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Posts posted by ABT Fan

  1. 1 hour ago, angelica said:


    Yes, that's true, ABT Fan, although experience does refine the technique and raises the star power (although if Skylar raises it anymore the Met ceiling will have to be raised as well). Do you think any other soloists have that star power? I believe that Sarah Lane showed it in her performance of Giselle with Cornejo, and that Cassandra Trenary and Christine Shevchenko may have it too. Need to see them in full-length ballets. Will be seeing Teuscher on Wednesday. 


    Yes - Lane, no doubt, and Shevchenko (I saw all 3 of her Myrta's - wow). I haven't seen Teuscher's O/O and will miss it next week as I have to work. I have seen her in soloist roles, but I haven't seen her in anything yet this season. I think Trenary is on the cusp.

  2. 12 minutes ago, aurora said:


    O/O is perhaps the hardest role, posing massive technical and dramatic challenges. We may see debuts, but it is definitely harder to learn in a week or so and perform well than Medora. I was expecting if Murphy pulled out that it would be Seo. Why? Look at the scheduling. Given height and who is performing what day she's really the only logical choice. It wasn't going to be Teuscher. That's her matinee day. And Boylston is coming back from injury herself and thus wasn't going to dance 2 days with only one off in between. Part may still be injured, so she also was out of contention.


    Similarly, if Part is unable to dance Sat, I expect Devon will get that performance, due to scheduling issues. A lot of it is a simple matter of making it all work out.


    That's exactly why I predicted Seo to be cast, though I was just stating that we'll never know HIS exact reasons for casting/re-casting without him saying so.


    And, given what you say regarding O/O being the hardest role, I agree and would hope that they have already been rehearsing more than one understudy in light of all of the injuries that they have been known about for weeks now.  Otherwise, unless they have a few guest artists on speed dial ready to fly in at a moment's notice, they will have a gigantic problem if Boylston and Kochetkova are not healthy enough to dance, or if Boylston can only get through her own performance and cannot replace Kochetkova as well if that need arises. That's the only casting issue I see where there is no other in-house substitute who's already performed O/O who can partner with Simkin.

  3. He needs to get his facts straight. He said Brandt was promoted to soloist less than a year ago, but she was promoted in August 2015. He's a critic, so yes, I'm nitpicking his facts. Regardless, I agree with what he said about Brandt and especially Cornejo.

  4. Both of Ferri's Onegin performances, less than 2 weeks away, have a TON of seats available. So, unless that changes quickly, their hope and gamble that she would bring in the crowds hasn't worked this time.


    Unless McKenzie issues a press release or an interview, we'll never know exactly why he chooses some dancers over the others (with the exception of Copeland). Who knows why he cast Seo to replace Murphy, though I expected that to happen. Maybe he's too overwhelmed thus far with all of the break-out and unexpected debuts that he can't handle anymore excitement. *Snirk* But, I will cut him a little slack right now since we don't know yet if any more O/O's will have to be replaced, and that may change everything. But, I agree (and fear) that Murphy and even Part will not be dancing much longer so he needs other O/O's besides Teuscher to take over. And, as much as I like Abrera, I believe she just turned 39 (she posted her bday on her Instagram yesterday) so even if she's cast she won't be performing this role for even another 5 years probably. Unless ABT's plan is to return to the days of guests artists galore (oh lordy, no) after Copeland retires (she's 34, so in five, six, seven years?), they need to get their soloists ready for prime time. And, they also need to do something about the lack of leading man potential in the soloist ranks. That is a BIG problem.

  5. 10 minutes ago, angelica said:


    Yes, yes, yes to future leading roles for Skylar! Not only is her technique strong, but to use ABT Fan's phrase above, I believe she also has the "it" factor. Remember that Cirio was a principal dancer at Boston Ballet for some years before joining ABT, so had already been dancing leading roles. Medora was Skylar's first leading role, learning it in three days, and she was a phenomenal success.


