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Everything posted by Helene

  1. Serenade (Tchaikovsky/Balanchine) Funny Papers (Various/Taylor) Symphony in C (Bizet/Balanchine) Online: https://tickets.miamicityballet.org/scripts/max/2000/maxweb.exe?ACTION=ORDER&MAXWEB_127.0.0.1_2213= Mail/Fax Form: http://www.miamicityballet.org/mcbdev/bt_order_form.html Miami City Ballet Box Office 2200 Liberty Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 FAX: 305-929-7012 Phone Call the box office at: (305) 929-7010 or Toll Free at: (877) 929-7010 Monday – Friday 10am – 5pm Kravis Center for the Performing Arts: http://www.miamicityballet.org/mcbdev/bt_venue_kravis.shtml
  2. Le Souffle du Temps (Grisey/Lagraa) Air (Cage/Teshigawara) Bella Figura (L. Foss, G.B. Pergolesi, A. Marcello, A. Vivaldi, G. Torelli/Kylian) Internet: http://www.opera-de-paris.fr/Saison0506/spectacle.asp?Id=843 From 2 January, click "RÉSERVER" and from the next screen, you will be able to click the little UK flag in the upper right hand corner to order in English. Phone: In France: 0 892 89 90 90 (0,337€ la minute) From outside France: + 33 (1) 72 29 35 35 (province) from 30 January 2006 (île de france) from 31 January 2006 Opéra Bastille
  3. La Bayadere (Minkus/Nureyev) Internet http://www.opera-de-paris.fr/Saison0506/spectacle.asp?Id=842 From 2 January, click "RÉSERVER" and from the next screen, you will be able to click the little UK flag in the upper right hand corner to order in English. Phone: In France: 0 892 89 90 90 (0,337€ la minute) From outside France: + 33 (1) 72 29 35 35 (province) from 30 January 2006 (île de france) from 31 January 2006 Palais Garnier
  4. Requiem (Górecki, Szymanowski/Rushton) Seating and Prices: http://www.kgl-teater.dk/dkt2002uk/Kontakt_os/frame.htm Click "The Box Office," the under "The Stages," click "seating and prices" For theatre-goers living outside Denmark, it is possible to book tickets either by phoning, faxing or e-mailing your reservation form to the Box Office, charging your credit card account. You will receive the tickets as soon as possible after giving your application. Booking by telephone, Monday to Saturday 12.00-18.00: +45 33 69 69 69 Booking by fax: +45 33 69 69 02 Online Reservation Form through Box Office (secure): https://betaling.kgl-teater.dk/billetinfo_uk/frame.htm Please note that refunds are only given in case of cancellation or change of repertoire. Online sales http://www.kgl-teater.dk/dkt2002uk/ballet/frame.htm (click on month) If you get a list of performances and links to them when you click on the little billet.net "ticket" icon next to the performance and the site is in Danish, you can go directly to: http://www.billetnet.dk/ (click the little UK flag in the right-hand corner for English on the billet.net site after selecting a performance) Opera House Holmen/Main Stage
  5. Allegro Brilliante (Tchaikovsky/Balanchine) Chaconne for Piano and Two Dancers (Handel/Tomasson) Tomasson World Premiere (TBA/Tomasson) Sandpaper Ballet (Anderson/Morris) All Internet and phone orders incur a handling fee of $8 per order. The phone number to call is (415) 865-2000 and the hours are Monday – Friday, 10am – 4pm from January 2006. The Box Office in the Opera House is open on performance dates only from Noon until the first intermission. Single tickets are available only online on November 21, 2005. www.sfballet.org War Memorial Opera House
