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Posts posted by mnacenani

  1. This was staged on 30 and 31 October 2015 at the Scala for the closing of Milan Expo, and was livecast on Rai5 at the time and later released on dvd/br. Could not determine whether anyone has posted it before, do excuse me if it has been. This imho is well worth a view or two :  Ivan Vasiliev with Nicoletta Manni, Lucia Lacarra and quite a few others will linger on in your memory - I still remember the ones I just named and was so sorry that I didn't know this was coming up, maybe I could have seen it on location. Anyway, Gramilano had posted the programme at the time and the programme and  YT video links are below for your perusal - give it a view !




  2. 21 minutes ago, Dreamer said:

    Did the broadcast on Rai5 include a different cast?

    The first three performances were danced by Salenko-Hernandez and Rai5 telecast the premiere. I found a video of Amore Rebecca Bianchi from Rome Ballet's current Nutcracker which is below but I could not find any video for QoD Arianna Tiberi who I was quite impressed with.


  3. The premiere of the new Rome Opera Ballet Don Q was livecast on Italian cultural channel Rai5 on 15th November which we had missed. I finally caught and recorded one of the repeats yesterday and would like to post some info in case it may be of interest - some photos and the trailer to follow below. This new production is a French concoction : Eleonora Abbagnato ballet director, Laurent Hilaire choreographer and Patricia Ruanne assistant to LH, all ex-POB. This staging is said to be inspired by Baryshnikov's staging for ABT which followed the classic Petipa-Gorsky staging. The previous staging of Don Q at Rome was by Mixail Messerer for the 2012-13 season.

    I had seen the Baryshnikov staging for ABT a couple of times on dvd but could not remember whether the sequence of the music was slightly rehashed, will have to refresh. Also could not remember whether it had pirates transplanted from Corsaire, but clearly remember it had no Commedia dell'Arte characters as in this one - adds local colour I suppose. When the curtain opened the scenery turned me off and I was about to zap to another channel when I remembered that the Italian government had slashed funding for the arts. The opening cast of this new staging was Yana Salenko (Berlin) and Isaac Hernandez (ENB). If you are not looking for Natasha jumps and Zaharova extensions Yana is a good solid dancer, and quite radiant when partnered by more accomplished dancers than her husband (imho) and was quite acceptable as Kitri. Now Isaac Hernandez I had not seen at all before and thought he was excellent - would not look out of place at the Bolshoy - his cabrioles, tournes excellent, timing impeccable. The CdB in my view is so-so, not very impressive if one is used to seeing the Bolshoy. However, two other dancers whose name I never ever heard also would not look out of place at the Bolshoy :  Arianna Tiberi as the Queen of Dryads, and Rebecca Bianchi as Amore. Anyway, have a look at the trailer and photos :

    Roma Don Kixot ARoma Don Kixot B


  4. For the attention of Buddy, MadameP & Co. who will travel to SPB in March :  just in case you have not noticed, the new Mixailovskiy production of "Cinderella" is on at mat and eve on Saturday 10th March. Evening cast Soboleva-Lebedev, matinee cast Vorontsova-Zaytsev. Have not seen Angelina so far but know her by name quite well thanks to the "Bolshoy Babylon" affair :D:D. High-tech production, could be enjoyable, here's the trailer :


  5. 19 minutes ago, mussel said:

    Seeing the 4-hour plus reconstructed Beauty alone is worth the entire trip

    Do excuse my ignorance but could this be the Vikharev reconstruction which made all the then pedagogs cry in disbelief ??

    PS - there is a lecture on YT not about the Vikharev but the Ratmansky recons which could be of interest :



  6. 16 hours ago, CharlieH said:

    Moscow’s Stanislavsky Ballet will celebrate Petipa’s 200th with a gala program on April 24:

    Thank you so much for this heads up - just got tix for 24th April, in fact there is another show on the 23rd. Now some info which may be of use to those attempting to buy tix online for the Bolshoy or Stasik :  I was only able to complete the purchase after connecting via Russia VPN and using the Russki version of Stasik website, otherwise there was some sort of blocking in effect. Same thing has happened to me more than once at Bolshoy - there also there is some sort of blocking which kicks in for high demand shows or "limited edition" events. Connecting via Russia VPN and using the Russian website does the trick !

  7. 1 minute ago, Jayne said:

    I think there is untapped potential in the Middle East for dancers with enlightened parents.  But will the governments subsidize the companies and schools?  

    Believe it or not, in spite of the multitude of problems my country is facing there is still ballet being danced and studied. There are two ballet academies in Istanbul at state universities and there is talent being nurtured at these. Talent shows - I happen to be associated with one academy and of the two undergraduate girls I had tagged one was taken by Helsinki and the other by Zurich last summer. The girl in Helsinki was taken into the main company beginning of this year and I will be going to Helsinki on March 24th to see Don Kixot and hopefully will be seeing our girl at the mat or eve show.

    Istanbul State Ballet is "watchable" too - last year I saw their classic Sleeping Beauty twice and they surprised me. OK it's not the Bolshoy but if you saw it you would also accept it as "ballet". The live full orchestra starts a bit out of tune :o but gets into shape and I for one would take this every time as opposed to recorded music.

  8. https://www.prixdelausanne.org/

    Competition starts at 30:35 classic dance first followed by contemp choreo. Then when jury is in recess there is a long interview with 2015 PdL winner current RB CdB dancer Harrison Lee. Action starts again at 2:34:20 with a Goyo Montero choreo for PdL 2018 followed by Diamonds danced by Kristina Shapran and Xander Parrish, which in turn is followed by the presentation of a lifetime achievement award to J-C Maillot : suggest you listen to his imho excellent speech. Finally the PdL awards presentation with the Korean and Chinese dancers carrying off the bulk of the prizes. The Brazilian girl I tagged went away with 3 minor prizes but what stage presence ! I found the Canadian first prize winner very good, though he skipped the cabriole at the start of his Don Q GP Basilio variation. The picture is clear :  classical ballet will be carried forward by the Russians, Koreans, Chinese and South Americans, with the Europeans and Americans falling by the wayside (already fallen imho). And the future belongs to "long limbed hyper-extended teenagers a la Alyona" much disliked by some of our seasoned membership  :D:D

  9. 1 hour ago, MadameP said:

    What's the betting the prices will be extortionate for the 200 Years of Marius Petipa ballets?

    Whaddyaexpect MadameP ?? Only double price at R10K :D  on 8-9 March but for this eye-watering price for Piter you will get to see the "Spyashaya Krasavitsa" in its original setting (?) at the Historic Mariinsky ..... it had been moved over to the M2 couple of years ago. I wonder whether the moving background panorama will be in action, will try to enquire. I have never seen SK (aka SB) at Mariinka and would love to hear the "violin concerto " live for once.

  10. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/18/arts/dance/designated-cheering-spectators-thrive-at-the-bolshoi-theater.html

    Reposting link posted by Canbelto (profound thanks) under the Vaziev thread, in case anyone missed it. Do remember reading this at the time - claquemaster Roman was also featured on "Bolshoy Babylon" wasn't he ??  Does one need to travel to Moscow to witness a claque in action ?? Weydaminit ....... no one doesn't ..... if you know what I mean !  :clapping::clapping::clapping:

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