    I agree Brandt possesses that as well. But, since I feel that a few of the other principals do NOT have "it" and they have danced leading roles for years already, I think Cirio and Brandt demonstrate to me anyway that you either have "it" or you don't. Experience doesn't equate star power or aura. 

  6. 1 minute ago, angelica said:


    ABT Fan, I agree with everything you wrote about last night's performance, but I want to take a moment to emphasize what you said about Cirio. We have gotten so accustomed to flying male principal dancers that the bar has been raised for those so-called "tricks" so they have become almost de rigeur. I agree that Cirio was a stunning Ali, that his technique was impeccable, and his elegance and "line" gorgeous. He's a great addition to ABT's principal roster.


    And, I agree with you 100%. I was initially on the fence when he was promoted as I thought it was too soon, but he's proved himself and I think he definitely has the "It" factor.

  7. 12 hours ago, ABT Fan said:

    What a fabulous performance tonight! I'll have to write more later, but Skylar Brandt was a wonderful Medora. Unbelievable really, when you consider she had three days to learn the part and it was her first principal role in a full-length (not including Whipped Cream). The rest of the leading cast was amazing all around. Several gasp-inducing moments for the audience. I'll add now that I sat in front of Brandt's uncle whom I got to briefly meet and her parents and other extended family were sitting scattered around me as well. It was not only wonderful to witness such a big night for a dancer full of promise, but to hear her family gushing with excitement and pride. 


    I'm so glad I decided to go last night, as I was on the fence until Brandt was cast. Of course, I wanted to see Lane, Cornejo, Simkin, Cirio, but Le Corsaire is such gluttony (oftentimes wonderfully so, but the storyline is well...we know) I was going to sit that one out.


    Brandt has incredible potential and given the circumstances of her debut I don't want to criticize much (and most of her performance was terrific anyway). She had great stage presence and didn't seem nervous or lacking in confidence at all, which is really something. In Act I during a series of a few fouettes her working foot became flappy, but all subsequent fouettes were technically sharp. She had a few little bobbles here and there, but that's nothing to write home about and I think they were probably more due to the lack of preparation she was given and possibly some nerves. She has the technique in spades and carried herself with grandeur. I didn't find her chemistry with Cornejo to be that special though. They worked well together overall, but I don't see it as a potential star coupling. Maybe I need to see them together again under different circumstances. As someone else noted, she needs to relax her face as her smile was way too big and bright at times, and she lets her mouth hang open too much (as if she's "Ahhhhhh...."). In the bedroom scene, Cornejo was unmatched in his passion and sensuality as here her big smile didn't work at all. But, perhaps she was too excited by dancing this part that she couldn't help it, so I can forgive that. I feel that she'll grow into her characterizations in time, and I think wonderfully so.


    Cornejo was magnificent and had some gloriously big jumps and pirouettes. His character was spot on. And, as noted above, his partnering has improved dramatically (I noticed that in Giselle as well).


    Simkin was his usual earth-defying self, and garnered some well-deserved gasps during his solos. He seemed to eat it all up, which worked for this ballet.


    Cirio was beautiful as Ali even though he doesn't have the same arsenal of tricks that Simkin and Cornejo have. But, his technique is so clean and he gets great height in his jumps and his elegant presentation is unmatched by Simkin. 


    Salstein was a great Birbanto w/ humorous touches and sharp technique.


    Lane was utterly gorgeous as Gulnare. What elegance and glamour! Her confidence and maturity have skyrocketed this season and was noticed during her Giselle as well. She is a ballerina.


    Cassandra Trenary, Katherine Williams and April Giangeruso were the Odalisques. Trenary was lovely with crisp technique and so was Williams (Williams may be another potential soloist down the road). Giangeruso was less successful with a set of turns that ended poorly as she fell out of them awkwardly. She also has a stiff upper back and arms that are more noticeable during pirouettes.


    Overall, a great cast and a wonderful performance. 