  6. The first thing that this may be caused by is conflicting cookies. (I've had this issue before.) For Firefox on a Mac, 1. Go to Firefox/Preferences from the main menu 2. From the "Privacy" category on the left, click the Saved Passwords button. 3. Highlight and delete duplicate cookies for ballettalk.invisionzone.com and/or dancers.invisionzone.com. For Firefox on a PC: 1. Go to Tools/Options from the main menu. 2. From the "Privacy" category on the left, click the Saved Passwords button. 3. Highlight and delete duplicate cookies for ballettalk.invisionzone.com and/or dancers.invisionzone.com. For IE, 1. Go to Tools/Internet Options from the main menu 2. From the "General" Tab, click "Settings" under "Temporary Internet Files," 3. Click the "View Files" button. 4. Highlight and delete the duplicate cookie(s) for @ballettalk.invisionzone.com and/or @dancers.invisionzone.com For Safari, 1. Go to Safari/Preferences from the main menu. 2. From the Security tab, click the "Show Cookies" button. 3. Highlight duplicates of category with "Member_id" and "Pass_hash" in them for ballettalk.invisionzone.com and/or dancers.invisionzone.com. You may also have to delete any of the session cookies. For Safari, if this doesn't work, please delete all cookies for each board, and login again. I'm having trouble replicating on Safari, which I admit I usually ignore in lieu of Firefox. Please tell me if this works. I haven't found anything in the documentation that woud suggest that this is a problem with the new version; however there may be a setting that got re-set, blanked out, or otherwise reverted during the upgrade process.
  7. I will look to see if there's any documentation on this issue in the new version.
  8. Bella Figura (Webern, Pergolesi, Vivaldi, Boccherini/Kylian) Six Dances (Mozart/Kylian) Forgotten Land (Britten/Kylian) http://www.grandsballets.qc.ca/en/index_saison_kylian.cfm Links to videos (Quicktime and Windows Media Player) Ticket Information: Online: http://www.admission.com/html/artist.htmI?&artist=SOIREE%20JIRI%20KYLIAN%20*GBC&l=EN Phone: By phone at the Box office of the Place des Arts (PDA) (514) 842-2112 Théâtre Maisonneuve, Place des Arts
  9. Swan Lake (Tchaikovsky/van Dantzig, after Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov, in collaboration with van Schayk) Holland Symfonia About the production: http://www.het-nationale-ballet.nl/index.php?ssm=history Tickets on sale from 22 Dec 05, 3 months before the premiere Online: http://www.het-nationale-ballet.nl/index.php?ssm=show Click the program from the left menu, and then the performance date, and the order request pop-up box will appear. Maximum: 6 tickets per order. Telephone bookings: Tickets for performances at Het Muziektheater Amsterdam can be booked by telephone and collected from Het Muziektheater Box Office: Amstel 3, Amsterdam, telephone 00-31-(0)20-6255 455. The Box Office is open Monday to Saturday from 10.00 to curtain-up, on Sundays and Bank Holidays from 11.30 to curtain-up. On non-performance days and matinees the Box Office closes at 18.00. Tickets bought by creditcard will be sent to you as quickly as possible. There is an additional mailing and handling charge of € 1.75 per ticket, maximum € 17.50 per order. If you are calling from abroad, your tickets will be kept at the Box Office for collection. Het Muziektheater
  10. Falling (Mozart/Welch) PAS/PARTS (willems/Forsythe) Who Cares? (Gershwin/Balanchine) All Internet and phone orders incur a handling fee of $8 per order. The phone number to call is (415) 865-2000 and the hours are Monday – Friday, 10am – 4pm from January 2006. The Box Office in the Opera House is open on performance dates only from Noon until the first intermission. Single tickets are available only online on November 21, 2005. www.sfballet.org War Memorial Opera House
  11. We're scheduled to switch servers starting at 9AM, Thursday, 30 March (tomorrow). Please expect Ballet Talk to be down for 3-4 hours. When the site is back up, please log any issues here. They may do a complete re-install of the software, which means we'll lose our UI modifications. I will try to have them restored as soon as possible!
