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Posts posted by ABT Fan

  1. 52 minutes ago, nysusan said:

    Anyone else notice that ABT has a real aversion to BALANCE? Its either guest artists everywhere you look, or no guest artists at all. One soloist gets all the opportunities while the others stagnate - until this past spring season they have never spread it around. And now, all current contemporary work and nothing from their great historical repertoire. Would it have killed them to include 1 by Tudor, or Fokine or Massine or DeMille along with the Wheeldon, Scarlett, Millepied and Ratmansky? It doesn't have to be a choice between "nurturing working choreographers" or performing great works that were made on them in the past.


    I totally agree. Why can't they represent both their history w/ some Tudor, de Mille, etc. with the newer works with Wheeldon, Ratmansky, etc. 


    I'll probably go to one performance, but I'm probably not inclined to see more than that (and casting isn't helping either).

  2. I'm so happy to hear that Ribagorda is returning! He always caught my eye. It'll be interesting to see him back on stage after 2 years.


    I'm surprised about Salstein. I loved his Hilarion which he debuted this past season. I will definitely miss him. He brought so much character and crispness to everything he did. I wonder what his plans are?


    Separately, apparently ABT jumped the gun by moving the promoted dancers to their new ranks now instead of waiting till Sept 1 when their press release said they were to take effect. So nice to finally see Lane and Royal in the principal and soloist ranks, respectively.

  3. 3 minutes ago, angelica said:


    Thanks so much, ABT Fan. You are true to your name! Strangely, I didn't even see the title of the podcast with Cory. Helene said it was #7, but #7 was an interview with David Hallberg. And Cory was not mentioned in any of the other titles. But I do appreciate your taking initiative on this!


    The title is "The CocoMotion" dated May 19, 2017, on the second page of his podcasts here (2nd podcast from the top): http://www.premierdancenetwork.com/stage-rightside/page/2/


    When the link initially didn't work for me, I wasn't motivated then to investigate but you reminded me that I wanted to hear it as you do. Let's see if they respond to me! 

  4. 17 hours ago, angelica said:

    [Re: Cory Stearns interview...]


    I tried to connect to the above link but when I clicked on the "Play" icon, nothing happened. Is it too late to access this interview? I've been out of town for awhile.


    I had the same problem a few weeks ago and couldn't listen to it either. I haven't tried again since but it sounds like the issue is still there.

  5. Their website brings back (oh so fond) memories of a former landlord who refused to fix most anything or just took the band-aid approach. She thought if she just slapped a fresh coat of (crappy) paint over something her tenants would consider it "fixed". The cracked or water-damaged walls were still there just glossed over. Did ABT really think people wouldn't notice (or care)? Could they only afford to have its home page upgraded? 

  6. 4 hours ago, nanushka said:

    Today is the day when ABT fall season tickets go on sale, and their website is a mess.


    On the home page, under "Performances," each individual ballet is listed as a separate performance. So, for instance, there are apparently three performances occurring on Oct 18 at 6:30 pm, four performances occurring on Oct 19 at 7:30 pm, etc. The formatting is idiotic.


    They are apparently transitioning their calendar page from the old style to some new style, which has only been partially formatted, so the layout there is all wonky.


    You'd think they'd want to have something fully functional in some form (even if it's just the old format) on a day like this, but apparently they're not too concerned with the public face they're putting forward. This really makes the organization look unprofessional and third-rate.


    It also doesn't actually say anywhere on the home page that tickets are indeed going on sale today. That info is only on their Facebook page.


    During the Met season (and the subsequent issues with their website) I stopped reading the home page and would just click on "See Full Schedule" under Performances in the middle of the screen to get to the old site and navigate from there (whether it was to actually see the schedule or News or Dancers or whatever). I ran out of patience and their circa 1999 site still works fine.

  7. On July 12, 2017 at 9:21 AM, lmspear said:

    I witnessed one case of good natured booing recently; it was a tribute to the effectiveness of the characterization rather than a comment on the quality of the performance.  It was at a Washington National Opera showing of Madame Butterfly and Pinkerton was such a cad that at the curtain call booing was very clearly heard mixed in with the applause. :devil::devil:  Luckily the tenor got it and played along with the crowd and it felt very appropriate for the old fashioned melodrama.


    I witnessed that once. I believe it was during curtain calls for Gomes' Purple Rothbart at ABT. You could hear laughter mixed in with the booing (and wild applause) and naturally Gomes ate it up. It was great fun.


    Other than that I've never experienced booing nor done it myself. I couldn't imagine doing that for a performance that I felt was bad. I've definitely tempered applause for subpar performances and I think I've sat on my hands once or twice. For me to consider booing it would have to be something truly egregious like a performer stumbling out drunk (as someone else above suggested) or I don't even know what else. But, not for simply being bad.

  8. 51 minutes ago, mimsyb said:

    But can you imagine the hew and cry if it had been Stella who was terminated instead of Part.?  After waiting so long for her promotion, it would have been a total PR disaster if ABT had terminated Abrera now.  They will have to give her a few years in her new capacity perhaps just to please her very formidable fan base.  I love Stella and wish she could have had a longer time, but I do wonder about up coming rep for her.  I doubt she will ever get a "Swan Lake", or a "Bayadere".  I hope it will be Abrera who will decide when it's her time to leave and not ABT's.  


