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Posts posted by nysusan

  1. I know I'm going to be in a huge minority about this but I think the Grigorovich Swan Lake is a masterpiece - it's a very personal, innovative and powerful take on the original, realized by purely choreographic means and without retorting to the total rewrite a la Neumeier. Sure, it's not a love story we're all used to, but a rather philosophical parable about the duality (or even duplicity) of human nature. As Dostoevsky said, "God and devil are fighting, and their battlefield is the human soul" - this is what Grigorovich is all about here. The soul in his SL is, of course, Siegfried's who is being torn apart from the inside by good and evil forces contained within him. He loses the battle at the end and is defeated by the villainous, treacherous, destructive part of his own self.

    I found all this heartbreaking and was literally in tears as the curtain went down.

    I agree with your take on the production, this is certainly Sigfried's story rather than Odettes - and thats why I don't like it. I think the story is much more powerful when it is about her struggle to break free, to be human again, to find love. However tonight I will try to see it through your eyes.

    I also agree with your assessment of Zakharova. I saw her in Bayadere with ABT & in DQ, Pharoah's Daughter & Bright Stream with the Bolshoi. I saw her then as one of the world's greatest technicians however I didn't like her. I found her extensions distracting and she always seemed cold & uninvolved. I saw her O/O on opening night and loved it. I thought her line, musicality and the distinctness of her plastique suited Odette beautifully and found her to be very emotionally involved and expressive. I also loved her Odile and frankly, I wish I'd gotten a ticket for last night, I'd love to have seen her again. Instead I got Nikulina, who I thought was totally undistinguished. Liked Ovcharenko, though and I really love watching the soloists.

  2. Has Alina ever danced with any of the ABT men except Cornejo and Hallberg? We know that Hallberg is out for the rest of the season. We know that Cornejo has been out since Saturday with an unspecified illness/injury (per the program slip). Perhaps ABT was hoping Cornejo was sufficiently healed to dance tonight, and that didn't happen. I'm so bummed to be deprived of Alina's O/O yet again but I wouldn't blame her for not wanting to dance with an unfamiliar partner on short notice.

    Hope they're prepping someone for Puck next week...

  3. I have had serious reservations about Hee Seo - very much in the "too much, too soon" camp but she was absolutely stunning in the adagio sections last night. What a gorgeous body, breathtaking line, flowing dancing. A great, evocative portrayal of a seductive Odile and a poignent Odette. That balance she took was just unbelievable - I haven't seen one like that since Cynthia Gregory, though her characterization of Odile was more along the lines of Makarova's charming seductress. Unfortunately, as others have described, her technical deficiencies became glaringly apparent as soon as she began the black Swan solo.

    I'm very sorry Murphy was injured however I think this may be the last time I go to see her Swan Lake. She is simply not a natural adagio dancer. You can tell that she's been working on it, she has improved greatly but I still find her Odette lacking and unmoving, and that's 2/3 of the show.

  4. I sit in the side boxes almost all of the time - either Parterre, Grand Tier or Balcony Boxes. Let me reiterate what Angelica & California said - NEVER sit in anything but the front row of the boxes - seats 1-3 in Parterre or Grand Tier and 1-4 in balcony boxes.

    Parterre boxes 7& 8 are my favorites and I find the Grand Tier boxes almost as good as the parterre. I never sit in the Dress Circle boxes because I feel that you miss a lot of the stage no matter how close or far from the stage you are. If I'm only going to see 3/4 of the stage I'd rather go for the cheaper balcony box seats. I do this if I've already bought tickets for multiple performances of a production and I decide I want another one because I'm curious about a specific dancer, or if I know I'm not staying for the full performance (like the upcoming Dream/Tempest program).

  5. Cojocaru is very light, ethereal, and sometimes seems to vaporize into thin air. But she's also very loving and human, if that makes sense. She's sort of like Galina Ulanova, who also didn't seem like a "ghost" in Act Two.

    My question is not so much how she was able to visually do the choreography, though, but rather how the choreography makes narrative sense in that sort of interpretation. It seems to me that, at least early in her Act II interactions with Albrecht, Giselle can't possibly be acting of her own volition. What reason could she have for running around, appearing and disappearing like that? She (it seems to me) must be "possessed" -- and in fact we see direct evidence of that as Myrtha conjures her and causes her to dance. It's only over the course of the act that Giselle is able to gradually break free of that possession and, from the power of her love and forgiveness of Albrecht, attempt to save him. That's what we see happening when Myrtha approaches Giselle and Albrecht downstage right with the branch, which (it turns out) no longer has power over Giselle.

    I'm trying to imagine a different way of successfully interpreting the "metaphysics" of Act II, but having some difficulty.

    Its not that she wasn't a ghost, or wasn't under Myrtha's control - its just that she still showed the same characteristics as she did when she was alive. She was no longer flesh and blood but her essence, her personality still came through.

