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Posts posted by Cliff

  1. I saw the thursday evening performance with Sarah Lane, Herman Cornejo, and Maria Ricceto. The theater was packed and there seemed to be a greater than usual number of children.

    Sarah Lane looked happy to be there, often smiling, and dancing beautifully. The Rosa Adagio was graceful. There was some wobbling in the vision scene. Cornejo was impressive. Ricceto was an unmemorable Lilac fairy. Gelsey Kirkland failed to show, so Maria Bystrova was suitably menacing as Carabosse,

    At the wedding celebration the fairy tale characters put in a brief appearance. They hardly danced, which was ok by me.

    Overall I liked the costumes. Usually dancers are clad in pale yellow, pale blue, pale white... Here the brighter colors were striking. The corp costumes matched either Lilac or Aurora. Carabosse's minions looked like headless insects.

    The sets were sets. I didn't see what all the fuss was about.


  2. Maia Wilkins is one of my favorites. Over the years I've watched her dance in many roles. I'm shocked and disgruntled.

    The Chicago Tribune article mentioned that Wilkins was a potent muse of Arpino. Pure speculation, but in the corporate world new CEOs often replace people who were close to the former CEO.

  3. ABT has had a lot of cast changes in Chicago and not just in this year. Do they have as many cast changes in NYC? Its annoying when one purchases tickets in advance with a goal of eventually seeing all of the ABT principals.

  4. I'm not a music person, primarily listening to music in my car. I like Rock. Talking Heads, The Clash, early U2 and REM. By the mid-nineties new Rock had vanished and I began listening to the classical music stations. This led to the Classic Arts Showcase cable program. After various ballet clips I decided to see a live performance and became hooked. I like Vivaldi and Stravinski.

  5. Robert Gottleib on Sleeping Beauty, mentioned his ideal Beauty and then added


    When that production, designed by Oliver Messel, deteriorated, the Royal replaced it with a whole series of versions, none of which measured up to what they were replacing. (Its current staging is sadly pallid.) The Kirov Beauty, already in trouble, gave way recently to a fussy historical reproduction of the 1890 original—a fascinating curiosity if not a living work of art.

    Now, he doesn't seem to be referring to deteriorating sets and costumes, but to the choreography. Is this an intentional process of gradual tinkering that Gottleib calls deterioration? Or is it a result of forgetfulness? In what ways do productions change over time?

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