except a snooze. Pleasant enough in the divertissements, and lovely in the third act in scattered bits, but on the whole very leaden.

    I would have liked to see it again in Edinburgh as I imagine they have refined and tightened it up even more since last year in Washington....and Magnicaballi must be simply beautiful in it. I saw both casts last year and thought Heather Ogden very lovely and expressive. Magnicaballi is a dramatic ballerina with great depth as well as subtlety and intelligence and I imagine she was perfect in this....

    I am sure that many in the audience were surprised by the ballet, but I applaud Ms. Farrell and the dancers for their extremely hard work and belief in the cause.....

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