    With regard to the performance, I was disappointed that Cojacaru only sketched the hops on pointe - she did them but they didn't travel more than maybe a foot. I also missed the traditional act 2 press lift where the ballerina's legs are stretched out behind her and her body is parallell to the ground. I found this photo which illustrates it pretty well:

    Image Viewer
    Maria Mosina took on ballet's most difficult role with the ferocity of a prize fighter. Here she gets a lift from Alexei Tyukov in Colorado Ballet's "Giselle." (P...
    Preview by Yahoo

    This is the traditional version and to me, this gives the illusion that she is floating above Albrecht's head. They did a press lift but not the traditional, if I recall correctly she was more upright and only 1 leg was behind her, the other was bent with toe to knee.

    But these are minor quibbles, overall I thought Cojocaru's dancing was beautiful - light, airy, supremely musical and so very expressive. She is today's ultimate example of a traditional Giselle - sweet, innocent & trusting. In the early part of the 2nd act I could swear she was using her legs to flirt with her Albrecht!

    And Hallberg - from the moment he stepped onto the stage last night I knew this was going to be a different performance from the one he gave with Semionova. He was such the arrogant aristocrat until Giselle came out and then you could see that he was smitten but still, all the signs of privilege were there, you could tell that he wasn't just one of the villagers. He and Cojocaru had great chemistry together and I felt that the size difference only underscored their characters' differences in status & experience. I wish he had done the entrechats because they are a much better fit for him, but it was not to be.

  6. I remember two years ago there was an an afternoon performance with Osipova/Hallberg, and an evening performance with Vishneva/Gomes. Both of them blew me away, even though they were very different interpretations. One didn't make me appreciate the other less.

    That's what I was remembering - not Vishneva/Gomes and Cojocaru/Kobberg but Osipova/Hallberg and Vishneva/Gomes on the same day. Each completely different and both absolutely amazing. And I remember that the emotional connection between Hallberg & Osipova was extremely intense - so I guess he and Semionova are not the best pairing. Kind of the way he and Wiles just didn't jell in their early days as principals.

  7. I'm in the Canbelto/Batsuchan/abatt camp with regard to the Semionova/Hallberg Giselle - though they both danced beautifully there was no emotional engagement.

    I can understand that this perception may have been influenced a bit by comparison to the Vishneva/Gomes performance that came right before it - but then over the years I remember seeing Cojocaru & Vishneva in Giselle one after the other (maybe even on the same day) and still thinking both were great performances. Ditto with Ferri & Vishneva and going way back I don't recall thinking any less of a Makarova/Nagy Giselle because it I saw it right after a Kirkland/Baryshnikov Giselle. Those were all great performances, the Semionova/Hallberg Giselle simply wasn't particularly good, much less great.

    There were some really beautiful dance moments in Semionova's performance that have already been discussed here but one thing that struck be about her interpretation was that I didn't see any dramatic through line to her performance. Most great Giselles perform the steps in a way that gives you some indication throughout act 1 of a character trait that makes her vulnerable - she's extremely naive or extremely sheltered or trusting, she wears her heart on her sleeve or there's a wildness to her. Sure Semionova's Giselle started off shy but she seemed so sunny, wholesome & well adjusted that despite a very good mad scene I just didn't believe Albrecht's betrayal could demolish her.

    And I agree with the posters who didn't see much difference in her temperament or plastique in the1st and 2nd act - there was no growth, no development and you didn't in any way get the sense that one was flesh and the other spirit. Of course I'm sure it didn't help that Hallberg really couldn't make the lifts look effortless (and I really missed the press lift!). I've really been trying to love Semionova but I just don't see much beyond technique in her performances.

    Regarding Hallberg's omission of the entrechats - I wasn't necessarily expecting them. My first Albrechts (Bruhn & Nureyev) both did the entrechats and when Baryshnikov came on the scene he was the first Albrecht I'd ever seen do the brises. They were stunning the way he did them and it seemed like after that everyone started doing the brises. Then at some point maybe 10 years ago I started seeing the entrechats again. Now it seems like each Albrecht has the option to choose whichever he prefers. I like them both, but I do agree that Hallberg's brises weren't very dramatic.

  8. Yesterday's performance was magnificent. Vishneva, Gomes & Murphy all wove a magic spell. Murphy showed no sign of her recent injury, Vishneva was mesmerizing and Marcelo, well - he was Marcelo!

    All of the soloists were good, too - Agoudine, Lane, Copeland, Teuscher, Kajiya. Craig Salstein danced Bronze idol. He was good, but nowhere near Simkin's level - let alone Corella and Cornejo.