    Also, I find it odd that ABT supported so many dancers who were long term injuries (Hallberg, Cornejo, Hammoudi, Gillian, this year in particular, Stella even, and some in the corps also....Zhong-Jing Fang comes to mind ), but that they were so impatient with Part and her injuries.  She at times struggled to "work through them" rather than stay out and truly heal.  I'm only saying it feels to me as if ABT never truly understood what a treasure they had in Part and thus never really gave her full support.   Even now, with Kolpakova getting older (although who would guess it!), ABT could REALLY, REALLY use someone like Part to help coach and guide these younger Principles.  Role models and mentoring are such a big part (no pun intended!) of becoming a true artist. Despite what Veronika is saying now, I so hope she will find a place somewhere in which HER artistry can be fully appreciated.


    I agree that there would have been an ever bigger uproar if Abrera had been terminated instead, since she was recently promoted. It could also be due to the fact that Abrera is smaller and easier to partner. We keep coming back to that issue regarding Part because it's important (though I'm not insinuating that that's the definite reason she was let go). I also wonder about the diversity issue. Since Copeland went front page regarding the lack of color in ABT's ranks (a very important issue), ABT started Project Plie and has become significantly more aware and assertive about attracting diversity to its school, community and company. Abrera didn't garner as much attention as Copeland when she was promoted, but several publications and interviews did emphasize that she was the first Philippino-American promoted to principal at ABT. That is something. I'm certainly not suggesting that Abrera was promoted because of a diversity initiative (she more than deserved it). I'm only saying that ABT has become acutely aware of diversity, and the lack thereof, in their ranks so it's something to consider when they probably would have received quite a backlash for letting go a principal who is well liked merely two years after promoting her and she was also a "first" in regards to diversity.

  9. 3 hours ago, fondoffouettes said:

    So, assuming Trenary and Brandt continue dancing at such a high level, can they only be promoted next spring if ABT decides to sack Abrera and/or Murphy? Or maybe ABT's finances will magically improve...? Or will they be forced to wait for promotions until they are 28, 29, 30...?


    I'm assuming that yes Brandt/Trenary will have to wait until someone else leaves. I'm pretty sure they're both 24, so they can afford to wait 2 or 3 years (I sure hope no longer than that). It would be different if they were 27 or 28 like Teuscher and Shevchenko. And, as of right now neither of them has carried many full lengths and with the three promotions, those new principals will be tapped for debuts in next year's war horses. So I wonder if either of them will get any new opportunities next year. I guess that'll depend on whether or not Kochetkova comes back AND if we have a repeat like this year with injuries galore. Plus, if they're promoted before someone leaves, the principal roster will be very heavy and it's hard enough as it is already for everyone to get one measly SL or SB or whatever (with the exception of Copeland). ABT just doesn't perform enough for that many principals. Imagine being promoted and only getting to do one lead in one full length during the Met season. Vishneva performed twice this season in a ballet that may not be repeated next year, and Part less than a handful (not counting Mozartiana). And, Kochetkova once? So while the company gains space on their website and in Playbill (and money from their salaries) with their departures they don't gain that many openings on the schedule for the new principals. Shevchenko had such a breakout season because Murphy was injured for most of it and she subbed for her in DQ, Le Corsaire and as Myrta (Teuscher subbed for her in Whipped Cream) and she rose to the challenge. If Murphy and the rest of the female principals are mostly injury free next year or at least not out for weeks like this summer, it will be challenging for the principals to have enough to go around let alone give Brandt/Trenary any new challenges. I would rather see Brandt/Trenary have to wait a little longer for that promotion than, sure get the title and the money but have very little to do. Sorry, didn't mean to rattle on for so long....

  10. Teuscher is 5'7; it was reported in a recent NY Times article. (Shevchenko is shorter.) Only an inch shorter than Part but she has a smaller frame. Those two things can make a big difference in partnering.


    ABT is part of the AGMA union.


    I wouldn't worry about Hallberg. They're going to treat him well. He's famous. Abrera on the other hand, she's 39. Same age as Murphy but given how long it took for her to get promoted and get better roles, I could see them throwing her aside just like it seems they did with Part.

  11. 10 minutes ago, nanushka said:


    ... but it's hard to avoid the speculation that KMcK wanted to keep his options open to see how the female soloists did this season, then decided on a rather large number of female principal promotions (when's the last time we saw three soloist-to-principal promotions at one time for a single gender?), and subsequently decided to send Veronika packing.


    Yep. This seems to be exactly what happened....

  12. 3 minutes ago, fondoffouettes said:

    Maybe she was informed well in advance that her normal principal contract wouldn't be renewed but that they'd have her sign a guest contract for next season (but retain the title of principal dancer on public-facing materials, like Vishneva and Bolle). The idea of being "partially engaged" next season suggests an altered status with the company. And certainly they wouldn't have her sign a principal contract for just one Swan Lake. Perhaps this would allow ABT to avoid any union issues, if she was notified a while ago that she wouldn't be a full-time company member? And maybe the guest contract for next year was just a verbal promise.


    This is a very interesting idea.


    And, perhaps they already do this for Bolle (and did so for Vishneva), meaning they call them principals but in fact they're actually paid/contracted like guest artists.

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