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Posts posted by aurora

  1. It's a pretty common term in the field of art history, is it not?

    It is, and as Helene pointed out, you see it used in decorative arts particularly.

    Japonisme is another related phenomenon.

    Orientalism would be another term that you would see used. None are offensive although some of the underlying tendencies behind trends like orientalism may be.

  2. We can split hairs about the definition of the verb poach, but it seems clear that one of McKenzie's strategies is to use established stars from other companies, including the RB, for the Met season, most likely with the permission of the RB. Good evening.happy.png

    Since poaching as you were using it is defined as "to take without permission and use as one's own:

    to poach ideas; a staff poached from other companies."

    I would say that is not splitting hairs and is a pretty nasty accusation. Obviously ABT uses guests. But you put a very nasty spin on it. Calling you on a very incorrect use of language is perfectly legitimate since that is not what ABT is doing.
  3. Osipova, Nunez.

    Osipova, Nunez.

    Poaching has a connotation. Since Osipova danced with ABT before dancing with Royal it is impossible he "poached" her from them.

    I also think it is not the same to invite a guest and to poach a dancer which implies trying to steal them, but your mileage may vary.

  4. Hopefully Osipova doesn't have to withdraw due to injury. If she does, at least her partner is Gomes and he can partner anyone (heck, they could slap a dress on a giraffe and he could still make it the most seamless and romantic performance).


    I'd probably go to see what Gomes could make of a Romeo and Giraffe

  5. I'm not one of the incensed over cast changes, though (except for the invitation to Cojucaru, because at that point, they DID have time to teach that role to an in house ballerina).

    One of the casting changes (which was unfortunately due to injury) allowed me to see one of the most exquisite Giselles I've ever seen.

    I really love ABT, and I just think it's a shame that the loyal soloists and corps members (who work their butt off for the company, day in and day out) are not rewarded the way they should be. No disrespect intended for the guest artists who are wonderful dancers.

    Generally we are in agreement on all that, and I really was trying to make it clear that I didn't think *you* were intentionally implying she was just willy nilly withdrawing. Lets just all hope she doesn't have to withdraw from the R&Js. Merde to Osipova for a quick recovery!!

  6. I'm not faulting Osipova by saying she "withdraws"

    Whether one withdraws from injury or because they withdraw for other reasons, they are still withdrawing. That is not being negative towards Osipova or faulting her, it's the truth.

    I made it extremely clear that what you said was the "truth." I just pointed out there was a way to very easily express that at least in the case of Bayadere and any possible further withdrawals, there was a clear and unfortunate reason for it. Given how incensed people have been over changes to casting, using 2 extra words to make that explicit would just be a nice thing to do.

  7. I completely agree. But artistic integrity means squat to KM, it's all about that star strategy.

    I'll lose it if Osipova withdraws and they replace her with....wait for it....poor Hee Seo.

    Read that first statement and the second and apply logic.

    He pushes Hee Seo. He cares only about big stars.

    This makes no sense. One of the narratives on this board is clearly wrong, or at least flawed.

    I don't particularly like Hee Seo, and I know ABT does rely on the star system to an extent (this is NOT particular to him--it has gone on at ABT forever, and I notice pretty much everyone likes the star system to an extent when it is stars they themselves love).

    But to say he doesn't give dancer X or Y a chance because of the star system, and in virtually the same breath complain about too many chances being given to people like Hee Seo (and Isabella Boyston...or even Misty, who yes is a star in the eyes of many but has certainly put in her time toiling in the company ranks) is illogical to say the least. Hee Seo is not a star, she is probably the principal with the least star power.

    Also can we at least say something like "if Osipova is forced to withdraw"

    She had a fairly catastrophic fall in Giselle, it was not clear if she could get up, and when she did she was horrifically unsteady on her feat. She did finish the ballet (mostly partnered work) like a professional but it was obvious she was not 100% and she was visibly limping and having difficulty walking at curtain calls.

    One is of course entirely correct in calling her action with regards to Bayadere "withdrawing" --it is what she did, but it is not as if she chose to do so, and given all the moaning and rending of hair about cast changes it would be nice if that was made clear.

    I'm sure she would have preferred to not have fallen, not be injured, and to be able to perform as scheduled.

  8. I would prefer that whoever succeeds Mckenzie have a history with ABT and substantial experience with nineteenth-century classics.

    A succession may or may not happen anytime soon, but I also believe that whoever the next ABT director is, s/he likely will run into many of the same problems Mckenzie has run into...

    If ever there was a time for a like button--Drew's post is it for me :) I agree 100% with all of the above.

  9. Spoil alert: Too much demi pointe going on. Not sure I like it. And...I don't think I like Lilac s shiny long gown. I actually want her back in her mid century all tutu/pointes incarnation. Murphy's technique keeps being solid. Her headpiece is hideus.

    This is not a spoiler. This was widely publicized. Sorry you aren't enjoying it.

  10. It may have been impolite to boo, but under the circumstances it is certainly understandable. Reyes' interviews have stated that she would have stayed and danced at ABT another 2 or 3 years. The impmlication of her words are that McKenzie forced her to retire. That, as well as various other McKenzie policies, are boo-worthy, in my opinion.

    They also talked about the current economic situation and the fact that because of it the company can tour less, performs less, and that this makes every performance a must-sell out performance, with less freedom to make mistakes.

    This part of it was not a situation of his making, and they recognized that.

  11. Teuscher danced Myrtha during last year's Met season too.

    I saw her in the dress rehearsal on Friday. I thought she danced it rather beautifully, but she really doesn't have any sense of authority in the role, forget any hint of menace (which, as someone who is commanding people to dance until they die, you'd really expect).