  9. ABT has posted the opening night gala performance w. casting. Stearns is not on the list of performers. I think it's reasonable to conclude he will not make it to his Don Q assignments during week one. Who is his replacement and when will they tell us? I wonder if he we will be out the entire season.

    The only other ABT dancer cast as Basilio who is tall enough to partner Semionova is Whiteside. Will they have Gomes step into Basilio, as he did in Washington DC.?

    I wish Stearns all the best, but I've been waiting YEARS for them to partner Part w. either Gomes or Bolle in SL. If that happens, I will get myself to the box office as fast as possible to buy a tix for Part's Wed matinee SL.

    I just checked the ABT calendar and noticed that Whiteside is scheduled with Part for the Bayadere. I remember that having been a TBA, not sure when they updated it.

    No offense to Corey but I agree 100% with abatt - while I wouldn't consider taking time off work to see him and Part in Swan lake I will ABSOLUTELY take 2 days off - 1 to rush out an get the tickets and another to go to the matinee - if they schedule Gomes or Bolle with her for that SL. I would probably even go if they cast Whiteside. I'm not crazy about him but I think they could be good together.

    As much as Corey has improved he just comes across as too immature to be her Siegfried, and I've been waiting and waiting for "the powers that be" to give this greatest of Odettes a suitable partner once again.

  10. I wonder if there's any reason why all the performances with Ms. Part in major parts (no pun whatsoever) are matinees this season? For me it sadly means that I will miss all her outings, except for Myrtha, since I work and cannot attend ballet during the day.

    One or two I would understand, but all? Is ABT management trying to tell us something?

    Those were my thoughts exactly. This will be the first time I'm missing her O/O since she joined the company. I'm very upset that I will only be able to see her Bayadere this season and I'm trying not to read anything into this - but its hard not to.

  11. I agree that the Sims/Simkin Pas de Duke was a dud. I love Sims, she is actually my favorite in the Jamison role & was wonderful last night but there was no connection between her and Simkin and he looked totally out of place. I was looking forward to seeing him with Graf because that would have brought back the Jamison/Baryshnikov tall woman/short man dynamic. Also, despite the height difference, they are both very long-limbed and their lines looked great together in the publicity photo:http://davidhkochtheater.com/moreinfoYA.html

    I also agree that the Smirnova/McKie Onegin pdd was the highlight of the evening - they were smokin! I loved Mathias Haymann in Manfred & Lacarra/Dino in white swan pdd . She's really a bit too swanny for my taste but I still find her interpretation physically gorgeous and emotionally engaging - even out of context.

    Most disappointing was the Gatti/Salenko DQ PDD. They were clean, he can jump & she can balance but, really - you'd better be spectacular if you're bringing that to NY again!

  12. I agree that Stella has been treated badly at ABT and she deserved better. However,Radetsky is another matter entirely. He is not a strong partner. I've seen many instances of that problem over the years. I'm not talking about physical strength. I'm talking about his level of skill. In addition, sometimes he can be be exciting in terms of his jumping ability, but he often lands with a big thud. In addition, he lacks a beautiful classical line. He is more suited to modern works like Tharp. I don't think there was ever much realistic hope that Radetsky would have have been promoted to principal at ABT. I cannot buy into the above comparison between Radetsky and Steifel. They are like apples and oranges.

    McKenzie's job isn't to be a cheerleader or morale booster. His job is to keep the money coming in from donors and from ticket purchases. If inviting guest artists to sell out the 3,000 seat Met auditorium is part of keeping the company in the black instead of in the red, so be it.

    I agree about Radetsky. I am a big fan of his and hate to see him go but I never expected to see him promoted to principal. One of my favorite memories of him is a heartbreaking Petrushka he did a few years ago. He's given some great performances but he certainly has his limitations. I've noticed all the flaws abatt mentions plus he isn't quite tall enough to partner most of ABTs principal women and he doesn't compare with the other male principals in terms of technique and line. As for his partnering,I remember him partnering his wife a couple of years ago - maybe in the peasent pas de deux? - and it was not pretty. I felt bad for her.

    As for Stella, I truly do dot understand why she was been passed over for roles and promotions. There MUST be something going on behind the scenes, otherwise its just inexplicable

  13. When I saw so many local dancers listed for the YAGP Galas I wasn't that keen on going but bought tickets anyway. Now YAGP has listed the programs as well as the dancers on their website and I'm so glad I got my tickets because some of the casting sounds fantastic. There is a lot of new choreography both nights but Friday night's combinations are what I'm most looking forward to:

    - Lauren Lovette & Herman Cornejo in the Rubies Pas de Deux

    - Ashley Bouder & Semyon Chudin in a Pas de Deux from La Sylphide

    - Alicia Graf & Daniil Simkin in Pas de Duke - I LOVE the Ailey men but can't wait to see this with a shorthish ballet virtuoso to contrast with the tall Ailey woman!