  12. The Russian National Orchestra, conducted by Mikhail Pletnev, is in Seattle as part of the Visiting Orchestra series. Last night they played a concert of Rachmaninoff and Tchaikovsky. Most interpretations of Rachmaninoff's Vocalise are "Bolero"-like: a slow build towards a climax. The Russian National Orchestra's rendition of Vocalise was shaped like a tone poem, with clouds gathering, brooding, and then rushing by, leaving behind an ominous stillness. The young (late 20's) pianist Alexander Mogilevsky was the soloist in Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto #3. Not that there was anything wrong with the faster and more bombastic sections of the work, but he owned the soft cadenza in the first movement, and played the entire slow movement like a dream, literally and figuratively. The last work in the printed program was Tchaikovsky's Suite No. 3. It was great to sit in a concert hall and focus on the orchestra playing this piece, with its full brass and percussion sections at full tilt in a hall with great acoustics. While some of the tempi in the "Theme and Variations" movement would have made even Merrill Ashley sweat bullets, it was beautifully shaped. The Concertmaster played the violin solos with sensitivity and passion, and I am officially in Audience-Love with the oboist, who played his solo meltingly. The generous encore was the "Garland Dance" from Sleeping Beauty, and I had children through adult ballet dancers swarming in my head in the spring greens and pinks costumes in what I remembered of Balanchine's choreography. Although I've often seen orchestra's applaud their own after the concert, there were so many congratulatory looks and handshakes among players during the concert, that I wasn't sure if I had transported suddenly to a jazz concert or to a Sephardic bar mitzvah!
  13. For Balanchine works, regardless of what we think the state of the rep at NYCB is, the Balanchine Foundation is controlling the work and actively recruiting the next generation of stagers. Villella, Farrell, Andersen, Tomasson, and McBride are among those running companies and training programs to keep the rep alive and well, and von Aroldingen and Russell are among those staging his works around the world. If Royal Ballet doesn't perform Ashton on a regular basis, who will keep the style and rep alive?
  14. Is it possible that you accidentally checked the "Never save for this site" for BT, the last time you logged in? I had that problem once on my machine at home. This should be listed in the Firefox "Preferences" page. If so, you can remove this from the blocked list, log in, and then save it for future use. I believe in Firefox the browser setting overrides the checkbox. (I'm at work, where we're not allowed to install alternate browsers, so I can't test this.)
  15. Treefrog, for posting this. Bliss' use of rhythmic changes is so unusual.
  16. From the reviews that have come back from St. Petersburg, it doesn't sound like there'd be much "schlepping" in a Cojacaru performance Now that would tempt me to a second Thanksgiving in a row in London...