  12. Personally, I find Macauley's comments on personal appearance distressing and rude. I know that personal appearance is part of the performance, but it seems completely over the top to single out someone's hair color, hair "streaking" (known in the real world as highlights) or eye makeup. If someone has dyed their hair green, okay- fair game because the persoanl appearance has created a distraction from the performance. However, the fact that he persoanlly does not care for a partiuclar hair color or highlight job really should not make it into the review. Most recently he has complained that Sara Mearns wore too much eye makeup, while Sterling Hyltin wears too little. I also recall comments in the past about the hair colors of Gillain Murphy, Savanah Lowery and, I believe, Jennie Somogyi. Of course, there was the Hitler Youth comment about Steifel mentioned above. I believe he had also mentioned Darci Kistler's hair coloring a number of years ago. If you want to discuss someone's execution of the choreography or their acting, that's fair game. I don't believe that he should venture into the area of cosmetology, however.

    I agree with you completely with the exception of his recent comment on Sterling Hyltin's eye makeup.

    Unlike all the others which, even in the overwhelmingly favorable review of Isabella Boylston, came across as snide and mean spirited, I read the comment on Hyltin's eyemakeup as a minor criticism, but not mean or really focusing on personal appearance (for one, it is much less personal than most of the others--even the hair as you change makeup much more frequently than hairdye).

    He seemed, if I recall, to be saying that she used her eyes dramatically, but that without emphasis from her makeup, they didn't read well enough in the house. That is something that is easily fixable and is an element of performance. If I read that about me in a review I wouldn't be hurt, I'd think huh, maybe I'll try it and see what people think.

  13. You have to wonder what is motivating KM. I'm sure he must see these problems time and again in her performances. Does he think the audience members are too dumb to notice. Well I guess the rich donor crowd probably had no idea since most of them go to the ballet only for galas, and they pay the bills.

    He clearly wants to make the audience miserable and hate ABT by torturing us. There can be no other explanation for that and for dancers getting injured and then schedules changing so that we are inconvenienced.

  14. Don't make assumptions. I distinctly remember traveling by Chinatown bus to D.C. and the bus being delayed and getting to Kennedy Center late and finding out that Osipova and Vasiliev had cancelled and I was left with a rather mediocre Shipulina. But my point was I didn't feel completely dejected, as I loved the production, the corps, and some of the soloists. I'd feel the same way about the Mariinsky or the NYCB if there was a big cast change. I'd be disappointed that Dancer X wasn't dancing, but I'd still be able to enjoy the performances. At the NYCB I trust that there will be enough worthwhile stuff onstage that even if, say, Ashley Bouder cancelled Stars and Stripes ('Im just thinking of one dancer and one ballet where I distinctly buy a ticket just to see that dancer in that ballet) whoever is Liberty Girl will also be good.

    But with ABT, it's like if Dancer X or Y isn't dancing (or is dancing), it's like the worst thing in the world and people are just absolutely distraught and can't go on. That part is what separates ABT from other companies. I mean I like Stella Abrera as much as anyone else but say Stella for some reason couldn't dance the Giselle she's scheduled for. In a real company, that shouldn't cause a massive meltdown. You should trust that there's enough depth in the company that her replacement will be worthwhile as well.

    I wasn't, I wasn't seriously suggesting you love Somova.

    I also got stuck with Shipulina and while I was glad to see the production, as a broke grad student who paid for a bus and a hotel, I'd say I was just as disappointed as everyone is on here about ABT I just didn't complain as much.

    I'm going to stop before I am discussing the discussion but I think it is more to do with some people being way over the top/emotionally invested in this, than the actual situation at ABT. If one really thinks it is a grand conspiracy, I think maybe it is time to step away (this is NOT directed at you Canbelto). Basta.

  15. All this handwringing over cast changes kind of shows that ABT kind of isn't a real company anymore. I feel like with real companies, you can buy a ticket and even if there are cast changes, you'd still want to see the company. I buy all my NYCB tickets well before the season starts, and I do the same with the Bolshoi or Mariinsky even when i know how, uh, flexible their casting is. I think ABT's repertory is so stale or it's become such a star-driven company where people only follow favorite pet dancers that any sense of them as a company worth watching just to watch them as a company has dissipated.

    As for Hee Seo and her now insanely busy schedule, it's weird that Kevin McKenzie hasn't learned from David Hallberg. I remember when Hallberg was dancing nearly every night. But the injuries piled up to the point where right now it's uncertain when he'll come back.

    I was pretty displeased when the Bolshoi changed casts on me last minute a few years ago and I didn't get to see Osipova in Corsaire, and I'd be horrified with a lot of Mariinsky casts but I guess your mileage may vary. Maybe you love Somova and her ilk.

    Quite frankly it is really a bore to read anything about ABT on here now. The handwringing is so over the top.

  16. Yes, at what point does bait and switch become outright fraud. ABT has known since the Kennedy Center that Julie was injured.

    This is a general response but Amour's comment seemed a good place to put it--Don't you all think that rather than bait and switch OR fraud this is probably very much related to these particular circumstances? As much as we love to complain about dancer X or Y not dancing at ABT, the company has not been bad about this.

    I'd guess the issue here is that it is Kent's last season, her last shot at these roles, and that she has a minor injury that she is not recovering from as fast as she would like.

    Should they pull her from the roles earlier? Maybe. But they are giving her the respect and honor of giving her every possible chance to get her last opportunities to dance them because this is it folks. She won't get to again.

    I feel terrible for her. Her last season reduced to this. Sad way to end her career.

    I'd actually argue ABT might deserve some credit for not preemptively pulling her and giving her the chance to salvage her final season but I know that isn't the narrative of ABT that flies here.

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