    - Olga Smirnova & Semyon Chudin in Diamonds Pas de Deux - finally live in NY and in the House of Balanchine!

    You can see the full lists here: http://www.yagp.org/wordpress/?page_id=2947

    And here: http://www.yagp.org/wordpress/?page_id=2984

  14. I went after work yesterday and they had all the kinks worked out. I got the discount with no problem, also there was no line whatsover.

    I'm really excited about this engagement - maybe even more excited about the Bolshoi. I'm looking forward to seeing a traditional Giselle, and Messerer's Flames of Paris.

    Its always great to see Osipova & Vasiliev - together or apart - but I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing Sarafanov again. He is such a great dancer and I haven't seen him live since he left the Mariinsky. Then there are Victor Lebedev & Kristina Shapran, two top Vaganova Academy graduates who chose not to join the mothership (Shapran & Smirnova were the 2 top female graduates in their year). I've also heard good things about Bondarova and Voronstsova so bring it on!

  15. I enjoyed both performances on Saturday but neither was great. I liked Esina more than most. Her plastique is totally different from the current fashion at the Mariinsky. She doesn't have that super stretched looked and doesn't carry her rib cage far forward like most ballerinas do when they're used to dancing on raked stages. She used her upper body in a softer, more sculptural way. Askerov was much improved from his performance in California last year and I thought they made a good couple.

    I also enjoyed Kolegova more than last year. Her dancing was never the problem, but last time I found her interpretation unfocused. This time I felt more of her Odette's story and found her to be more expressive (though she is still very much on the remote side). I didn't like Zuyzin at all. His dancing was mediocre and his characterization was totally bland. At least as bad as Ivanchenko.

    All of the soloists were great and I really can't pick a favorite of the 3 jesters I've seen. But I think the most outstanding male soloist has been Ernest Latypev. Wow, what gorgeous line and great elevation. I've also really been enjoying old favorite Nadia Gonchar and new favorite Nadezhda Batoeva and I even caught Anna Lavrienko in 1 performance of the Neopolitan dance on Friday night.

  16. Count me as one more witness to the miraculous transformation of Alina Somova. I could hardly believe it was the same dancer who grated on my nerves so many times before. Gone were the awkward transitional steps, the lack of musicality, the uncontrollable flying limbs and constant 180 degree extensions. Her Odette was just gorgeous, beautifully classical, beautiful line, strong technique and strong acting. She reverted just a tiny bit in the black act but thats ok, she was vamping.

    I don't know what the problem was with Schklyarov on opening night, but he was his usual fantastic self tonight. No wig, no partnering problems, beautiful double tours and a series of absolutely gasp inducing grand jetes in his 2nd black swan solo variation.

    As always, the #1 star of the night was the Mariinsky corps. Bravi.

  17. No Obraztsova?

    Just my thought. mad.gif

    Hmmm... lets think about this. One of the greatest Giselles of our generation is not performing in DC while 4 hours away in NY Vishneva, Part & Cojocaru are all appearing in Bayadere that weekend. Where do you think I will be? And a Jewels on Sunday is the cherry on top of my ice cream sundae! So glad the Bolshoi didn't force me to make tough choices.

  18. Oh joy. A 10 AM start on a Sunday makes it even less appealing to attend. But thanks for the info.

    Thats a tough one but Obraztsova & Smirnova might be too much to resist. Here's 1/19 casting from the Bolshoi site:

    19 january 2014 Two leading couples

    Ivan Alexeyev

    Vladislav Lantratov

    Evgenia Obraztsova

    Anna Tikhomirova

    Pas de Trois

    Yanina Parienko

    Igor Tsvirko

    Ana Turazashvili

    Xenia Averina

    Bruna Gaglianone Cantanhede

    Svetlana Gnedova

    Alesya Gradova

    Anastasia Gubanova

    Olga Klypina

    Elizaveta Kruteleva

    Irina Serenkova

    Anastasia Shilova

    Margarita Shrainer

    The leading couple

    Ekaterina Krysanova

    Vyacheslav Lopatin


    Ekaterina Shipulina

    Batyr Annadurdyev

    Mikhail Kochan

    Mikhail Kryuchkov

    Alexander Vorobiyov

    Daria Bochkova

    Bruna Gaglianone Cantanhede

    Daria Gurevich

    Daria Khokhlova

    Yulia Lunkina

    Ilona Matsiy

    Svetlana Pavlova

    Maria Vinogradova

    The leading couple

    Semyon Chudin

    Olga Smirnova


    Ivan Alexeyev

    Artemy Belyakov

    Angelina Karpova (Vlashinets)

    Anna Okuneva

    Ana Turazashvili

    Maria Vinogradova

    Klim Yefimov

    Dmitry Yefremov


    Pavel Sorokin

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