  17. I forgot to ask what browser you're using.
  18. Can you tell us when this started to happen? Has anyone else experienced this?
  19. Charles Askegard has been married to Candace Bushnell, author of Sex and the City, since 2002.
  20. Gathering Amalgamate (Kats-Chernin/Page) Rites (Stravinsky/Page) Synopsis: This exciting double bill reunites the creative energies of two of Australia’s most extraordinary performing arts companies. Stephen Page, Artistic Director of Bangarra Dance Theatre, most recently worked with The Australian Ballet on the highly successful Rites, which was acclaimed by audiences and critics alike on its debut in Australia in 1997 for the Melbourne International Festival of the Arts, as well as during its tour to New York. Rites – set to The Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky, one of the ballet world’s most fascinating and challenging scores – will return in 2006 as part of this programme, along with a brand new work by Page, Amalgamate. Ticket Information: Single ticket sales open Saturday 10 December 2005 In Person: the Arts Centre Box Office Monday to Saturday 9am to 9pm Ticketmaster outlets Phone and Charge" 1300 136 166 (all major credit cards excepted) Online (Ticketmaster): www.ticketmaster.com.au Telephone, mail, fax and internet transaction fee of $7.15 including GST will apply when booking (fee subject to change) State Theatre, the Arts Centre
  21. Swan Lake (Tchaikovsky/van Dantzig, after Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov, in collaboration with van Schayk) Holland Symfonia About the production: http://www.het-nationale-ballet.nl/index.php?ssm=history Tickets on sale from 22 Dec 05, 3 months before the premiere Online: http://www.het-nationale-ballet.nl/index.php?ssm=show Click the program from the left menu, and then the performance date, and the order request pop-up box will appear. Maximum: 6 tickets per order. Telephone bookings: Tickets for performances at Het Muziektheater Amsterdam can be booked by telephone and collected from Het Muziektheater Box Office: Amstel 3, Amsterdam, telephone 00-31-(0)20-6255 455. The Box Office is open Monday to Saturday from 10.00 to curtain-up, on Sundays and Bank Holidays from 11.30 to curtain-up. On non-performance days and matinees the Box Office closes at 18.00. Tickets bought by creditcard will be sent to you as quickly as possible. There is an additional mailing and handling charge of € 1.75 per ticket, maximum € 17.50 per order. If you are calling from abroad, your tickets will be kept at the Box Office for collection. Het Muziektheater
  22. Le Souffle du Temps (Grisey/Lagraa) Air (Cage/Teshigawara) Bella Figura (L. Foss, G.B. Pergolesi, A. Marcello, A. Vivaldi, G. Torelli/Kylian) Internet: http://www.opera-de-paris.fr/Saison0506/spectacle.asp?Id=843 From 2 January, click "RÉSERVER" and from the next screen, you will be able to click the little UK flag in the upper right hand corner to order in English. Phone: In France: 0 892 89 90 90 (0,337€ la minute) From outside France: + 33 (1) 72 29 35 35 (province) from 30 January 2006 (île de france) from 31 January 2006 Opéra Bastille
  23. La Bayadere (Minkus/Nureyev) Internet http://www.opera-de-paris.fr/Saison0506/spectacle.asp?Id=842 From 2 January, click "RÉSERVER" and from the next screen, you will be able to click the little UK flag in the upper right hand corner to order in English. Phone: In France: 0 892 89 90 90 (0,337€ la minute) From outside France: + 33 (1) 72 29 35 35 (province) from 30 January 2006 (île de france) from 31 January 2006 Palais Garnier
  24. Requiem (Górecki, Szymanowski/Rushton) Seating and Prices: http://www.kgl-teater.dk/dkt2002uk/Kontakt_os/frame.htm Click "The Box Office," the under "The Stages," click "seating and prices" For theatre-goers living outside Denmark, it is possible to book tickets either by phoning, faxing or e-mailing your reservation form to the Box Office, charging your credit card account. You will receive the tickets as soon as possible after giving your application. Booking by telephone, Monday to Saturday 12.00-18.00: +45 33 69 69 69 Booking by fax: +45 33 69 69 02 Online Reservation Form through Box Office (secure): https://betaling.kgl-teater.dk/billetinfo_uk/frame.htm Please note that refunds are only given in case of cancellation or change of repertoire. Online sales http://www.kgl-teater.dk/dkt2002uk/ballet/frame.htm (click on month) If you get a list of performances and links to them when you click on the little billet.net "ticket" icon next to the performance and the site is in Danish, you can go directly to: http://www.billetnet.dk/ (click the little UK flag in the right-hand corner for English on the billet.net site after selecting a performance) Opera House Holmen/Main Stage
  25. Allegro Brilliante (Tchaikovsky/Balanchine) Chaconne for Piano and Two Dancers (Handel/Tomasson) Tomasson World Premiere (TBA/Tomasson) Sandpaper Ballet (Anderson/Morris) All Internet and phone orders incur a handling fee of $8 per order. The phone number to call is (415) 865-2000 and the hours are Monday – Friday, 10am – 4pm from January 2006. The Box Office in the Opera House is open on performance dates only from Noon until the first intermission. Single tickets are available only online on November 21, 2005. www.sfballet.org War Memorial Opera House
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