  8. ABT has released a 4 minute video "Being Odette/Odile" featuring Copeland, Boylston and Teuscher.


    I appreciate that they included Teuscher to feature the dancer newest to the role. But, odd that they left Murphy and Seo out of it (but, maybe not; Copeland, obviously, and Boylston have more of a following in the non-dance world so that's perhaps who they're targeting with this video).


    Onto awaiting any casting updates for the run!



  9. What a fabulous performance tonight! I'll have to write more later, but Skylar Brandt was a wonderful Medora. Unbelievable really, when you consider she had three days to learn the part and it was her first principal role in a full-length (not including Whipped Cream). The rest of the leading cast was amazing all around. Several gasp-inducing moments for the audience. I'll add now that I sat in front of Brandt's uncle whom I got to briefly meet and her parents and other extended family were sitting scattered around me as well. It was not only wonderful to witness such a big night for a dancer full of promise, but to hear her family gushing with excitement and pride. 

  10. 2 hours ago, sjmiller said:

    The video is also on the Kennedy Center's youtube channel. I wonder how many tambourines they go through whenever they perform/rehearse Tarantella?


    I am excited to see both performances on Saturday!


    Thanks for the heads up. What a terrific clip! De Luz is such a charismatic performer. Hope someone found him a bandaid. ?

  11. 3 minutes ago, Fleurfairy said:

    The NYT has neglected to review any of the exciting soloist debuts at ABT in the last few weeks when the ballet world has absolutely been buzzing about them. My question is why? What is their agenda? This is troubling to me.


    As far as Misty goes, her reviews are clickbait for readers who know little about ballet but will fill the seats for her performances. I guess it's a win-win for ABT and the NYT in that regard, but the integrity of the critics suffers for it. 


    I couldn't agree more. I've been checking the dance section religiously hoping to see a review, but obviously by now it's not coming. It's extremely disappointing.

  12. 50 minutes ago, Victura said:

    I'll be seeing Shevchenko and Lendorf tomorrow! What a season for unexpected injuries, but also quite exciting to see the soloists' debuts!


    If Murphy has to pull out of Swan Lake, who could replace her? I would've said Teuscher since she and Gomes partnered at the Kennedy Center, but she's doing the matinee that afternoon, so it seems doubtful they would have her do two performances in one day. Part, if she's recovered? 


    I think Hee Seo is likely since she's done SL with Gomes before and her own show is a few days later so she'd have time to recover.

  13. They did seem caught off guard for the short cast, but with Part and Murphy also out that makes it pretty unavoidable for someone new to step in unexpectedly. Murphy just posted that she needs more time to heal and that Shevchenko was also given only a few days notice to learn the part. She included a little clip of Shevchenko and Simkin rehearsing below. I wonder if Boylston was understudying one of the roles, since she's the only female principal who wasn't scheduled to dance in this ballet, but with her own injury she couldn't step in.



  14. Casting Update....Shevchenko is now replacing Murphy as Medora at the matinee tomorrow!


    Murphy is still scheduled to dance Friday night (though that'll probably change as well, I suspect).




    **I see rg and I were typing simultaneously.


    ABT's site only lists Shevchenko for tomorrow, so I guess that's still being updated. Wow - three performances for her!!


    In light of these injuries, what is going to happen next week for Swan Lake???? (I have a feeling that Teuscher is going to get a second performance, at least!)

  15. Brandt has done the Medora pas on tour before with Bolle's touring group. That's not the same thing as the full-length ballet of course, but at least she's performed the pas before. I am also thrilled to see ABT pushing their own dancers this season. What a wonderful time for the company!

  16. 6 minutes ago, angelica said:


    Hi ABT Fan, the reason I included Sarah in the list, although ITA she has been spectacular for some time, is that she's on the short list for promotion--and she did move to another level in her Giselle performances. I agree that Christine is another incredible soloist. I think my omission was an oversight because I didn't see her in DonQ, alas.


    That makes sense!


    I cannot wait to see le petite cast on Thursday!

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